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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. Hey, any of you French people NW of Paris around Estraux? or whatever it's called? Ta muchly PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  2. Steviegit As my squire you doff your cap to me, obey my commands and general serve me as I see fit. Benefits? Haha, this isn't Sweden! You don't get no stinking benefits! Well, you do get to have Lorak put your name up on the site and have your losses tracked. Also, if you find another squire you can have a kinigit challenge, the winner becoming a kinigit, the looser reamining a looser. Of course, the kinigits get to pick the battle for you. Now, on Germanboy's suggestion, use that mop of hair you have up there and clean the floor for me. Thanks. You know.. I thought Arogone would have a bit more bottle. O well. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  3. Mensch look what you've done! NOW who is going to play Treehugger? PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  4. I second! I say we officially IGNORE them unless they accept. I have the PERFECT scenario. It is more evil than Crodaberg and less hackneyed. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  5. Aragit, you're not very bright are you? The reason noone has rissen to your challenge is because you haven't actually CHALLENGED ANYONE! Try taking a moment to not obsess over animals or sharp pointy things and actually MAKE A REAL CHALLENGE. Make us sit up and face the fact that playing you would be better than ignoring you. So far, ignoring you is clearly the better option. Treeturd Bla bla, you are dull. Dull I say. Your insults are clearly derived from some observation of scant fact and a Fetish about a funny Irishman. You sound like a Tory PM. And I'll never play any Tory PM so sod off. In future, I expect more invicative, more bile, more raging against stuff. Not a X point essay on the content of your bowels. As for your assertion we are bad players it just shows your inexperience with this community. Sure there are the village idiots, (I won't mention Croda or Hiram here of course), but there are many many fine players. I have never lost a game TCP/IP outside of the pool, and i guarantee I am not the best here. If you are lucky one of us will play you. At the moment, we shall just continue to ignore you. I might be tempted to play you if you play Aragorn. Then two fools can jape for the Pools ammusement and we can throw donuts and bricks and quaff alcohol and chortle. Lorak Please note, Stevieboy is now my squire as was agreed on the previous thread. The lad will be regularly spit polishing my boots and keeping the lustfull Mensch at arms length, or at least sacfricing his anal virginity to protect me. Steveboy, send me a file and lets see how you play. I hope you are good. It would be sad to have a squire with the tactical skills of a Blamonge. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-22-2001).] [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-22-2001).]
  6. "forsooth I am Aragorn, behold my +2 broadsword and Chainmail of female repelent". "I shall smite thee for 2d6+4 damage and lo, you shall be smutted with my sword and righteous, but pimply, demeanor" "Please lend me some more dice so i might kill that bunch of orcs and steal their treasure and experience so I can level and gain the cloak of wear-it-in-public-like-a-sad-git and be the envy of McDonalds workers".. Well MR FANCY PANTS! We don't like your sort around here! Know what we say to depressive angsty sword-wielding types? We say HOW WOULD YOU LIKE 50 TONS OF FINE GERMAN CRAFTMANSHIP HUH? HUH? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THEN AS ITS MGs TEAR YOU TO SHREADS AND ITS 76mm GUN FIRES ROUND AFTER ROUND OF HIGH EXPLOSIVE SHELL AT YOU?! HUH!? You'll probably sit around MOANING about your lost kingdom and broken crowbar, BUT WHAT DOES THAT MATTER AS TONS OF VICKERS STEAL BEARS DOWN ON YOUR PROSTATE BODY READY TO CRUSH YOU INTO A BLOODY PULP?! Try and use your crowbar against that foe you slithering WORM. PeterNZ. ps. I'm not really sure we should let Russians in here. Every one i've met has worn cardigans and smelt faintly of cabbage ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  7. Seems I must waste energy beating on idiots again. Stevethegit, I will NOT be battling you for right of squiredom. If you choose to ignore my benificent offer then I'm affraid it is withdrawn. When you have grown in the ways of Peng you will understand the relationship of squire and Kinigit, and it's not some spartan thing either Croda. Meanwhile, there's drinks this friday, same place and time where the taunting may continue. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-21-2001).]
