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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. strange...I am running with the same spec. and I don't have the problems you're reporting...?? I agree with you however that jpg-filesize should be lower, or picture smaller for DL reasons.
  2. "Battlefront is sold out, and $45 is a little steep! what sort of logic is that? I didn't kill him, and it was in self-defense??? believe me, your 45$ are spent on a good cause, BTS deserves the money for a great game, and you get a great game. win-win. if BTS really sold out and won't produce any more CM1 CDs (unlikely to happen) then I will sell you my CD ..... for 999$....cash in advance. (I'm sure Steve himself would burn me another CD for a 500$ "donation to the CM2 project")
  3. Jasper, his question is valid, I wonder why nobody ever came up with that??? gngngngn....
  4. the impact pattern depenmds upon a number of factors, which means you can influence it. the impact pattern will become more accurate/dense the higher the quality of your FO is (green - elite). it is also much more accurate/denser if the FO has LOS to the target. be sure to unhide him else he's still inaccurate even though he's within LOS of the target. for an intentionally widely dispersed impact pattern use the TARGET WIDE command. hope this helps, M.Hofbauer [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 02-06-2001).]
  5. ahem Lordflufers....not sure about those moth-holes eaten into the Schürzen...Schürzen tended to get bent and lost, but rarely did I see such holes eaten into them by moths - or hungry russian mine dogs?? foliage looks good though...
  6. "hordes of thick-skinned T-34s" I think you are confusing "thick" with "sloped". T-34 armor wasn't THAT thick really - just well sloped. As for the inclusion of the T-35 - BS! I say. you might as well include the Maus, it saw an almost similar widespread use...
  7. 33% god is right. There's also not a single Panther mod yet. mwahahaha....
  8. GB, apparently you never heard about a program called Virtual CD-ROM aka FakeCD ??? ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  9. hehe...we're talking moost of the hi-rez mods (excluding grass) on a 400MHz AMD with a 4MB 2D/3D Viper 330 card soooo...yess, MikeE, I _do_ know your problem ) and Apache is right, MS FindFast is the biggest speed killer...that's why it was the first thing I removed from my system when I got it...and because that was a long time ago, I don't remember right now how to permanenty remove FindFast from the system, but I'ld definitely recommend it to anyone, makes for a much more stable, and faster, system... ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  10. Totally agree with KiwiJoe. The Luchs is crap mainly because the 2cm is crap. Same goes for for other AFV's equipped with the 2cm and for the 2cm AA guns. You have FO teams and other rear-area doing funny faces at the Luchs while they march back and forth in fron of it, and as long as the Luchs has main gun ammo left he is harmless to them...only after the main gun ammo is gone the coax MG will give the Luchs some teeth.
  11. Lord General MB: "This thing looks like a RIPE OFF to me!" no, it is NOT RIPE yet, it is still in very early development, I guess. As far as everybody crying out plagiarism, think about this: CM is 3D, West Front WW2. Any game which is 3D, West Front WW2 will unavoidably seem a lot like CM. It will still be quite a different game, no doubt. To me it looks like a crossover between StarshipTroopers, CombatMission and CloseCombat. btw: I did not like TS's East Front. I hate those abstracted, turn-based games where a platoon of machine-gun armored cars will attack a platoon of tanks and because it uses an abstracted attack value BS formula the tanks will suffer losses. I also don't like 3D. CM is actually the first game in 3D that I enjoyed thoroughly. If GI Combat is 3D _and_ RTS not sure if it'll work. I'll have to wait and see...
  12. I have no idea but given Badbat's recent zero tolerance "crack down on anything non-CM" policy on this board I am checking my watch's seconds-finger to see when his inevitable, thread-closing --- Please move all discussions of other games and products into the General Discussion Area. Thanks! Madmatt ---- will appear...
  13. Originally posted by Madmatt: * 20mm gun in Lynx cannot fire on aircraft. if anything, it should be "LUCHS" not "LYNX". Reason: All the other german AFV's have their original german names, the "Nashorn" is not a "Rhino", the Hummel isn't called "Bumble Bee" and the Wespe isn't called "Wasp"...and on and on... only the Lynx has the english name. Inconsistency. p.s.: If the Lynx isn't changed to Luchs, I demand that the british "Archer"'s name is changed to "Bogenschütze" in compensation else I take the ugly "Lynx" issue as evidence to the pro-allied bias of BTS. oh wait....just remembered... and while you're at it, the King Tiger needs to be changed as well. King Tiger is very wrong. "Königstiger" is a subspecies of the Tiger, and the english equivalent would be "Bengal Tiger". "King Tiger" is an invalid literal translation which gives a false impression of the original meaning. [This message has not been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 02-01-2001).] [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 02-01-2001).]
  14. actually, there already _is_ an initiation ritual of sorts re. the CM _board_. It's called DO A SEARCH. However, after posting that newbie or rather "dumbie" (applies to cognitively challenged old-timers as well) initiation I will NOT laugh loudly, pat them on the back, buy them a beer, and welcome them to the CM community
  15. how do you say in english? "a dollar short and a minute late"? this topic ("lack of M16 HT") has been discussed to death several times over, and before you continue your speculation, yes there has already been an official statement by BTS on WHY they are not included in CMBO. if you are interested read one of the later M16 - threads: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/015418.html ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  16. Paul: "Markus you know full well the 120mm L55 is to face future threats expected to come from front line Russian 152mm externally mounted gun tank which may well have 90-100cm of frontal KE protection." no I don't :0), as a taxpayer I am just wondering why I have to pay taxes so the government gives it to aid russia so they can build their new T-95 - tank so I have to pay more taxes so the Bundeswehr can aquire more new Leo2A5 KWS-n to counter the new threat... ;op p.s.: sorry, nightshift here ... [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-28-2001).]
  17. what has the world come to? last time I checked there didn't even EXIST a team called "ravens"....??
  18. btw...this is highly confidential but I'ld like to share these with you...I managed to get a hold of germany's super-secret FCS project vehicle... please value these highly...a great many good agents had to risk their lives to get this information...
  19. hmmm it just makes me wonder... Cavguy, if your good ol' M68 105mm rifle will slice through russian K-5 like a red-hot knife through butter, I wonder why oh why does the german army introduce the new L/55 version of the 120mm together with the new DM53 (LKE II) ammunition to significantly increase penetration performance ??? I'm a taxpayer, I want to know why they waste my worthless €'s on superfluous equipment!!...why not simply un-mothball our good ol' M48A5's ? [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-28-2001).]
  20. 231 Sd.Kfz. 251/10 were produced in 1943. No more after that. The total force OOB shows no more active 251/10's for 1.3.1945.
  21. Wouldn't "Kubelwagen?" be more appropriate? No. If anything, it'ld have to be "Kübelwagen".
  22. I have long learned not to buy any pillboxes as a defender and not to fear them as an attacker. IMHO you are right, they're too damn vulnerable to anything except from above. One of my first experience with a pillbox was a .50cal gun hit from a Greyhound from a range of more than 1000m, in the opening turns of a large operation where the pillbox was supposed to last prety long. Unlikely and hard luck you might say and yes that might be true but eventually it proved to be very symptomatic/typical...
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