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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. No problem about the amount of turns, personally I am even regretting saying one thing about this SS deely.
  2. Consider the file sent ACTOR! I got myself 2 extra PBEM opponents as well as the one I am currently playing, er, beating So, as of now the PBEM doors are temporary closed.
  3. It was the one with Eichmann on trial in Isreal... At least that is what the tread goes to when I try it!!! It is definitely NOT the one that Peiper posted!
  4. No offense?? What if one of those people in that picture were one of my relatives?!? How could you be MORE offensive?
  5. Yes, I agree, even though I am just as guilty, well, only slightly so, since I only posted a link to a site... Anyone up for a PBEM?
  7. No, as Steve and Charles said earlier you can't use captured weapons or equipment. It wasn't common enough to represent in the game.
  8. What is the point for posting the profiles of these SS Commanders other then to cause contraversy? Even when we had the great Montgomery vs Patton debates nobody was flashing around Patton or Monty pictures to piss off their opponents. I think that this SS binge you are on is getting a little out of hand, and in our faces TOO much.
  9. His gunner looks like "Cletus the slack jawed yokle" with that missing tooth...
  10. The Regina Rifles had enjoyed an EXTREME amount of success being attacked by the 2/26th, 1/26th and a Panzer battalion of the 12th SS. It did not lose its positions and infliced an EXTREME amount of punishment on all the German formations as they all attacked disorderly and independent of one another. The officers might have been veterans, but, they were not veterans of commanding units of this size! The original 12th SS Commander was killed off very early, and Meyer, a Panzer Grenadier Regiment commander was responsible for the Division. Actually, most of the engagements between the two forces did not end up in a massive aireal or artillery bombardment by allied forces as the Canadians moved beyond effective artillery range and air support communications broke down. You forget that before the Winnipegers were pushed out they severely damaged the 3/25 or 3/26th Battalion. If the Canadians were adequately reinforced the Germans would not have gained any territory. The North Novascotia Regiment was caught off guard by a surprise German Regimental sized attack that was eventually crushed by Allied weight of numbers. It was Meyer's folly to attack the Canadian positions. He lost too much of his armour, and too much of his infantry in ineffective attacks. He would have done much better to remain in concealed defensive positions with a full Panzer formation as close reserve instead of blunting his forces against the Canadian formations. What the SS troopers made up in ferocity and loyalty they lost in inexperience. The 3rd Canadian Division was as inexperienced, but, was definitely the winner of the engagement in Normandy.
  11. A better way to rotate the turret instead of firing shells, is to fire some smoke. Your enemy might just think it is a smoke screen layed down or something like that instead of your tank firing it off. Shells would be a waste of ammo (firing for 60 seconds!) and a giveaway of your position and situation as well.
  12. No, he meant INFANTRY CREWS, squads AREN'T CREWS. Everly LMG, HMG, Mortor, etc. that runs out of ammo should revert into Infantry of some sort instead of being just totally out of ammo. However, this would only prove to be realistic if the situation is drastic. Possibly there should be a choice to do this, like to split squads? If you do this, however, there should be a loss penalty, like as if the entire unit was destroyed or something, to simulate the loss of the weapon. For example, if a mortor team runs out of ammo and has 6 guys in it, you should be allowed to spike the mortor and sent the rest of the crew off like and infantry squad of 6 guys. Sure, they wouldn't have the best weapons (definitely no LMG's, and possibly no SMG's). HOWEVER, chosing this option should result in points being calculated as if the Mortor itself was destroyed, even though it was just abandoned.