  8. I too am happy to play people outside the pool, just email me and ask (dynamo@pobox.com). However, I reserve the right to insult you if you are a gamey little bastiche, and if you feel you've learnt a lot (you can ask for a running commentary from me which discuss your fopish tactics and sloth like wit) then I simply crave control of your sig file for one month as payment. Feel free to Die-a-lot-Now PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  9. Remember, a lot of arty us is outside the scale of CM (but inside the scale of the CMMC coming up!) as it falls before the start of the first turn in CM. In a way, if you're attacking defended positions you can assume the barrage has already taken place. For some operations guns would fire for hours before an attack, even 'just' a battalion attack. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  10. You should change your nickname to greedy monkey, that would be more fun. Wow, writing projects in director, lol. the kids these days! PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  11. I am slightly drunk again, and make no appologies for it and my errors in syntax and spelling since i spent the evening with someone cuter than any of you find in your bset porn mags. O, she of the tiny miniskirt and sexy legs who likes to cuddle. *sigh* Yes, even ChupaBoySlim who has, it seems, finally had sex with someone who was even willing, yes, she was cuter than anyone you've had and an evening getting her and me drunk was better than any night of random humping of passing simian descendents. Well on to other news. I ask myself, why am i here? Is it because I seek some approval from that fawning fool Sneezy? I'm not sure if he plays games or simply masturbates over a copy of Eliott. I'd guess the latter from the slightly repulsive nature of his posts and the fact that I try and keep away from them and him as much as possible. Perhaps it is because, Lorak, I have trounced Dalem in a battle, 87-13, or perhaps it is simply because your existence prooves my innate supperioirty (yes, I have also beaten Elvis and GermanGeriatric in my time). Stevethehippie, what I 'smoke', as you put it, is simply no concern of yours. If you are really so inquisitive, I will tell you I gently roast new CMers over a slow fire and enjoy their screams, pathetic charges of my pickets and foolish use of Armor. As far as I can tell, I would enjoy smoking you. Meeting you was appauling, most farts I've had bring me more pleasure and satisfaction, even the wet ones. Please refrain from being a long-haired bum in the future. And pass your busty girlfriend to someone who can show her what a real man is like. Apparently Chupagit would think that's him since he finally worked out what his willy is for, (ie. sticking in women, not wall sockets, under the matress for a rainy day or in other boys bottoms). While we're on the topic of StevetheGit I am pleased to declare he bought more than his share of of alcohol on Friday, which means I owe him jack and ****e, because he works in ADVERTISING! Yes, he is a complete bastard who deserves us in London to demand, weekly, at least two rounds in tax from him. Thusly, he shall always buy the first round from now on. That being said, he is almost human, and so i think StevetheGit should be my squire and thus, proceed eventually to full knigithood. What say you idiots? I will of course, require a setup from the fool, assuming he is capable of diverting his mind from porn sites and Chupadork with whom he seems to have an unatural fixation. As in a lightbulb to it's socket. Yes, I think he needs to be screwed in to be turned on in his mind. Dalem I believe that, as they say in your end of the world, "I own your ass". Now, calm down Croda, you're still my cupboard wench, I mean, I OWN YOUR SIG FILE! From now on Dalem's Sig shall read.. ================= I LOST A BLOOD HAMSTER BATTLE TO PETERNZ. MY SIG FILE IS NOW HIS AND I AM HIS SLAVE. PLEASE ABUSE ME AS YOU SEE FIT AND CALL ME A DOO-DOO HEAD. IT IS MY PLACE IN LIFE, I WILLINGLY ACCEPT IT. ================= I hope you enjoy it Dalem it is most appropriate. Damn, I have to talk about the swedes now. Damn you Geier, you are dull. Today I