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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. BTS guys Damn you need to redesign this web site! It's so hard to find stuff! *hugs* Luv ya all in a brotherly slap-on-the-back way, but come on, get with it PeterNZ
  2. It's taken me a whole day to catch up with this thread. Every time I read a post I am forced to reach for a bucket due to the retching that begins when I read the drivel and trash poured out by some of the fetid minions who dare to simper around this pool. Watching the drivel pour out of them is less like watching Bush prove that small turnips have been known to outwit him, and more like watching a 300lb linebacker drop his sweaty jocks and take a flaccid reeking dump in front of me while pointing out the bits that used to be carrot and peas. I am fortunate that I have never had to experience this in real life but reading the pustlant excretions from the nether-regions of Croda and co's brains makes me think of just such an image as the only equal to the revolting performance. Croda, you misaligned blob of Precambrian ooze. What on earth possessed your parents to consider mating with those insects in amber to produce yourself as an offspring? Surely your LOSS to me has confused your brain and you fail to bow down to your superior squire. I call the BLOOD HAMSTER upon you! Not only are you a poor tactician you have about as much honor as a margarine salesman at a fat-assed trailer-trash convention. We agreed the looser would pay the winner in some appropriate way yet such payment is not forthcoming! I call upon an INQUISITION OF PENG to try you and after we've found you Guilty, to PUNISH you! In case your memory is as poor as your wit YOU LOST. Understand? I'm sure it is something you are more than familiar with already. Should you care to loose again, send me a setup! Marlow, my child. 'stumble into a kill zone'. You call that a kill zone? I call that "the allied army concentrated in a little spot". Kill total to date: I've killed two of his halftracks and am heavily mortaring his men. Another halftrack or two of his should go soon, ending his mobile forces. He has been fortunate enough to be standing around when some of my guys ran into them and got a bit hurt, and another platoon is currently pushing a few dead over the side, but that's why you get MORE THAN TWO PLATOONS! Amazing concept. At this juncture I should note the computer bought forces I have would have been better picked by Helen Keller's guide dog. Three days after it had died. As for the rest of you Geier Crooning time is over little man. The left jabs have been keeping you busy, here comes the uppercut. Chupacabra Get that damn degree thing finished, I want to tear those Germans another new one in Arnheim. By my count they now have about.. 5 new ones. More fun than a pinata full of crack. Germanboy Bah! Bogged tanks, crap arty, it's not looking good. But it's not looking good for him either. If I can't win, I can at least grind his men down into a fine green paste and serve them on toast with some kippers. Shane T For god's sake, who are you man? Sign your damn nick when you send me these excuses for a turn. If that's Stuart you're packing I'm crying foul, this is a mechanized only game. Either way, he's probably gloating over the kills to my Halftracks right now. But it's a bit irrelevant really, I own 3/4 of the VLs and he's nowhere around. Guess I'll just have to kill him slowly. Heriam Sedai I was playing.. no. Not the right choice of words.. I was killing.. still not right. Hm Tricky. Lets try a metaphor. I was walking along the street today when I saw a little baby kitten in a paper bag. It's big eyes looked at me, it's whiskers twitched and it said 'meow' in ever such a cute way. I smiled, looked at it and with my jackboot of righteousness jumped up and down upon it till it was a baggy of pasty, bloody furry stuff. Well, that's what playing H.S. is like. I feel such remorse when playing his turns. "O gosh, he did that.. *sigh* well guess he'll have to die then". I almost feel like saying "Opps sorry you're such a bloody awful player and I just took out 3/4s of your armor in two turns with the last of your tanks cowering in a bush", but then I remember that this insipid little cretin is more worthy of cavity exploration with a nailgun than sympathy. Surely there must be laws against playing so badly. Last time I went shopping the old lady in front of me with her cabbage-smelling cardy, light blue hair and 15-items-in-a-9-items cue showed more tactical wit that this boy is showing. Crushing that old woman beneath my heel might actually cause me to think rather than watch as H.S throws his troops randomly across the map. His goals seem to be neither to secure VLs nor to attack my forces, rather he is fascinated with patches of woods and seems intent to find the little fairies one can only presume he believe are in there. No H.S, you and your men won't find those fairies, try Germanboy's suburb. And you especially won't find them with your pants down. Mark IV I love it when the bad guys do my job for me. So Far Mark IV has been so secretive in defending what must be the Goat Porn capital of Germany one can only assume he has some vested interest in keeping the town. Which raises the question, why we're attacking, obviously, to crush these little nanny-goat abusers. It can now be safely assumed that most of Mk4's forces are confined to an area some 300x300m. Fortunately, two shells from a 