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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. This all comes post Drink with the gits. Mensch you little moldy turd, what is this you post? Throughout the day you send me ICQ messages whose intellectual and humour content i find regularly beaten by cheap christmas crackers, but come home and I see some sorry excuse for a web movie which makes Beavis and Butthead look like high art. Surely your time in Germany had slowly robbed you of all your a: meagre intelligence b: sense of humor. It would seem that all you are good for now is html and flash which no doubt fits your company's intentions well as they probably pay you with groin scratching tools and the odd cup of coffee. Furthermore, I find out today you are actually married to a German. Assuming this beingis both human and female it clearly shows the depths to which your depravity has fallen. It is clear to me now that you are quite quite worthless. If i were a glob of spit falling from a kid on a motorway overbridge and you were a car right in my path it would probably be more effort to fall on you than to just shy asside and avoid your critical mass of chortling inneptitude. There can be only one recompense I call a blood hampster upon you! The winner controls the others sig for a month. This all comes at a bad time.. I spent an entire night with Germanbastard, Chuparakeboy and Dr Whothefeckcares. Furthermore, they brought their friends. Now, to you, dear reader, this may not seem like a bad thing. But this is where they are sinister. Let me explain with a parable. Nuclear material has friends. Other nuclear material. Now, when you get nuclear material and its friends and ply it with Alcohol at a wanky yuppy club, what happens??? YOU GUESSED IT! NUCLEAR DETONATION! and that's EXACTLY what happened tonight. Not only was there Germanboy, but there was Germanboy's German friend! I felt like phoning a warning to the Polish embassy as soon as I could. What is worse is he wore lederhossen and this seemed to exxxcite Germaboy. I am sure there was a sweaty leather frenzy as soon as they got out of LOS of us lot. Perhaps that is why they left early. Furthermore, Dr Alamanstupidswede brought a Swedish person with him who proceeded NOT to drink large quantities of alcohol. Prooving once and for all that all swedes are lilly-livered panty-wasters better suited to serving tea at little girls parties and saying "O I am sorry sophy, i seemed to have spilt some orange on your dress" instead of hanging out with men. As a final concern, Chupagit has lost like, half a small continent in weight and now resembles a thinly sliced version of Twiggy. Chupastickboy kept gloating about how he got laid last week by an english girl from the pub and so how, therefore, he didn't care about X topic. Example discussion: Person X: So how about those israeli gunships! Chupagit: I got laid last week, what do I care! Proving conclusively. 1) Every dog has its millenium 2) Yanks can't hold their drink I despise you all you nasal hair comb cleaners. In other news, some people are loosing to me. Some know it now. Some will know it. One person is beating me. But A loss is good for me since it reminds me what that screen in CM looks like. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  2. This terrain is going to be almost perfect for the upcoming CMMC! Now lets see some unit mods reflecting the units there as well oooooo PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  3. Hi there Anyone planning on making mods for the CMMC? Within a month we'll have the time and place fixed as well as units and so on, it would be great to see the terrain and units mod'ed to match the period, don'tchya think? PeterNZ ps. Why can't my pc remember my details ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  4. I knew that gently tweaking on the Meeksian gonads would get a little squeak from the lad. Good boy, go back to your cage now. In other news.. My theory on my games is prooving true, I am totally and utterly loosing to Chrisl, not only have I played badly but my men have died like lemmings and couldn't hit Sneezy's ego from 5 paces. Meanwhile, true Genius shines through in the games agains Mark IV, Dalem, Croda et al. Chrisl, you will soon savor what so few have, my defeat, the rest of you will be sucking on the bloody stumps of your own limbs. I despise you all you fetid little armpit scrappers. May your mothers recover from the shame. PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-12-2001).]