farted and gained more pleasure out of the exchange between my anus and the chair than I have out of any conversation with you so far. You are insipid and a worm. Why aren't you at the bottom of a tequila bottle where i can study you when smashed, pick your bloated corpse out and devour you whole as some kind of party trick? Instead you are capable of using a keyboard and like some sodden worm see fit to dribble a little and squirm. Your alcohol soaked and bloated corpse should be rolling between my teeth as I chew and gain party favours. Perhaps that is really your role in life, a brief star in a meaningless melodrama. Mr Worm. Please go away. I tried the first time but you lost that game. The second time you send me a file with NO CLUE as to whether I was attacking, defending, picking my own arse (Which I am suspicious is the kind of battle you'd enjoy), and you query me for having you up about it? Well I am sorry Mr "Sweden really is a country, not a collection of drugged out Abba fans bent on converting the world to Social Justice", but SOME OF US KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME AND CHOOSE FORCES FOR A BATTLE. Others, like "o us swedes can drink more than insane tea party monkeys who after years of circus service seem more apt at throwing jis at the audience, aren't we clever", just seem to buy random stuff and chortle because it is hidden most of the game, and, therefore, implying a victory when we 'loose' the game file. I spit on you and Sweden. What a silly country. Once it rulled Europe, now it is a country whose claim to Fame is poor pop groups and a snooty attitude at the UN. Please, get a decent flag, Every time I see the long yellow streak I feel like peeing. Soon I shall be, I hope, close enough to a Swedish flag to bring my loathing together and Pee on that silly yellow cross. Please hurry and make your country interesting. I fear the rest of the world will get as bored of it as I have and just remove it from the map lest it collapse in a black-hole of dullness and suck all the usefull tools like politicians and lawyers from our real countries. Then the rest of us will be forced to do those menial service tasks. I feel, Geier I must hammer this point home some more. Otherwise, like CavScout, you may ignore the fact that you are a pillock. I have yet to be impressed with the swedes. Most are dull. Dr Alimanretardo avoids that by having a comic goatee which makes whatever he says slightly laughable. Since you are not comic or foolish, just dull like the rest of Sweden, I plead on behalf of the Peng thread to please, please be interesting! You are representing your country here. You lack the empty rugged manlyness of Norway and the insane drunked stop-tanks-with-a-toothpick nature of Finland. What are you? You are the New Jersey of Europe. Most people ignore you when possible. The rest of the time. They yawn. Mr Peng what is up? You are being dull. Please stop. Every day respect oozes from me like the stuff from between the legs of Chupagits Miss Last Week. It's not pleasant. Could it be that people like Geier have bored you to death? Or that wadding through Sneezy's posts removes the will to live? If so, I understand your predicament and suggest getting drunk as the only means to escape The Droll. Mensch This is a subsection of it's own. So Hiram was a nob by ICQ. I expect nothing less of the good boy. He is well trained by us poolers. Your lack of ability to 'DEAL' is disapoiting. What you should have said to him is "i'm going to slap yo byotch ass whitey!" and proceeded to best him in mortal combat. At least you had the grace to loose to me three times (maybe 4 soon) in a row. In conclussion, god you lot are so disapointing. Not in the 'oo look yuo all are stink' manner as most of you post, but in the "what a waste of Peng" you have all become. Even Peng is a shadow of Peng these days, and God forbid I use the abomination that is Croda's attempt at a peng board. It's like taking ebola and putting it in a secure lab, where's the fun in spreading it around then? Which reminds me, please die some more Croda, I like gloating. On that note piss off PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-19-2001).]
