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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. next he will be.. gushing *shudder* PeterNZ ------------------ "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."
  2. Operation FIPEY A total success, but we still have fighting to do. Germanboy, we need you, Chupacabra, we need you. The land of SSI and the principality of CC5 have been totally overrun by my bandit hordes. I declare my self Generalisimo and El Capitan of this new land and you are all my dirty cowboys (and pengs). You have aquited yourself well on the invasion. Now we merely have to secure the flanks and fight off the counterattacks. Death to the enemy. And more waffles for us please. In other news. I'm killing all of you, (and lewis). Although maybe i'm not killing Herr Oberst very much right now. But he smells, so sooner we get away from him the better. PeterNZ ------------------ "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples." [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-05-2000).]
  3. I come on a sacred quest. First of all to tell you that in all the PBEM games I am in currently, you are dead, dead dead, i've seen mummies in museums with more life in their corpses than some of you have, just i'm drawing out the suspense ok. The second thing is http://www.clubssi.com/ubb/Forum23/HTML/000843.html Here is a link to the mostly holy First Inaugral Peng Excursion Yonder (FIPEY). This FIPEY is to the CC5 board where we will spread just a little Peng into their souls. No posts to other threads alowed, just taunt away on that thread, ignore the other posters, they will be dazed and confused by the FIPEY. (O, i stole an idea of Meek's sister in that thread. Certainly better than stealing of Meek's ugly-assed self). Lets run the FIPEY for a couple of pages and then disapear. I challenge you to join in on pain of being called a girl. (If you're a girl, i'll call you barbara striesand, ha!). PeterNZ ------------------ "Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."
  4. and i think the first part is 'he who conquers the present' otherwise the quote just sucks! And it's a bit too much of a rip off of old '1984' anyway.. hmm Best story? Hmm let me think. None! I have bad luck haha PeterNZ
  5. BTS!! Please fix, or do somefink!!!! ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks wrote: I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  6. Wow! I'm a sppice girl! Cool. Hey, i still want to know who won the damn game, Charles or Steve? PeterNZ
  7. If I ever use them i tend to buy a group and use them close by. One favourite is to drop them on suspected routes of advance, often in patches of trees. These can be patches that are particularly difficult for you to cover in force yourself. On defence I might use a combo of various mines and wire to block off the core flag areas where i generally don't put many troops, while a big force is massing on a wing to counterattack.. the obstacles can slow 'em down so if you're flanking you don't find you now have to charge the town you're supposed to be defending! PeterNZ
  8. Schnell Schnell mit der Klinken Klanken as my father says. or Raus mit der stinken Schlaffen! When trying to wake me in the morning when i was younger. As for the rest of you Faux Krauts, why don't you Faux off before you bore us to Tot. PeterNZ - Leader of the Ilk ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks wrote: I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  9. dude, I still have one left over player. is that problem corrected with the new scenario? I hope so. Haven't had a chance to look yet since I am working so much. Weekend I'll get it all organised. PeterNZ
  10. gotta say it.. using snipers as scouts is a bit... GAMEY? PeterNZ
  11. Goodness me, this thread isn't even a fart left behind by a passing uncle of the chambermaid of the Peng Thread. It takes more than funny stuff to make a peng thread. It really takes a lot of hard work and a dose of vitriol, topped off which a whack to the head with a bucket of nails, ala Meeks. PeterNZ
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Snatchy dribbled: Andreas/Chubacabra/and Ilk are drunk in London<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What the Heck is an Ilk? I've never been called one before, is it a promoted Squire? I certainly hope so afer a brilliant few turns recently against Meeks and Chupie. All those awaiting files from me, please slowly count to 125,000. You should have them by the time you finish. O, and bullethead. I think I hate you and I haven't even seen the file. It's clear your scnario is as craply balanced as my grandma on crack And what's with stealing my Cheeky Monkey line Snatchy? Sheesh, first Andreas and now you! I can only take so much emulation before I am forced to admit you really do want to dress in leather shorts and serve me as your master, and that thought both revolts me and confuses me. Unless I can hire you out to Meeks perhaps hmm. Thank you. Mind the sheep on the way out. PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-01-2000).]
