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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. Well Joanna, it is an epic scale strategic reproduction of the War in the Pacific from December 1941 to 1945-46. It was made around 1992, so, it isn't very high in the graphics department (used an all of 16 colours!). It has a STEEP learning curve, and has a very difficult to understand interface (we had to keep the original due to time constraints) which eventually becomes second nature and very easy to understand after a while. It is an extremely addictive game though (especially through PBEM!). You can play it solo against a relatively challenging AI (the AI was slightly improved from the original 1992 version, offering a series of different attitudes and modes of offensive actions) but, it is nowhere near as good as CM's AI. There is also a built in PBEM security deely thing, but, you can always hack into it with an editor (must rely on honour for this!). PBEM always offers you the best opponent. Keep in mind that they are currently working with the creator of this game to make a version suitable for the 21st Century with modern Graphics and a much more intelligent AI, as well as a lot more freedom in the ship-construction aspect of the game (Plus land combat will be drastically expanded). Basically it is a cult game, one that has constantly remained on my computer for the past 5 years. Jeremy,
  2. Nobody ever sends out scout vehicles knowing 100% that an enemy is hiding in a forest/house ready to kill anything that drives by. They are hoping that where they are patrolling there IS NO enemy to kill them, then they can be extra sure and bring up their extremely important units. Usually if one uses AT Infantry (zooks and schrecks) as scouts they lose a valuable AT asset for gaining minimal recon. Tank crews are now worth more VP’s, and lack morale enough to make effective scouts, and artillery troops are just as weak as Infantry AT (and usually by the time they are out of ammo everything is scouted out anyway!). I can cite war movies that use ‘gamey tactics’. Using jeeps to scout out possible positions, then after the jeep is knocked out using the rest of their mobile forces (Jeeps, scout trucks and halftracks) to speed in and knock out the enemy position. I can cite books with stories AND pictures of failed scouting missions showing knocked out jeeps and halftracks (as the kept their tanks back to keep them safe from possible ambushes). Scouting missions using thin skinned vehicles was the norm. Scouting using vulnerable infantry formations (AT and FO) is not worth the losses. A good defence will be able to destroy a recon unit and STILL cause havoc on a strong enemy force. Never position AT guns without covering infantry support, and predict all possible enemy moves on that position and cover it with other units. Even still, if your ambush is found out, just retreat the unit to a rear position (before the Arty falls), resulting in the now destroyed enemy scout vehicle being sacrificed in vain (as the unit survived to kill again). Never assume that an ambush will stop the enemy in their tracks, just delay them. Jeremy
  3. Sorry if some think that this is off topic, but, I am posting to anounce the release of a patch for the renowned wargame 'Gary Grigsby's Pacific War'. I participated on putting together this patch (in between CM!) and am very proud of its completion. The patch is totally free and can be found at... http://www.matrixgames.com/pacificwar/downloads.asp (You don't have to own the game to get this thing running as it comes with a full copy of it since SSI stopped selling the thing) There is also a bulliten board where you can post comments and criticisms located at... http://www.matrixgames.com/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=Pacific+War:+The+Matrix+Project&number=12&DaysPrune= Jeremy
  4. I shouldn't have said that the US borrowed Cromwells, I am pretty sure that the didn't. They did however borrow some British modified (or at least the idea) Duplex Drive tanks for the amphibious landings. They borrowed many Firefly tanks, as well as many variants of the Churchill tank (notably the Crocodile). However, this still doesn't demolish the fact that the majority of British armour was American built They both just complimented eachother. Jeremy,
  5. The Americans had the luxury to fully test the reliability before they put their AFV's into production. England needed modern tanks desperately and could not afford to allow their vehicles to be tested, and tested, and tested... Remember, the Sherman was in production BEFORE the US went to war, so, they didn't have to rush a design into production (plus they had the British to test out their designs in combat!). Actually, I wouldn't say that German tanks drastically outclassed British tanks until either late 1942, or early 1943. Until this preiod the main German battletank was the Pzkpfw III, armed with a 50mm Gun, vs. the British Crusader II armed with a 40mm Gun. Most accounts of tank vs. tank warfare in the desert do not show that the Germans had superior tanks (as they lost the same number as the British in purely tank vs tank engagements) but, the Germans had better arms cooperation and usually had many AT guns sitting around to sway things in their favour. There were many great British tanks, mostly their heavy Infantry tank, which may have been too slow as a Main Battle Tank, but, was PERFECT for advancing with Infantry. Rembember too, that the US had to borrow MANY British modified Shermans and Cromwells because they lacked specialized armour, or aromour good enough to take down German tanks. The Americans make the tanks, the British make them better.
