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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. WOW what a REVOLUTIONARY idea. It has NEVER been brought up before, actually, I think there ISN'T even a way that people ever did this before, so I think a SEARCH would NOT help, because, again, this idea of yours is so frickin' NEW! Thanks a lot to you and your friend for sharing your flash of genius with us!
  2. Well, since it is (among others) a movement out of LOS - thing, it also happens if TERRAIN gets in the way. Yes, you heard right. No more talk about light houses, windows etc. pp.- if the targeted vehicle enters the safety of being behind a hill the CM Magic bullet will tunel through the hill and kill the vehicle. And I've got the movie to prove it, courtesy of the same clever guy who has produced those other movies. To quote from his email when he sent me that video: "I modified the test scenario to have lower elevations behind the churches and could easily reproduce it. The Panther fires, the shell travels normally at first, then starts to plummet, goes underground, tunnels a few hundred meters, goes under the church, reappears just a fraction of a second before impact and finally kills the Greyhound. " He concludes (and I agree) from his testing that we have three different bugs / phenomena here: -projectile flight path calculations -LOS through buildings, esp. edges -vehicles' LOS through a building when parked immediately next to them I have the movie here. Email me if you want me to send it to ya, or tell me if I should add it to the geo****tties zipfile, or does anyone else volunteer to host it?
  3. Ok, excuses and cop outs are not gonna work anymore. The problem is definitely one with movement, it happens with all houses, it is not a house edge/windows thing, vehicles can be very far behind the house and still be hit. Plain Evidence is now here for everyone to see in the form of two short movies: Janne has sent them to me and they are really stunning. One of them shows a scnene where a Stuart is killed behind a house by a Panther in much the same way I showed in my pictorial example, except it is a HEAVY house. The other one is even better and shows a Greyhound being killed by a Panther when the Greyhound was 50m behind a church and he had entered that cover more than 1.5 seconds ago. I made these sensational movies available for download at the link provided below, they are small in filesize and I encourage everyone to take a look (as soon as they are available). Download here: cmlos movies - zipfile (ciks I tried it and it works and sometimes does not work. I will definitely try to find a way to make it available - these movies are a must-see) (note for newbies: The movies are saved game movies, load them as pbem files, no password needed.) [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 03-13-2001).]
  4. yes, sorta kinda, except I might emphasize it not only kept tracking it but made short work of the M-8 Greyhound and sent it to the eternal Greyhound Graceland courtesy of a 7.5cm KwK...
  5. that is one thing they explicitly do NOT allow - redirecting traffic in the way you suggest.
  6. Ok, for Mike and anybody else interested, I simply copied the post into an html format complete with pictures PLEASE GO HERE: (it works, I promise) http://www.stormpages.com/ranks/cmlos.html
  7. Michael Dorosh, as far as geo****ties is concerned... I could tell you a long story of someone who was there from very early on, when they were just starting many years ago... I still remember well their original user guidelines, 1995 or 1996 I think it was, where they promised no ads on my pages, all I had to do was provide a backlink www.geocities.com on my index page...then this was extended to all pages...then they introduced an optional ad popup...then they made it mandatory and included it into everybody's html source...it was evil java schnick that made half the browsers choke and break down trying to load the pages...etc etc pp....the final ripoff in the merger with yahoo when eventually your membername was not valid anymore because it was already in possession of some yahoo idiot...plus you couldn't move your account anymore as a result of the merger, you couldn't change your account, only delete it completely and start a new one...my email basket is filled with "conversatuion" I had with their kryptofascistoid "community leaders" with their sheriff attitude and their inept technical staff.... of course you can say I can always cease to be there and go somewhere else...but my pages created there have been logged by everyone at the current URL, not to mention that with the gazillions of files that have accumulated there it would be quite an effort...they know that once you have established yourself somewhere you are less likely to go away again...that's why starting comapnies are giving you so many freebies etc, and once they got a hold on you, they start imposing new conditions... nowhere do their guidelines say that deep-linking of JPG-images is not allowed. plus they made over 200 000 adviews on the Panzerfaust page alone, how is that for letting me show you some deep-linked files once in a year on such an occasion as thisone??? you are defedning an unworthy cause, Mike, geo****ties really isn't worth it... and yes, my next project will be hosted somewhere else, probably stormpages. They do not allow deeplinking of files either, but at least they are straightforward about it.
  8. FriendlyFire, yes that seems to be my observation as well. aka_tom, I had this happen to a Halftrack moving behind a heavy building (city house block) earlier, but I don't think I made a screenshot back then...the bullet went through the building and knocked out the halftrack after it was out of LOS. I really think it's a movement thing. I took a look at the thread you gave and it is amazing too.
  9. sorry, the links are ok (if you keep trying top reload you might get lucky, sometimes it works), it's just that geocities is f***ed up once again (I tried a workaround with stormpages but they wouldn't accept deep links). aka_tom, I know, but ... whenever the pics work, please take a look at pic 4, I think the Greyhound is quite a _bit_ behind the house. [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 03-12-2001).]
  10. [edited due to geo****ties] for the original post please go HERE [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 03-12-2001).]