  13. Maybe you're trying to get your scouts too far ahead. Sometimes you don't need to advance them too far before they are usefull. Remember, he's also advancing towards you.. so keep those scouts a bit closer where they can retreat to safety with your men, or be covered by your forces? PeterNZ
  14. Lets review some points of Brucie's from the bottom to the top. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>For instance there was a British division (whose number eludes me) in Italy whose performance he tracked over a long period and concluded was simply appalling: an opinion, incidentally, shared by the commanders in theatre at the time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Question: Did Duprey hear that comment -before- he made the numbers, or after? If before, (and it's likely, since he would have heard such stuff in his research), well of course his numbers will show it to be a poor division, he'd look a fool if they didn't. Secondly, any scenario designer isn't going to be consulting Duprey to work out what his troop qualities are. A simple review of AARs and other sources would give you a good idea. Sounds like these guys would equate to 'green'. Simply because Duprey's numbers agree with commonly held views does not 'prove' his numbers in any wider sense to be accurate, or more importantly, useful. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think we've identified between us all kinds of cases where wargamers and historians can, even should, use generalizations for a given army: related to literacy, or mechanical aptitude, or to reflect doctrinal differences, or strategic situational ones. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And there's nothing mentioned there that is even relevant on CM's scale! Sure, generalizations are useful. In general, I've never been run over when I cross the road. That doesn't mean I don't check each time I do. In the specific, the general doesn't always give you that accurate a picture of what's going on. How does any generalization of those variables listed then applied to CM improve CM? If you want to look at tactical doctrinal differences, well sure, if the AI is playing the AI you might want to code one of the AIs to be a better player, since one said could handle their assets better. Coding one AI better would give you the kind of Duprey bonus you're looking for? Make the German AI good at combined arms stuff. Make the Allies rely on their infantry more, hey, there you go, ingrained doctrinal differences in the game! But, if I'm not mistaken, the point of this game is to -play- it and have fun, hence using two AIs would be kind of pointless don't you think? We could go with Andreas' solution, and since I'm about to play him on the defense as an American, perhaps I should play badly and thus effectively simulate the 1.3 or whatever ratio of superiority the Germans had. I'm sure Andreas would be pleased. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTS "We have several national differences in the game, such as command and control time differences..." Brucer Sorry, could I get the specifics on that? I'm not fully versed on what you refer to.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do you own the game? I certainly hope so. If you do, I am surprised you haven't noticed that different units respond with differing speeds to orders you give. I see you are building a scenario so I guess you do. Perhaps you don't play it much? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would be curious to hear more about how you see the major accepted subunit-level national doctrinal differences (such as British "battle drill," or the German emphasis on initiative at all levels) being simulated in the current game. I had thought no such national variations in training or tactics were currently reflected in CM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shall we speak slowly? We model it through the.. P L A Y E R Yes! This is a game! Players control units! Golly gee, things have come a long way eh? Initiative at all levels is easily modeled. You charge your men at the bad guys and if a lone platoon out of earshot of companyHQ has a chance to kick some ass, you use it to do so, wow. Of course, we could simulate that the poor organization you want, or rigid chains of commands and soldiers without initiative. In which case, perhaps as the French I should write notes on pieces of paper requesting authority to move and then write replies to myself to wait for the baguettes and then not move the unit for a few minutes. Intriguing. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>. Remember, at the beginning of this thread the opposing argument was "it's bad to make Poles crack and Brits regular, or give better leaders to Germans as a rule, because people vary too widely to be categorized that way." I suggested that no, we should feel free as scenario makers to make generalizations about the quality of a particular unit or army sometimes, if there was good evidence for it<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ever the valiant hero? Your first post mentioned no such defense of the freedom of scenario designers. In fact, EVERYONE ELSE was mentioning that scenario designers are free to set units how they want, and they could follow history, or not, as they saw fit (don't like the scenario, don't play it). Nowhere AT ALL was it said 'its bad to make German leaders better as a rule'. If you've played many scenarios you'll notice many designers already do as you so kindly