  12. Pal (Hawk), the creator of COCAT mentioned that he didn't know any mac programmers, but I did, so I chased one and when he finishes a project he is on now he is going to have a look into it. There's actually two possibles who can get into helping out. This is very good! I believe Lance's 'combat courier' was dropped in favour of Forums. Not sure the reasons why. Forums seem to work well, as a btn commander you can read your regimments folder only (and a general one, or intel or whatever else is allowed). As, say, a divisional commander/officer you can read all the forums of the regiments under you, and the Corp forum above you. Something like that. Just thought i'd try and answer the unanswered hehe PeterNZ Sorta helper guy ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  13. Lorak For the third time today i have bested Mensch It was a glorious 400pt battle. I had two platoons and some stuff, he had one platoon and some stuff. I won, hurah. PeterNZ
  14. Lorak Please write up: ME 2 Mensch 0 Yes, I beat mensch twice today in QBs of his choosing. All went according to my designs. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  15. Ooops, sorry Matt! I was talking to James and missinterpreted something I guess PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  16. Now you've got the game, check out the CMMC (look for links and info), basically, WW2 from CM to General.. PeterNZ
  17. I think i can answer a couple of questions here.. Elvis a .uni file is a unit file that COCAT, the campaign tool generates. It describes unit locations on a map and also info about the unit. Use COCAT to open it. Michael Dorosh While technically, as I understand it, the CMMC is full, signup was ages ago and there are bound to be people who will have dropped out or won't respond to a call-up email. Furthmore, when the game gets going some players will have to leave. So, folks, if you want to join, probably best to mail James and see what is the situation and if you can go on a reserves list PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  18. Does it always come with four half-naked gay guys on it? Better not tell the 'poolers PeterNZ
  19. MOD MAKERS! I believe there will be more on this shortly. Basically, wouldn't it be great to mod CM so that when you play your CMMC battles you get the look and feel of units and terrain involved? Well we think so, so if you're a mod maker and think so to, get in touch and lets talk! PeterNZ CMMC helper guy ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-17-2001).]
  20. In two different games now I've had a building knocked down in order to get to the tank behind it. My two panthers very much suprised a Sherman this way, hehe Also on the assult, if you have lots of points, consider one of the 'funnies' like a croc or AVRE Peter
  21. Chris1 is a very naughty boy, and has indeed bested me. Probably just as well because another defeat like his first to me would be a bit to much for his fragile mind to bear I think. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  22. I think that the player campaigns will be more fun than a coded one.. I mean, there are some great tools in development so you can either run a campaign with you and a cpl of mates or join in the big ones being run by the CMMC team (well I hope they run more in the future too!) That's my real hope for campaigns, although I do like campaigns too M.H PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  23. Something i like to do is set up firebases. So approach to within 200 or so meters, then 'setup'. What this involves is ensuring every single machine gun, mortar, tank gun, arty spot and squad (appart from reservers, which are CRUCIAL in a city fight) have LOS to your target. Then when your first squad goes forward, if anything pops up half the entire planet shots at it. This can work very very well. Attacking a city from two sides also works. For example, at the moment i'm playing Croda and have most of my MGs and support units (I'm the Yanks, and yes, I love MGs mm) out front, while the more mobile infantry go for the flanks. It's been great because as he has tried to redeploy to face my flank attack my support firebases have had a good old time shooting up the moving defenders. And, the howitzer motor carriage is your friend. Finally, have reserves, at least as many people you send in should be ready as backups. Nothing worse than getting a foothold in a town only to loose it the next turn to some paniced troops. Keep some men fresh and well armed and use them when you need to secure your gains. Peter ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
  24. You've all been very lucky. I have carefuly split my post so as not to overload the board with discussion of the droll people. Speaking of SteveTheRat. This guy has too much hair. It's all over the place. I'm not quite sure where it started and stopped.. I think it started about 5'8" and finished somewhere near the ground. Apparently he is quite odd, which means he will fit in well with Germanlederboy and Chupastick. I think it's about time he take some tutelage so as to avoid the tragic mistakes which have, so clearly, impacted the lives of other people here. So I think Stevey should be my Squire! PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy
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