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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. thanks a lot bfamily, the mod works _very_ nicely, your Pz IV looks *great* even though it's semi - low-res which is good for my poor ol' Diamond V330 4MB 2D/3D card :0) - a lotta looks for little bytes !
  2. David, you are reverting to your former uneducated ego. I thought we had put the "Royal Tiger" common misperceptuion behind us :-p ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  3. CavScout: The army reorganized in the mid 60's. Instead of bringing back regiments with their proud histories, it created the brigade=>battalion=> company system. However, the battalions were all affiliated with a regiment for lineage purposes. For example, I was in 3rd Squadron 4th Cavalry (3-4 CAV) Regiment which belongs to 25th ID in Hawaii. In the WWII system the 4th Cavalry was organized and fought as a regiment. Since the 60's the regiments were split up and the battalions given to brigades. 1-4 CAV, which is the same regiment, now belongs to 1 ID in Germany. The colors and history of the regiment stay active but the units were split to brigades. 2-4 and 4-4 CAV are deactivated. A weird system, I know. hey, does that sound a bit like Conn Barracks, Schweinfurt...?
  4. An american friend sent me the partial war diary (german) of elements of the 2nd Panzer Division, namely it's 38th Anti-Tank Detachment. There are endless reports towrds the rear of the book, namely late 44 and early 45, where scores of their few active JgdPz IV had their 7.5cm L/48 barrels blown by using (unknowingly, of course) sabotaged ammunition. During the time where they had that sabotaged ammuntion, the reader realizes that the least reason for tank losses was Sherman-induced damage...rather unfortunate twist of fate when you are in a shootout with enemy tanks and instead of nailing that M4 with your gun your next shot blows YOU....Terence, if it is very important for you, I might try to dig it up again and give you any details the book provides....
  5. as regards the "missing" german Sd.Kfz. 251/22, the Wehrmacht received 40 in 1944 starting in December, and another 228 in 1945; total number of active vehicles per 1. March 1945 was only 38, however. total ammo for the PaK 40 7.5cm was limited to 22 rounds, however. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  6. 99% is an exaggeration. three years ago the Roland soundcards were still pretty common. not sure which game to scold here, but IMO iM1A2 pretty much fell very short of it's high self-proclaimed sophistication; EasternFront too, with machine-gun - equipped armored cars killing Pz IVs etc. due to the "firepower" dice nature of attacks. But surely there were worse games, just can't remember any right now.
  7. sorry, but could anybody please explain to me what the phrase "having a chip on the shoulder" means?
  8. Steve, thanks for the explanation. I think I now understand what you mean regarding the "disparity despite equal points" - issue. Although I think that the example of the Puma is not a good one, Jarmo is right in his assessment that the Puma is a far cry from a superweapon, I have come to the personal conclusion that all it takes is a 60mm mortar and a 50cal HMG to disenchant the turtle-turret Puma ) me: "I'm an infantry player, a cc-borne tank hater, but if CM is reduced to "mostly infantry" it loses a lot." Steve/BTS: "I disagree.(...)" yes, my fault, I should have written "if CM was reduced to infantry it would lose a lot." again thanks, yours sincerely, M. Hofbauer ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  9. In this matter I'm sort of a neutral third party as I haven't played any more h2h QBs lately (time constraints; while I did I didn't feel any advantage in using either axis or allies); still I'ld like to comment: 1. Steve/BTS: "So while a Puma might be priced correctly in relation to its characteristics, it can be purchased at any time and in unrealistic numbers. This puts the Allies at a disadvantage because their vehicles are, for the most part, very common but less capable." sorry but I don't get this. I thought it was all accounted for by the point system being based on combat effectivity. I had always been told that a 100-point tank is worth just that, and that an american 100-point tank is just as valuable / effective as a german 100-point tank. This collides with above statement. Something wrong here. If american tanks are less capable they should accordingly cost less according to the QB pricing policy. Voilá. ?? 2. I can see Jeff Heidmann's, Tanaka's and the other's points. And I also agree with those who argue that the big-tank fetish isn't a german player thing. Both players have big tanks in their pools. 3. Finally, I think what this does is move focus away from tanks to infantry. As someone pointed out, infantry is the winning key in most battles anyhow. However, I think this is bad. Why? Because in my opinion, AFV's is were CM and it's model of reality shine brightest, bettter than the infantry model in all it's abstraction is not (squad-size, volley fire, firepower abstraction, fuzzy location). I'm an infantry player, a cc-borne tank hater, but if CM is reduced to "mostly infantry" it loses a lot. Either way, IMO it's not something to get worked up about too much, since (as people have shown) there are plenty of workarounds and it isn't a make-or-break issue anyhow. Thank you BTS for the 1.1 patch and your continued effort ! Can't wait for CM2!! yours sincerely, M.Hofbauer ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  10. ...and quite an early bird you are, too :0) ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  11. kump, I admit that the RealWorld infringement on computer-spent time is a real problem, and can't help you with it since I suffer from the same predicament, but as regards the 60 US$/month thing, webspace should not be the reason. try any of the many free webspace providers, I just registered with http://www.icestorm.com/ - 50mb free (banner ad though). see through the list of free webspace providers at http://www.freeindex.com/webspace/ all the best, M.Hofbauer [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-15-2001).]