  6. Actually, this IS free internet stuff. Not only do I have to deal with this ad stuff, but, I can't send e-mail out though it! What a bargain! Echo, maybe we should rectify this, eh?
  7. Usually after a game is out in Canada for a few months its price drastically drops. Sometimes you can get a GREAT game, in a compelation, for $20.00 Canadian. This usually happens when they overstock a really popular game, that doesn't quite meet the demand. Then they want to get rid of it, resulting in one lucky sod getting a cheap, and great product. Unfortunately for us, but fortunate for US residents, CM is shipped directly. However, since BTS knows that most of its customers are going to be from the US, they are doing the majority of their clients a benefit by doing it direct from supplier. Something that BTS should get credit for, even though we kind of lose out. Jeremy
  8. Believe me, I would love nothing more than to beat the snot out of you on the battlefield, but, the Internet says no, you are lucky, your evil Gods of the net have postponed your agony for another day. We all know your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of aldeberries. Jeremy
  9. I am using this thing called HomeFreeNet, and, well, it is going all wacky. Hopefully it wasn't bought out by someone and demolished on me!
  10. Sorry, but, my SMTP server seems to be dead. I can receive messages, but, it says that my server can't recognize anyone else's e-mail. I don't know how long this will last, but, I am not giving up on my CM games. Jeremy
  11. Sweet Jebus, what have I got my self into! Ok Meeks, you better be pretty meek about your defeat. Horrido, is that Italian or something? I guess I could sent you up some smack as well.
  12. Are they errors large enough that you cannot understand what they are talking about? Otherwize I wouldn't want them to have to waste reprinting time, effort, and money on correcting a few typo's. Something to keep in mind for CM2, eh?
  13. Hey, I am looking for a PBEM opponent who would like to do a large battle (Large points and map). I have yet to do one of these larger scale deelies and would like to give it a try.
  14. All my Internet problems are done! PBEM's have been sent. Knaust, if you want a rematch to see if you can knock my troops about again (everyone else is into this fun experience!), just set up something and send it over!
  15. Hey guys, sorry for my lack of PBEM replies in the last day or so, I am upgrading my computer and am having Modem troubles (using my roomates computer to send this out). Hopefully by the end of the day I will get my computer back in running order. Also, I kind of lost my PBEM files in the transfer (I cannot locate them on the backup I made of all the stuff I wanted to keep!) So if you could send me the last turn we could get rolling on it again hopfully by tonight! Jeremy,
  16. - [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 09-08-2000).]
  17. Well, once they are done with the enhancements of CM1 they are going to probably take some time off, then start work on CM2. Probably a year or two before we see the next one.
  18. From what I know of the Canadian Insignia is that there was a RED patch on their right (?) sleeve near the shoulder. This might just be for the 1st Canadian Division though. Unfortunately all my books aren't here This wouldn't make for a great thing to post on the lower bar either. [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 09-05-2000).]
  19. Jaeger (sorry, but I can't do those cool 'a's!) where CM really shines is in its MULTIPLAYER aspect. NO AI ever designed can take the place of a human opponent. Where it comes down to those twitchy moments is receiving a PBEM turn waiting to see if your Zook took out that Mark IV or it took you out. The AI of the demo is not as good as the AI in the full game. Possibly try the demo against another human player, if you already haven't. This is where I got hooked! If not, then the game isn't for everyone anyway. I picture RTS games like a game of badminton. High pitched action, everyone likes it, but, it gets boring realy fast due to the simplicity of it all. I see turn based strategy games as like a game of Chess. More detailed, deeper thinking, it takes longer, and it isn't for everyone.
  20. Actually, I blame it all on the Lizardy Joanna here. If heshe could keep all the people in his nation in line we wouldn't have had such an outburst! Just goes to show you that the Australian criminals can't be trusted!
  21. Er, Elijah, I would edit that word 'FUNK' out of your speech there. No need to get yourself kicked off as well!
  22. Thanks Goanna, I was thinking about how much distress you must be in after looking at his profile and seeing he was an Aussie. How bout another PBEM? I need to get another victory under my belt
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