  13. Rifle, M1 Garand, great rate of fire is all you need. LMG, Bren, this one was just great! SMG, I can't remember its name, but, it was an EXTREMELY reliable Australian SMG used in New Guinea. Better than all other SMG's as it didn't have to rely on a spring loaded clip (just gravity) unlike 99% of all other SMG's. Infantry support weapon, 2" mortor, these things dished out in massive numbers can really add to the power of a Platoon. Infantry AT weapon, Panzerfausts for the Infantry squads. Tank, Comet. A light and fast vehicle with a powerful AT gun. Also, I would have a very strong Infantry tank that can take a lot of punishment and keep close to the troops, like the Churchill/Valentine/Matilda classes. Division size? I would pretty much figure that the Triangle Division was well worth it. Anything smaller didn't have enough manpower to defend anything at all. The Germans drastically reduced the size of their divisions after the losses early in Russia and suffered accordingly. I would make my Infantry and Armoured formations EXTREMELY cohesive, and I might even remove the Armoured division entirely, or at least do what the British and Germans did and make it more Infantry strong and less tank heavy.
  14. Yeah, us Canadians really roughed up the 12th SS, which, through all accounts that I have read, were pretty strategically incompetent. Attacking with Infantry without tank support, and attacking with tanks without infantry support, jeepers! They must have wiped out a greater portion of their strength bumping against Canadian positions than they lost through the Falise operation!
  15. Having AT teams move into forward positions during a defence isn't gamey. However, using them as advanced scouts in an attack IS gamey. There is no reason for an AT team to be ahead of the force when you are on an attack, as, most likely you will run into other AT teams and Infantry, with tanks a far ways away performing support for the infantry. Now, using your tanks alone is not gamey, just dumb It is too tempting to send these vehicles high speed into your enemies camp, leaving the infantry far behind. But, what happens when you run into a company of infantry? You lose your tank very fast! AT teams are pretty deadly if you use them right, on a defence they are usually just slightly ahead of my infantry, but still within their support range. On an attack, they are usually way behind, and only brought up when enemy armour appears (they don't last long against infantry!).
  16. When I was a kid we used to get three rods for a hogs head of gas! And that's the way we liked it!
  17. There are some gamey TRUELY gamey tactics. Using now useless crews as scouts, and tripwires for enemy ambushes is not a fair tactic. By all rights once a unit, like a FO spotter, mortor, tank crew, etc . . . are no longer performing their original duties (due to their weapon being knocked out, or run out of ammo) they 'should' be removed off the field and not used as cannon fodder or spies. They should be allowed to be used as a last ditch reserve, or, to hold rear area victory flags instead of wasting 'good' troops.
  18. Sorry about the personal attack, it was a very rude thing of me to do. Possibly there is something wrong with my comp. But, tripling the number of moving units in each battle would most likely slow the game down a lot, even with computers that are not wacky like mine I am sorry that I struck out, but, I am starting to get sick of all the flack that Charles and Steve have received. I have seen some totally unplayable games get less attacks on it than this one. If they feel that something is not currently feasible to do, like have each person represented in the game, what is it our place to say that they are wrong? Maybe I should have let my rant out at the "CRAP AI" thread. Again, Elijah, and anyone else offended, I sincerely apologize.
  19. I live in southern Ontario and I think I was the first Hozer to actually get the game (within the legal borders!). My credit card was charged $70something.
  20. Man, lay off the crack pipe! So what if YOU run a P450 with no problems, not everyone can afford to buy these fancy computers!!! Plus, you can run the game fine NOW, but, there are only 3 characters per squad!!! Imagine each squad having between 7 and 9 more men, which would require about 3 times as much speed as you have to catch up to the level of clarity that you currently enjoy. I own a P266 with 64MB RAM and a Voodo 3 3Dfx card, and I cannot run any battle beyond 1500 points smoothly. I had to get low-rez grass, turn off the cool weather effects, and even get minimum tree level to get these higher point games (and even the low point games!) running at tolerable levels. You don't produce a game based on the highest possible computers out there, you base it on the most common, and that currently is the P266. Next time, get a REAL case for full squad representation other than the one that is just full of old newspapers... HEHEHE, hungry hungry hippos! I loved that game! [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 08-30-2000).]
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