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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. digging in is *in*. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  2. my bad, this must've crossed somehow... ok, I checked the company's website: www.flugwerk.de and from reading there I guess I have to reassess my original skeptic statement, this thing really seems very close to the original! ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ) [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 01-08-2001).]
  3. as regards your thread title question: not sure about the Sherman Jumbo, but the Königstiger went for 321,500.00 Reichsmark apiece.
  4. I've heard this story several times now - can you give more info or maybe an URL ? It's hard to envision them building the FW 190. With the original or near-original specifications it would never be registered and allowed. The engine roar alone would wind it up in red tape that it could never untangle from. Let alone today's safety requirements... chances are this will be a sheep in a Focke-Wolf's skin, buzzing around just like some dorky Cessna, a castrated mutilation of the historic original. It's like me wrapping my Nissan in cardboard, let a broomstick show out the sunroof and declare it a StuG. thanks for the info, though.
  5. the Master of LARGE CAPS THREAD TITLES strikes once again... ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  6. another aspect to keep in mind is that the penetration power of a shaped charge is relative to the shaped charge diameter. The cumbersome Panzerfaust warhead, which you could hardly fit into a 7.5 or 8.8cm caliber cannon, could easily penetrate over 200mm. The more slim warhead of the Panzerschreck, limited to the Panzerschreck's bore diameter of 8.8cm, had a smaller penetration power, significantly below 200mm. additionally, hollow charge munitions can be defeated relative easily with spaced or (nowadays) reactive armor. Also, today, laminated / composite / Chobham armor works miracles against the jetstream of a shpaed charge. but of course that's just an almost neglectable side issue, and of course everybody here is right that the main problem at hand is accuracy / range. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  7. don't want to ruin your party or metaphorically piss on your pullover, warphead, nut I think your URL "www.nahverteidigungswaffe.de" quite a bit misleading. According to your own description, "If you are looking for statistics, technical details or historical pictures you are wrong here. This page solely contains pictures from still existing WWII battlegear with an emphasis on vehicles. " Specifically, it does not contain anything on the Nahvert.waffe. Guessing from your URL I would expect something like RMC's and Desert Fox's excellent work on said device. http://home.t-online.de/home/rcunningham/nahvert/nah.htm (you have it linked from your links section) don't get me wrong, apart from that irreführing name, it's a very interesting and enjoyable site. MfG M.Hofbauer ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  8. it's a "Maus" aka Flashbanger-heaven do a search on "Maus" etc. and you should find plenty of info. for a start try thisone: http://members.tripod.com/~fingolfen/shh.html ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  9. scoleen - the review doesn't seem to be overly negative to me... ? ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  10. It never ceases to amaze me what some people can do in 20 minutes ! ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  11. Jarmo: And stare at the stug with murderous intent. ROTFL...!! I agree with Jarmo, Lewis, Aitken. Especially, the latter beat me to the aspect of "what do you think FTs were used for?". Because, they were not meant as AT assets, but as area suppression / demolition and fortification engaging assets. CM models this very well...almost to well..ever wondered why the flamethrower is so terribly ineffective vs infantry in CM? because fire does not really hurt troops in CM - it only makes them want to get away. You can try this out yourself. Go to the scenario editor and make a map composed entirely of burning tiles. Place some infantry square in the middle of this burning hell. What you'll see is that the infantry will walk through all this fire as if they were on an advanced management course walking coals, reaching the edge of the map after several hundred meters of fire - totally unharmed. Back to FTs vs Tanks: That is not to say a wasp can't kill tanks in CM. All I am saying is it's pretty poor at it in CM. And that's ok IMO. I think the demand for a hunt order is much more valid w/r/t exclusively .50cal - equipped AFVs. ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  12. I think that this is an interesting idea. It might compensate a little for the lack of direct contact between vehicles and infantry. Even though I agree a bit with Mr Aitken and I would suggest to limit this moral-crushing / displacement / injury effect to enemy infantry for ease of things... btw, "The evidence that AFVs did drive over infantry, both accidentally and on purpose, independent of whether friendly or not, is overwhelming and continues to this day." - I would like to see evidence for "on purpose, independant of whether friendly nor not" )
  13. I'll up one ya, Maximus seriously, color my toenails green and paint my hair purple, but this definitely looks like an early Sherman hull to me, so it can't be a VC...could it possibly be one of those elusive, existence-questioned IIC's ? (I seem to remember there was a discussion somewhere about the IIC and whether it actually existed)...notice the rear end of the hull above the tracks...it surely isn't an M4A3 but an M4 hull...or what do you think? anybody who lives near Aberdeen ? David, Bil, can you give us more dee-tails?? warning-disclaimer: I'm not a sherman-expert so I might be totally off here.