suggest, simply because it's historically accurate in the situation portrayed. They certainly don't do so through some misguided idea about the applicability of Duprey or overall superiority. What was said was it is bad to hard code these differences into EVERY unit on one side. A good scenario designer does EXACTLY what you suggest already (wow), and does look at the history and model units as close as they can. A point highlighted by everyone else BUT you. In fact, you stick to the whole 'x army was better/worse/more/less whatever' line. About as small-scale you get is dividing up the nationalities and say they were better or worse than your average brit. And as everyone else has repeated endlessly, you can simulate that already in CM by making them Vets or give them better leaders. And such differences, whether or not they come from 'national' qualities are only relevant to CM's scale when it comes down to the skills and experience of each unit. Conscript, Green, Regular, Veteran, Elite, Crack. Clever huh? It seems you're really here to defend ASL, and in your words as you summarize a post <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It was a fun system <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course! Most of us have played it and know it was fun. We're only saying it wasn't -that- accurate, and the logic it's based on isn't -that- good. Doesn't stop ASL being a great game. As for national qualities, where do you draw the line? Perhaps German command squads with Prussian names should automatically an extra bonus to all traits since it was 'well known' that the Prussians were good officers, (Guderian etc). Perhaps people from the west coast of the US should get different bonuses from those on the east, or the south. Obviously a southern marksman is going to be better because in general, the south is more open and agrarian so in general you'd get more crack-shot farmboys. Perhaps north English should be different from the southerners? And the scots, they should get a bonus handling tanks since they're all such great engineers. And Aussies and kiwis should have better cooperation between leaders and squads since we don't have much of a class system, and of course, NZ'ers would be better again because Rommel thought he could take over the world with an Army of us. Not being facetious. You can see once we start on this track, you can go on and on.. Anyway. PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-01-2000).]
  15. It's clear that BTS are evil, and I was sorely tricket by some foul demonic doings of theirs. How else could CM do so well?! It's clea they've sold their soul to to devil and as well as huge success get a few other 'perks'. That bloody scout car STILL WON'T DIE! i had this cunning plan of making a 'hole' in my defences.. a lovely inviting space, and a road, no less, with which to drive on. Everywhere else was wire and bunkers, but in this golden spot.. ahh, all was clear! Of course, it was devious and cunning and nasty since that area was mined and covered by a Very Big Gun as well as a panzershreck. Well damn Chupie like the naieve little lad he is just waltzes in there, and sets me off chuckling about how I will ambush him, that is until i find out who is in charge of the damn scout car! Damn you to heck BTS! the damn thing was sniped at, shot at twice with zooks, barely dodged artillery, ran over a minefield, outshot all those damn HTs of my own, killed a bunker and then just joyrode over the squshy leftovers, GAH! I WILL HAVE YOUUUUUUU PeterNZ
  16. yeah, NZ and Ausie were independent, but of course it was expected we'd go where Britain went, and of course both countries very happily joined in. Infact, I think due to time zones and you lot sleeping and stuff we may have declared war first.. although I am probably wildly wrong. After some of the destruction in ww1 both Aus and NZ had their own commanders I believe, since we didn't really trust the Brits that much PeterNZ
  17. if you've got guns that are in that situation it ends up, i've found, that it doesn't really matter if they fire or not, they're dead pretty quick.. (also, even if they do fire, they miss) PeterNZ
  18. love em! love to see those markings and that detail PeterNZ
  19. I liked your story Shatter Hey, that kinda mental space is what.. psychologists (?) call 'flow'. There's some really interesting books about it somewhere, my ex-flatmate was reading 'em. I agree with the force stuff kinda.. I've seen some footage of pretty interesting stuff martial-arts wise as well, (like one old man holding off 10 people all pushing on him, and a big 25yr old yank unable to lift this little chinese guy off the ground.. odd ) I firmly believe annecdotes describe reality better than most other things.. and they're more fun haha. As for Lucas, the guy is a dork haha. But the SW series is bigger than him, (he really has only actually -made- three or so films in his career eh? ****, i dunno, his record isn't that hot. I will still enjoy the next films, just feel like the could have been more PeterNZ
  20. Interesting you should mention that KJ, check out the various threads on the MG42 for the reasons why it is as it is currently, there was some discussion on the matter a few months ago. I believe there is some perception that MGs actually kill people, when it's more realistic to have them supress people. I've read a few annecdotes whereby soldiers weren't too worried about the mg42 at any range over a couple of hundred meters, (hell, maybe less), because fire was pretty disperesed by then. One thing though is that it -did- keep their heads down hehe Don't really want to get into a repeat of previous arguments by people who know more than myself abou thte issues, but if anyone's interested, there was a full debate about it some time ago PeterNZ