  5. I definitely don't envision supply on any scale in CM. In a battle, even a large one, there is a large degree of planning that has gone on before hand, supply included! For 5000pts, say on attack, that's at least one btn. storming down on the defenders, that btn. has probably been planning its move for days, has arty prep already, has packs dumped while the lads go forward carrying ammo and a day or twos rations just in case (to be brought up by the trucks as soon as the attack is successful and counterattack beaten off), the start line has been secured and supply has already happened. Supply really only matters at the scale of the CMMC and CPX. I can't wait for the stories to come out of the CPX when we hear how they impacted that campaign. there! hehe PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  6. I'd recommend reading 'Stalingrad' by Antony Bevor, lots of post-soviet stuff in there about that battle and the war in general. Very interesting, goes into how the soviets portrayed stuff and what happened, should give you a good feel for a lot of your queries. PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  7. two things. 1) I have finished my scenario based on 2nd Canadian division around Antwerp.. 2) Meeks is a naughty boy and I can't seem to see a turn from him in my inbox. Therefore I give him a few days before I demand from Lorak a victory for myself and a defeat for meeksy. Danke PeterNZ
  8. hi there I know many of you play all sorts of wargames so I thought I would pass this link on.. http://www.dbaol.com It's for DBA online! Yeah, those ancient rules. Seems the people who made it have made an online version where you can play on a subscription service. Uses a turn based, play-when-you-like system ala CM, but with a stronger focus on a strict conversion from the tabletop game to the PC. Looks nice tho. Have fun PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  9. hi there. Have just received turn one, but since my HD crash I lost all your names/emails. Please remail me so I can send stuff out to you all, and remind me what role you have in the campaign. Thanks. PeterNZ aka. Major Jacobs ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  10. you just wait, i'll call him a doo-doo head soon if he's not careful! PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  11. i'm back now you horrible lot. I see there's been another schism, Croda, you stinker, get back in line. anyway, turns soon. bla PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  12. Notice I have some good news, and some good news. 1) I'm going away skiing 2) This means I don't have to talk to you lot. It also means I can't send turns. I will be back next sunday. I expect to maybe return the files I have already, but that's it. I expect my mail box to be full when i get back, full of dooooom for you horrible lot, (except for Chrisl who has been sacrificing virgins to Cthuhlu again and who is a complete bastard). And Meeks, I expect a file from you, or a surrender. ta PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  13. Thanks for the clarification Wildman. Could be argued tho that, in the end, maneuver warfare failed in Iraq and they simply returned to tried-and-true carpet bombing followed by invasion to win I really think it's silly to devote oneself to one philosophy or the other, I'm sure everyone would agree. In diferent scales, situation, conditions etc you can use both ideas exclusively or simultaneously in my mind. PeterNZ
  14. ... "Meeaaaaooouuuuuu!", and ...
  15. Not sure about who said it, but I read in Guderian that it wasn't a term (Blitzkreig) that they used themselves, (the Staff).. not sure who thought it up. PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  16. Maneuver warfare is a truism based on an imposibility? It is impossible to kill every leader and effect this kind of result, so I don't see how it can be applied to real-world practice. In the end you need to kill stuff to win wars. I think this is the key fact we forget, war is about one side killing the enemy, not fancy-pantsing around. The Author of "An Intimate History of Killing" makes a persuasive case for this. I firmly believe that some objectives HAVE to be taken, no matter how superior you are in combined arms. Generals like Guderian knew this, so why do the Man. War. fanatacists seem to deny it, or at least, reduce its importance when compared to racing panzers? The Wars in Poland and France weren't won only by armored columns streaming across the planes in big encircling maneuvers, it ws also won by hard-fought attacks across rivers to capture bridges and bunkers, by viscious mopping up battles through cities (which left unguarded could have been a problem for a stretched army) and by battles for key road and rail junctions. Maneuver warfare is not some amazing tool we all need to learn to win, it's an extension of other military strategy. Like these it still relys on supply, reinforcement and replacement, c&c etc etc. These common army functions need ground to be captured. They need cities with roads, rivers, bridges, commanding hills, and these do have to be taken. Simply surrounding problem areas isn't enough. Unless you want your entire army to be a prison guard for strongholds you eventually have to go in and get 'em. On a CM scale I really don't believe you can employ Manuever warfare. It is impossible to bypass the enemy to 'win'. I can't ignore his tanks, I have to try and kill them. In the end, that's the plan. I think I work like Jason and when i meet the enemy plan on how best to quickly and effectively turn it into red moosh, not specifically how I can apply maneuver techniques to defeat it. In the process of killing the enemy I might use some kind of maneuvering strategy, but the maneuver is subservient to the plan of actually killing the enemy, not a goal in itself. not sure all that makes sense, but anyway.. nice article Jason PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  17. Perhaps we shall learn some more of Man. War. in the CMMC coming soon, where division shall clash with division in a titanic struggle, phwoa! *can't wait* PeterNZ
  18. Why does everyone think folks in England speak Cockney?! The voices they've got are about right, and hysterically funny "Stick that in your pipe FRITZ!" just about fell off my chair when i first heard that. PeterNZ
  19. Why does everyone think folks in England speak Cockney?! The voices they've got are about right, and hysterically funny "Stick that in your pipe FRITZ!" just about fell off my chair when i first heard that. PeterNZ
  20. GERMANBOY um those pictures are all on a cd. Since the wipe i lost kinda.. my web ftp stuff, and have been slack. Same with my Combat Vision efforts PeterNZ
  21. Beer! feck! Grog Porn! Tanks! Feck! Beer! PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  22. Damn what a boring title for a Peng thread. Sheesh! Well, at least it's appropriate. I'm doing a scenario right now on the Canadian 2nd Division around South Beveland and Walcheren Meanwhile.. Seems Slappy is a gamey little bastard. Brings a warm glow to my heart. Nothing like a night battle where both sides storm towards the VLs. He's got yanky HTs, i've got German light armor.. mmm, if i'm lucky I'll have light armor and he'll have smoking piles of metal in just a few turns, mwuahaha. PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  23. Croda, as you insitgated this idea you better come up with a map for them both. Of you go lad. PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
  24. Good fly.. Nice fly.. Now send me a setup. I am happy to accept your terms, and yes, I will even trust you enough not to send a jpg or two, since I know, it matter not, your topplement is immenent. PeterNZ ------------------ "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra
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