  14. it must be from beta24 - it is immobilized AND has no ammo....
  15. Moon, we all know you are not an egomaniac... but you sure should do something about your obsessive-repetitive-posting disorder
  16. Madmatt, you are recycling your post in that other thread.. I agree fully and have no problem with that, people were warned that the betas were not to be final products and meant to be taken at own risk entirely...I was just wondering whether the 24 will be here before I'm gone from here (for xmas)...so, any chance to see it soon or rather not harbor any hopes? (not trying to push, just inquiring really)
  17. I know that this joke has been played on before, but since I'm the type of guy who will keep flogging the dead horse for the flogging of it, I might as well stretch the xmas joke and thought you might get a little kick out of my addition, either way I did it so here it is... to adequately supplement the XMAS TREE MOD<sup><FONT SIZE=-2>TM</FONT></SUP> with a fitting vehicle to go with it, I am presenting to you the PzKpfWg VIB Königstiger in the famous Weihnachtstarn camo scheme... I mercilessly abused Fernando Buil's excellent Winter KT mod by adding festive mistletoe and wreath ornaments for that special time of year - feeling... as you can see, it goes very well together with the original XMAS TREE MOD<sup><FONT SIZE=-2>TM</FONT></SUP> released just days ago on this very same channel: This mod is guaranteed to get you into the right spirit for the festivity of Peace & Love. As Santa Claus serves seasonal greetings to yet another british christmas-carol singing opponent, you can almost hear Unteroffizier Ruprecht shout a merry "And here is a Frohe Weihnachten to YOU !!": Look what's under the Xmas tree(s)! Santa finally brought me that SdKfz 182 I wanted sooooo badly.... Last Christmas, I gave you Kettenkrad, but the very next day, you gave it to Wertstoffhof... so THIS YEAR I'M BACK WITH MA NU TOY!!! Yessireee - with Santa's new "Sled", the question of whether you've been naughty or nice catches an entirely new importance...because if you've been a naughty boy, Santa will simply DISPOSE of you.... Again, a Merry Merry Xmas to all CM programmers, testers, modders, players and dependants! M.Hofbauer <FONT SIZE=-2>No animals were hurt in the process of making the Kingtiger Weihnachtstarn-Mod. I promise you this will be the last CM Mod from this entity for this year. If you feel pity for the sick mind who created this or think he deserves immense revenue for this then please donate to a charity organization with the note "greetings from Santa Königstiger". If you read this far then that means that you are probably avoiding annoying tasks such as housework or buying xmas presents or suffering from insomnia depending on your time zone and/or economic mobility factor.</FONT> [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 12-21-2000).]
  18. Madmatt, now that you mention 24... any (ANY) rough (ROUGH) indicaton when we might be blessed by 24?
  19. there is some sort of a safety mechanism required in elevators...they have bumper coil springs, double cables and all. so don't worry. else take the stairs. 45th sounds like a healthy exercise to me. bottom line: don't panic. Using an elevator is as safe as driving around a battlefield in a Pz IV...uhm..wait a minute, lemme re-phrase that... ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  20. Now, that it's this very special time of year again...from the makers of the PINK PANTHER<sup><FONT SIZE=-1>TM</FONT></sup> MOD - we are proud to present to you the latest in the technology for peace, love and ultrarealistic 3D wargaming: The Xmas-Tree Mod! Yes, you heard right, and you heard it here first, this special ModPack for the award-winning, revolutionary game CombatMission will enhance your game to fit your special holiday needs. What better way to spend the many days of Xmas by playing CM - and now you can do so in the festive spirit with sumptuously decorated Xmas trees in your battles! Imagine winter wonderland woods full of xmas trees. You never know what you'll find under the next tree - maybe a MG42 position, or a Königstiger ! Get it now while supplies last! Merry Xmas everyone! M.Hofbauer p.s.: I also wanted to do a soldier graphics mod to go with it (you know, striking-red Santa and some angels) but I don't have the time to do it...so here's a release of at least the xmas trees... [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 12-20-2000).]