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maximus said: Well, some of my examples may have not been entirely correct, but my point was that having some sort of "quality" or "behavior" coded into the troops is definately needed for accurate portrayal of the world's armies.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My goodness man. Are you not very bright? Or are you just trying to piss people off? Did you fail to read (yes, that could be the problem) the last 100 posts about the issue. The fact is that no 'behavior' or 'quality' is DEFINITELY needed for 'accurate' portrayal of the worlds armies. For goodness sake, please go read the thread. I know it contains big words, but you'll get there. Further more, have you played CM? I must almost assume you haven't since you would be instantly aware of quality if you had. It's called conscript, green, regular, veteran elite, crack (did I get those last two around the wrong way?). I think if you'd played the game you would realise that you are able to accurately simulate different troop 'qualities' and 'behaviors' with these settings. I mean, what more do you want to see in a 30 minute battle? This isn't StarCraft where each side is distinctly different, has pretty colors and zap-zap weapons. In 30 minutes what counts is your squad, their weapons and skill and your skill. I see no reasonable argument at all that suggests any other kind of qualities are required. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maximus started with: Even when comparing German troops and American troops. German troops were fighting (whether brainwashed or not) for extreme nationalism. Their doctrine was to fight to the last man even if they were losing. etc etc<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Since I'm generous, I'll assume this is some kind of joke on your part. It is, isn't it? If you honestly believe this, I'll ask you, are you saying that all German troops should be shouting "for the fatherland!" and rushing off to die to the last man? Any broad understanding of WW2 history shows this argument to be ludicrous. Hell, I have a German relative who on d-day was at Normandy. He saw the Canadians landing, went down to the shore and in his words "I make give up!". Goodness me. O, another Maximus gem <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>LOL! Well look at it this way. Compare a US soldier of 1991 to an Iraqi soldier of 1991. There's MAJOR differences in the quality of troops there. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. Very astute of you. It's called 'conscript' versus 'veteran'. Wow! Amazing! You can try a similar style of battle yourself in CM. Get a battalion of conscript German Volkstrum, make sure they have the worst equipment possible. Now take a company of heavily air supported, arty supported, tank supported veteran US infantry and watch them clean up. (Now I am aware there were some hard battles in the Gulf war, but the public doesn't really hear that does it? hmm). As for the Iraqi's being poor fighters, you lack of knowledge is glaringly obvious. I knew a guy at uni who was in the Iranian army during the Iran/Iraq war, he said the Iraqi's were big tough bastards, (he was 6'2" and built like an Aryan brick-****house as they might say). It's clear then that leadership, equipment and training are much more decisive in battle. Please. Think. PeterNZ [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-31-2000).]
  22. It's a squire's time to claim wot's his. So you, Lorak listen up! I have a draw against Germy. It was a training session, not sure if it countrs. A win against JD Morse. Sorry patron sir, knight sir sir.. but I kicked your little sir booty sir like you were some portable inflatable backside. I'll try not to do it again sir. And the rest of you. Well, too many games to reccount. Mostly it involves some shooty stuff, some boomy stuff. All very lovely and pleasing. PeterNZ
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Speedy said: I am only in two games vs. my fellow poolers, my goodness I am a sad git, someone please help me <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ok! Ok! Don't grovel! I know you are hardly a man since you have only TWO games against your fellow pool members, therefore I am prepared to do battle with you and give you some shred of credibility by being able to describe a total of THREE game when you post. Yes, you won't even have to count them on your fingers, you can still use your limbs to count for another game yet, they don't call me Generous Mr PeterNZ for nothing now laddo. So send me your destruction. Make it cunning so that I might chortle. PeterNZ One of JD Morses sorta loyal squires [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-30-2000).]
  24. Hang on Rob, we already have more than enough players, lets move one of those over. You should have kept an email folder with everyone who applied to play in it.. would have been easy to work out then. Why not assign one of my players to the Axis HQ. Noone has seen anything so no worries. Do you have the right number of players for Axis? In which case, for everyone else, it's kinda tough luck. Lets work out the teams. PeterNZ
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