  12. hmmm...strange indeed but....think of this....how would you label it if the mortar round hit the wespe on the protruding left front edge mudguard and went off? you'ld call it a top hit. what do you think the effects would be? none. CM *does* very well take into account whether or not a vehicle has an open top, and if not it takes into account the top armor thickness. for your exceptional occurrence, just think of some strange way for the mortar round to strike and explode. Like, hiting the thin upper edge of the front armor superstructure, and not hiting any of the hunkered-down crew due to strange fragmentation pattern etc. hey, things like that happen. In wartime accounts soldiers have been standing right next to impacting mortar rounds or grenades without being fragged. IMO, in CM mortars are modeled too effective vs. armor anyhow. Your experience surely was irregular. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  13. I fail to see the problem....? like you found out yourself, padlock 'em and voilá. ?!?
  14. click 'im! ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ) [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-13-2001).]
  15. man you didn't comment on: a) relation to the E-10 color of driver's seat cushion c) if you find it neat or not ) still, here you are:
  16. name that vehicle and give any info you have on it:
  17. ROTFLMAO - ROB/1 telling IronDuke to quit spamming the board BWAHAHAHAHA Rob/1, no offense, but given your history so far on this board your note to Duke reminds me of a murderer telling a shopper he's a criminal for parking the car in a no-parking zone.... Duke, send it over, I'ld surely like to give it a try... ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  18. Mattias, in short, yes, it serves the same purposes, and in fact most armies all over the world use tungsten for the same job the US and a few select other countries prefer DU for. But it's not mainly about a lighter projectile, if that's what you imply; although the lighter weight makes for a higher Vo which is desirable it's actually kind of a drawback on long-distance shots (due to reduced Eo), but the trick is the higher density, heat-resistance "hardness" of the material. [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-12-2001).]
  19. from the article vcents linked: "We don't think these young guys would have made it because they have all this computerized stuff that runs their ships and we don't have any of that," he said. "We feel that they would really have had problems. It took us old guys to bring it back." hmmm....maybe I should give them my double-boot triple-crash AMD rig to fix it??
  20. RexBellator: LOL! jasoncawley: very interesting! I got very interested in this topic years ago, and was never abvle to figure out exactly what the tungsten was needed for, what was more important than the vitzal, desperately needed PzGr.40 to warant re-manufacturing/delaborating/disasembling them to extract the few grams tungsten in a somewhat complicated process. does the book mention exactly what those other purposes were, and does it give numbers? btw, a small amount of "indogenious" tungsten existed in germany, during the war there was some tungsten mining going on in Mitersill, Austria, obviously more like a token efort. now to the ethymology, as there seems to have been some confusion: the german equivalent for tungsten is Wolfram. Tungsten is an english / swedish word from the swedish "tung" (heavy) and "sten" (stone). I think that _if_ the term tungsten is used in germany (wehich it hardly is, it almost always is "Wolfram"), then as a synonym for Wolfram, not to designate another form / the ore etc. of the metal. The word Wolfram comes from the late-medieval word "Wolfsschmutz" for Wolfram-ore, because it tended to "eat up" (hence "Wolf") the tin in the foundry process (medieval german "ram" ~ dirt, soot). rexford: tungsten is mined in Canada indeed, only one but quite a big reservoir in Flat Bed, Mac Tung; the only considerable site in the USA is Climax, Henderson; the french have (or used to have?) a small mine in Salau; in the UK, tungsten is mined in Cornwall. The Austrians still do some mining in Mittersill; the famous Portugese site is in Panasqueira, but rather small when compared to the CAN and US sites. Russia has a small mine in Tyry Auz, which is east of the Black Sea, and some rather large sites in Primorskiy Kray in the extreme south-east near China/Korea/Japan and in Chitinskaya on the mongolian border. Thailand has a decent resource in Phuket. Australia too has two reservoirs of tungsten which are mined, a small one at Mt. Carbine, and a larger mine on (I think) Tasmania. One of the world's largest tungsten mines (if not THE largest) is China's mine in Guangdong; another respectable site there is in Hunan-Guangxi; South Korea has respectable resources of tungsten, too, which are mined in the large tungsten mine ofSangdong, a smaller one is in Songjong. Myanmar (Birma) has two large sites in Merqui and Mawchi. Small sites are in Algeria, Dem.Rep. of Congo, Rwanda, Kazakhstan, Turkey (Gemlik). Mind you, that's where it is mined _today_ according to what I could dig up (I had always been interested to find that out).
  21. "just swapping out magazines" IIRC. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  22. Maximus, those handgrenades are just an abstraction for the close assault of the infantry against the tank. That includes all close-assault tactics employed by infantry vs. tanks, down to climbing onto the turret, opening the hatch and peeing into the face of the bewidlered TC etc. It *also* includes throwing of (and various other applications of / methods involving) grenades. But keep in mind that the visual display of throwing the grenades is just a graphical abstraction for the hidden close assault formula. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  23. ack sorry my fault I read 109's post only superficially and thought he was talking about digging in tanks in the map editor placement while making scenarios while in fact he already covered what I said in my last post. teaches you not to post when you're dizzy, gotta go back to bed to indulge in my running nose and headache. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  24. it's also possible in an assault game for the defender to dig in his tanks during the setup, hotkey "D" or select from the order menu for the tank. as of yet, myself I never used dug-in tanks though. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
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