  21. Jeff Heidman: They were supposed to, but the famoulsy inept German production system never managed to completely switch over to Panther production. Steve: Production was supposed to have stopped in Feb of 45, but chaos and short term planning were the norm for German production during the last phase of the war. actually, the production output of the Panther (excl. Jagdpanther) in 1944 with 3777 (not incl. 227 recovery Panthers) already was higher than the PzIV (pure PzIV w/o the conversions and derivates) production of that year with 3225 (not including direct PzIV-subversions 36 recovery, 96 observation and 97 command Pz IV). In 1945, 507 Panthers (+38) were built as opposed to 438 (+3/31/-) Pz IV. Jeff Heidmann: Which was very (un)fortunate, since the Panther actually did not cost any more to produce once you got the factory machinery switched. Indeed. If you take the price the industry (which was despite the total war run commercially and profit-oriented) charged the Wehrmacht per vehicle as a basis for the rough amount of effort to produce it (manhours+resources etc.), the difference between the two vehicles is minimal. One Panzer IV Ausf. F2 ready to drive into combat costed 115,962.00 Reichsmark. This includes radios, optics and the KwK 40 L/43, the latter alone costed 12,500.00 RM. For comparison, an early Panther costed 117,100.00 RM for the vehicle alone (excluding optics, radio and guns). Can't find the prices for the KwK 42 L/70 right now but I think it's somewhere in the 20,000 - range. data on the amount of actual resources and manhours neccessary to build the respective vehicles would be even more valuable but I can't find such data right now. Mark IV: Chill. I wish you a Merry pre-Christmas time! Jasper: not sure what you mean?? do you not have the game?? ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  22. (RMC): The Panzer IV is really just an upgunned cardboard tank used for training in the early 30's. (MarkIV): Sounds like someone needs to go to www.achtungpanzer or somewhere and do a little brushing up. there seems to be a misunderstanding. MarkIV, indeed I can attest to the grog status of RMC, even though I have currently bereft him of a significant part of his library, what remains in the back of his head despite his recent FPSing is enough leaves most of us far behind when it comes to ww2 german armor. btw RMC is the guy who researched and largely solved the Nahverteidigungswaffe mystery (http://home.t-online.de/home/rcunningham/nahvert/nah.htm) so it was obvious to me that his post on the Pz IV in this thread (the PzIV is really just a cardboard training tank) was a jovial hyperbole of someobne who knows exactly what he's talking about. Mark IV, telling him to go to George's site (which btw will prove both of RMC's notions that a) the germans did make extensive use of wooden training tanks during the rebuilding of the Reichswehr / Wehrmacht in the years leading up to ww2 and that the early Pz IV models despite their (then) relative size indeed had very very thin armor plates) would be like telling Fionn to read what ww2 was about... sorry for my elaboration I'm on sick leave... ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
  23. I we just need to shake the Starcraft mentality that you have x troops that cost x resources based on their effectiveness only. Polar, hate to break it to you but the unit cost in CM is determined strictly by the combat value / effectiveness basis.
  24. have to disagree with Kwazy. Do NOT position them hulldown. Position them completely out of LOS, possibly outside the map edge, or as a popular saying with regard to the PzIV says: "Do not expose to sunlight." the Pz IV is crappy in CM and that is basically historically correct. Keep in mind that it was obsolete by 1944. Remember it was basically a pre-war design, and quickly earned the nickname "Rotbart der Hauchdünne" ("Redbeard the wafer-thin" as in a contemporary razor commercial) among it's crews... the jury is out on whether the PzIV's only advantages, it's good gun and superior optics, are accurately represented in CM and if so whether that is why it performs so abysmally poor in CM. Even then, there was a reason why the Pz V and IV had been developed... ------------------ "Im off to NZ police collage" (GAZ_NZ)
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