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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead: Looks like a US vs Canada version maybe needed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ever see "South Park the Movie"? All that BTS has to do is watch it, and they have a storyline to base it off. Plus, the graphics don't have to be pretty spectaular either Rob/1, does your keyboard have some letters switched around on it? I really don't mean to harp, but, there is a spell checker included in this webboard. Right beside 'Submit Reply'. Your posts will get a lot better reception if you don't type like a 4 year old. Please, I am involved in education, and seeing a 15 year old incapable of basic spelling abilities is just sickening. Especially when the computer can do it for you. Regarding the amorality of allies fighting allies. In 1940, Britain and France were prepared to go to war with the Soviet Union over Finland. Russia purposely stalled outside of Warsaw so that the Polish Free Army will get slaughtered. In REALITY this alliance was only in name and revolved around the purpose of defeating Germany, a common enemy. Churchill said he would side with the devil if he were against Hitler when asked about the English-Russian Alliance. If indeed the devil did side with Churchill, would you have any qualms about the British going to war against Hell after defeating Germany? To state hypothetical situations that had a VERY good possibility of occuring is not an insult to veterans. It is just as 'insulting' in regards to your statement, to state what would happen if Japan and Germany won the war, and would they fight it out. This was also very possible and commonly thought and debated over. They aren't trying to do something that is totally off the wall either. No American, British, Canadian, French, or Polish (on the Western front or with the Home Army) were fighting in order to save Russia. The Russians weren't fighting in order to free France, or even free Poland, but to rid themselves of German occupation and to create a buffer zone of states on their border so this didn't happen again. This cozy alliance shattered into paranoia virtually once the last German layed down their arms. Although I do think that BTS will not implement the idea, as, their goal is to reenact history that actually happened, not history that could very well have happened.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: May I remind you what BTS has said"We wont to make the morst realistc game posable"in the manule.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really, I thought they said that they want to make a more realistic game possible, instead they won't?
  3. Hmm, I wonder what BTS's stand is on hypothetical scenarios... It all probably comes down to the level of changes from CM1 to CM2. Possibly the models of CM1 will be totally incompatible with CM2 (maybe they have an entire new outlook?). I do agree that this would be an interesting twist. Actually, Churchill was on the Anti-Russian bandwagon as well. It would have been interesting if he wasn't voted out of office at the end of the war. Possibly he and Patton (and others) could have driven the Allies over the edge? [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 12-10-2000).]
  4. Well isn't this lock n' ban bait. Rob/1, I mean, the Canadian school system isn't THAT bad now, is it? Jeepers. Frankly, you are just as bad as Maximus for baiting, and just as ignorant. How about you just ignore what he says (and get a spell checker or phonics), and he ignores what you say? No offense (or is it offence?) but your spelling is probably the worst that I have seen in quite a while, and I am currently volunteering at an Elementary school working with learning disabled children in Grade 1 how to spell and write correctly. (no joke!) Seriously, you should really take care of this problem right away, before you get out in the working world where really literacy counts. PS. I also liked and respected Fionn. It is too bad things went they way they did. Bashing him is uncalled for. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 12-10-2000).]
  5. I could not see Germany or Japan behaving any different than how the United States and Russia did at the end of WWII. Neither had a stake in continuing a devestating war. In comparison of populations, I could not say that the Axis powers would have been any more or less racist than the Allied powers. Germany has its history with Jews, America has its history with Amerindians, Africans, etc. Japan has its history with Chinese, Russia had its history with Poles, Ukranians, Finns, etc. We just were better in covering up, or excusing our holocausts than the Germans or Japanese. Lucky for us we won, or else Germans and Japanese would be chatting on the website on the horrors and violence of a world after an Allied victory.
  6. Either the Sherman II has yet to be done, or, it uses the same graphics as one of the US M4's.
  7. I do remember playing SP, where the only tactic really was, line up your tanks, and destroy all the enemy tanks. Then kill the Infantry stragglers. It did lack in strategy, but, was ahead of its time. And if I can ever get time enough to download the Matrix patch, I am sure that it will stay on my computer for a while.
  9. It is incomparable. It is like comparing two games of a similar genre but spanning over 5 years difference. Steel Panthers was great when it came out, and the new revision is also great, but, you cannot compare it to a game made in 1999-2000. They are both good, but, realistically incomparable. I would suggest in getting it, as, it is a good game. Not quite up to CM's modern standards (a lot more can be done in those 5+ years) plus differences (usually increasing!) in detail. CM is undoubtedly better, but, this is primarily due to the capability of modern computers than that of quality of gameplay and ingeniousness (they are both great).