  11. Paul Lakowski, those figures I gave are from official KTB and strength reports of Generalstab des Heeres and Oberkommando des Heeres, collected by Hahn who preserved them from his work at the Heereswaffenamt. ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)
  12. The german foreign vehicle designation for the T-26 was Panzer 738®. Official records (strength report from all german fronts) show that per June 1943 among the roughly 800 (I'm not gonna add them all up now) captured enemy tanks in use by the germans there was only ONE T-26, it was used in the sector of Heeresgruppe Mitte. Compare this to the 50 T-34 (PzKpfw 747®), two KV-1 (PzKpfw 753®)and one KV-2 (PzKpfw 754®), a total of 4 T-70 (PzKpfw 743®), or the awesome number of french tanks (361 Hotchkiss 38 - PzKpfw 735(f) alone)... With all due respect, but that is incorrect. Of course all the captured vehicles that became part of the OOB of a given unit shows up in all it's strength, maintenance and status reports. Concededly some strength reports were understating the actual number of tanks etc. since a unit doesn't want it's tanks taken away and redistributed etc. But things like tanks etc which require a lot of dedicated (unique to the vehicle) logistics like maintenance, crews, and POL you cannot hide in a great number. In general, it was much easier and common to keep gun pieces and small arms etc. than it was to keep complicated things like tanks which require great amounts of maintenance etc.
  13. please define "successful armor commander in the Bundeswehr" ?
  14. an interesting idea. longer turns would make the game more realistic, while shorter turns would give the player even more control.
  15. Gecko, I don't think you can appeal to a lot of people here with games like "Rainbow Six" or "Age of Sail". ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)
  16. aaactually, the camp guards were a subbranch of the Waffen-SS, not the Allgemeine SS, just like armor etc. were subbranches of the Waffen SS. The service branch color-of-arms for the Waffen-SS Camp Guards was light brown, just as it was white for W.-SS Infantry or red for W.-S Artillery. There's no way one could relativize the exceptionally horrible record the W.SS has in the warcrimes and crimes against humanity category. It's no coincidence that the SS incl. the W-SS is considered a criminal organization per se in germany while the Wehrmacht is not. It is important to note that while Allg. SS and W.-SS were different branches of the SS, both _were_ SS, and (organizationally) had nothing to do with the germany's regular armed forces, the Wehrmacht with it's branches Luftwafe, Heer and Marine. sincerely, M.Hofbauer [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 03-05-2001).]
  17. Stovepipe is the literal translation of the name "Ofenrohr" which was the popular (among soldiers) name of the RPzB 43 and 54 Panzerschreck. Neither of these existed before 1943. The Author either simply f***ed up or is leaning on his "artistic license" for a good bit for his work of fiction. ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)
  18. Hahn is _good_ data, but not _new_ data. Actually, he has the absolute numbers for the respective ammunitions, the quote you give is a gross simplification of the original source.
  19. hey Bob, knew you'ld like it ) edit post - for great justice! when do you set me up the bomb (powers & demo) ? Michael, I don't know iof you're familiar with the type of illustrationms Mollo uses. They are re-coloured authentic pictures, so they are essentially drawings, but from real photos. What puzzles me indeed is that the Stabsscharführerdiensttuer shown does not sport the respective chevron we talked about. HOWEVER, while rummaging through my rank page folders I found a scan of a rank page of SS NCO insignia which shows the Stabsscharführer insignia. I'll mail it to you. yours sincerely, M.Hofbauer ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)
  20. great stuff RMC! btw, M.Dorosh, back to the Stabsscharführer thingie. I have a picture here in Mollo's book showing not only a Stabsscharführer but a specioal one at that, it's an Unteroffizier in the poition as an Acting Stabsscharführer, hence carrying the official title "Stabsscharführerdiensttuer". ) He is wearing the same double silver braid on both lower sleeves just like the Wehrmacht Hauptfeldwebel!!! ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ) [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 02-27-2001).]
  21. I am about to offer a possible explanation to the "range error decreasing with range" which seems to be a paradoxon. Maybe, just maybe... We all know that a certain amount of propellant will make for a certain range. However, severe difficulties were encountered by the germans in letting the rockets burn their propellant at the same constant usage rate (fact). So at half the range some rockets would have burnt a little more already and others a little less (educated guess), meaning that the range difference between these two would be considerable (deduction). Now, at the total range, both would have eventually burnt their total propellant and therefore achieve a more comparable range (speculation). In other words, the longer the range the more the problem of uneaven solid fuel usage would even out (speculation). Just a specualation of mine, and probably not the only contributing cause to the effect we are seeing here. ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ) [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 02-23-2001).]
  22. well, your order menu page kicks me out (but only after it has fully loaded) because it wants some flash/shockwave whatever plugin thingie. Can you turn that off? Call me a Luddite or conservative, but I'm not going to get yet another one of those registry-messing, browser-compromising, simply system-wrecking media plugins... ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)
  23. I remember the gerbiljägers had all those skiing, non-fighting soldiers. I also didn't like my british soldiers, they came with all those seperate machine gun and mortar pieces that of course got lost immediately, so I had a bunch of ex-Machine Gunners sitting there, and ex-Mortarmen holding a mortar grenade. I also remember that the thin front barrels of the M1 carbines on my american soldiers broke off so they would be holding all those stump guns. I didn't like the small airfix soldiers though. I also remember you could buy soldiers in the same gestures but done really bad (copied molds) in italy reeeal cheap. The highlight of my holidays back then ) ------------------ "Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)
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