  10. This is almost as exciting as the referendum to change Stockell's name to Doris! Don't really like the show (better than AirFarce though!), but, they do come up with some great ideas. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  11. In a game against Germanboy using the Demo (Reisburg), we were both low on ammo for our squads solely based on the rash of close assaults. I am pretty sure we didn't engage eachother at all at ranges over 50m. I had an entire platoon out of ammo, but, with little casualties as he tried to assault a building with two platoons and got slaughtered. He overran one of my platoons in the woods, and after major firefights annihilated me. For the last 10 turns none of our infantry could do any real damage to eachother. Basically, it was me running around with my 3 ammoless platoons (with little casualties) trying to avoid his two tanks while keeping at least one VP under my command. The game ended in a draw.
  12. What I find funny, is that so many Americans are viamently stating that either Bush or Gore is leaps and bounds better than the other. The election was basically 50-50, meaning that neither is an overwealmingly popular leader. It is rediculous stating that one would be infinitely better than another. Too bad for Americans that o'l Clinton can't run again. He would probably have won by a landslide. Who would you rather have a beer with? Gore or Bush? Bush Who would you rather have a beer with? Bush or Clinton? Clinton, as he has some pretty cool drinking stories.
  13. Sure, in the States CM might be more affordable, but, here in Canada Perscriptions are more affordable, Healthcare is more affordable, Education is more affordable, Social security Pensions are more stable, etc. You might have one up on us for luxury goods being cheap, but, when it comes down to the REAL necessities, Canada is a far cheaper place to live. We can afford to spend that $79.00 (what I paid for CM), as we don't have to worry about not going bankrupt to pay for any medical and education needs. On average, Canadian's actually consume more than Americans as well. This is primarily due to the fact that here in Canada, our middle class outnumbers all other classes, while in the Sates your upper class is larger than ours, but, your lower classes are even larger still. Canada isn't for the corporate capitalists. Big money isn't what drives our nation, and isn't the most important thing on our population's mind. We had a chance to go the way of America in the Canadian Alliance (aka Canadian Republican Party), but, we took the 'more' Canadian approach with the Liberal party. If Socialism has failed in Canada like you say, then why is unemployment at a lower leven than in the States? Why is it American retirees come to Canada to fill their perscriptions? You seem to forget that a low-value Canadian Dollar is beneficial, as, our goods are cheaper to purchase overseas, and other nations are much more willing to invest in development. Plus, we aren't wasting our money buying expensive American goods, and we are buying our own products instead. This isn't a bash of America, just a response to your bash of Canada. How about you actually read up on Canadian affairs before you make an unbased judgement.
  14. Yes, Bigmac, because we all know that Bush's idea that if we don't talk about it, it won't happen approach works just fine. Because if we do talk, our word thingies get all wrong.
  15. I believe that all sayspool reprieves are done by 'special favours'.
  16. "The Candadian Election" It started today, and ended today. We had no chad problem to cause us a month's delay.
  17. Simon, could you post up a picture of it?(ie. scan the sucker?) I have been trying to figure out what the Commonwealth Winter uniform looks like for a possible mod, and that would be invaluable. I can't seem to find a picture of it anywhere.
  18. Good plan, keep everything, the best of the best in one place to simplify searching.
  19. Germanboy, don't worry about it. I think that our game will be small enough not to piss off the Internet Gods. Lanzfield, be careful in your Clinton bashing. Four years of Gore/Bush could make Clinton seem like a pleasent dream. I really feel bad for you Americans. I actually think that the whole issue has really been cleaned up. It really has just turned into a picky war, with people arguing mere tidbits of 'what if this means that' sort of stuff. Best thing for everyone's sake is to let it lie.
  20. There were never the good old days where everyone can spread their opinions like rancid butter on the bread of the world. That's just a myth. Andreas, I'm trying to get that file back to you, not much happened in this turn, from what I see. I am experiencing much the same slowdowns as usual. I'll try again! We've been through the national modifier deely thing before. Everyone looks upon their OWN nation's military as either the best in the world, or the worst in the world. The best historical research on any military is done through a third party (ie. some sort of neutral, and possibly even your enemy). Home based historians have more of an agenda than outside historians. If you really want to find out the truth about some matter, read a lot of diverse publications and BE AWARE of all bias. Stupidity is OK, ignorance is unforgivable.
  21. Just did a research paper on Bosnia, and the British SA 80's were HATED. Many older Assault rifles were on hand, and were eagerly exchanged for the cruddy SA 80. The reasoning for not scrapping the entire weapon is solely based on economics. The British Army bought a wack load of them, so, they are going to have to use them. The Japanese I-400 class Cruiser submarine was equipped with 3 Floatplanes in a submersable hanger deck. Their aircraft were armed, so as to attack the Panama Canal (a valid IJN proposal).
  22. I heard that the U.S. tried to bribe him by giving him a position in Major League baseball. Leader of Cuba or a Major League player? Hmmm... Tough choice...
  23. Hi, I would like to appologize to -tink- for calling him a troll. Up here in Canada, we don't get Remembrance Day off, and the only reason we had celebrations yesterday, was either work related, or school presentations and assemblies. This is what I thought -tink- was against, just celebrating on both days, instead of just the one day.
  24. -tink- Go troll somewhere else. Nobody here cares what you think.
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