14inch gun will pretty much kill anything inside that kind of zone. As he will shortly be reminded. Chrisl One must assume that the loss of yet another Allied tank is leaving Chris a little dazed and confused. Since it appears my armor now outnumbers his two to one and my infantry are shortly to retake the major VL I guess one can assume he's loosing big time. And if you were one, which Chris certainly isn't, then you'd be right. As for being lumped in with Australians in David A's picture, it may be so Croda, that MAYBE BE ME, in which case I am both revolted and charmed at the same time. Revolted because I don't do sheep, just cute Chinese girls (please note, they are of the Genus 'homo sapiens' one some of you would be wise to adopt as your primary mating partner. Croda's parents didn't and look what happened), and charmed because anything with me in it is inevitably more interesting and charming than anything without me in it. David, I wish to commission pictures the email is sent.. and so.. err.. too is the cheque.. in the mail.. err.. JShan Trolling? Pah, foolish man, your family knows it's you who should be living under the bridge chasing small children for their pop-tarts. In fact, I got a game after a polite request, and without knowing the scenario settings or conditions and with a ridiculously short time frame, managed to beat my enemy into a bloody paste and was only a couple of turns shy of a major victory for my doughboys. That makes it 2 nil to me vs the universe in TCP/IP. Pretty much like your score with your current bed partner? Poor being, whatever it is. Now onto the subject of some of the new filth the thread has picked up. I am reminded of a huge bloated trailer-wench who upon stumbling out of her stinking bed-pit finds a few more bedbugs leeching on her sweaty mass. It should be clear I'm talking about M.Bates GI Tom nijis and Dalem to name but a few of the larger more leechlike customers. Go back to picking on *he whos name cannot be spoken* and *the other one* back on the main boards before I have to bruise the back of my hand. Of course I could always teach you pain over some mixed 20-30 turn battles. Ask H.S what it's like to watch your force crumple, the daily agony and about the emails I get from him pleading, nay, groveling to let me into the secret cult of Those Able to Move Units and Play CM Without Looking Like They Had A Spastic Fit When They Plotted Their Turn. Repulsed and disgusted. I live on in the knowledge lots of you are loosing to me and few of you will spawn to further your lineage. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  3. Mr A Ever considered doing a portrait shot of everyone important on the Peng Thread? Would be rather amusing =) Damn.. I feel like hirring you to do some little bits and pieces for me. You're so damn good at this art stuff. O, almost forgot. Um, you suck, etc etc. Die die, etc etc, want a game, send me a setup, etc etc. Same goes for GI Nob? Was that his name? Close enough. Come on the both of you! PeterNZ
  4. Sheesh please lets avoid rarity factors for now. It's just a total pain to consider implementing and takes some of the fun of trying new things out. If you don't want to pick fancy units, don't, and if you don't want the enemy too, ask them not to! As for allies being overpriced, I don't understand how. I've played many games of CM and the side I play is largely irrelevant to the win or loss. My past two tcp/ip games have resulted in victories for the allies. As for the open-top tanks. I love 'em myself. The m18 and m10 are fast and they use their tungsten now, yummy. As for Archers, they were seen as a stop-gap tank by the Brits. Buy them for ammusement value only. Sure, allied troops aren't cut out for battle at 30m, so don't fight at that range! Try taking germans and taking on allied platoons at 100m + range.. gets tough for the germans. I firmly believe the game is pretty balanced at the moment. You just need to think carefully about your tactics, unit selection and play style with each different force and unit selection. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  5. Why tweak it? scene: corporal throws a grenade *booom* The building is supported by a framed picture of Doris Day, all that's left of one wall Sgt "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Obg. "ACHTUNG! SHIESSE! RAUS RAUS!" Fleeing proceedes seems perfectly reasonable to me, tee-hee PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  6. Yes, all modeled. Since the game deals with all fire using a 3d physics engine it has to be, let me explain. If you're firring at dead straight on, level with the Tiger 2, then all those angles and thickness you mention come into play and you can watch shell after shell bounce off the front of the tank. If you approach it from an angle, or the turret is turned to the side, well things are different. Imagine an Hellcat or some such on a hill looking down on a Tiger 2 whose turret is turned to the side. End result may be an shot at the Tiger where the side of the turret armor is nearly at 90 degrees to the incomming shell, and *pop*, dead Tiger 2. Conversely, a hull down Tiger 2 which is on a slight slope would result in an even worse position for the allied tanker. Not only is there not much of the Tiger to see, but the armor it can see is even more sloped due to the hill it's on. Many many richochets will be seen. I've seen even shermans bounce several shells from German tanks simply because of a steep hull down position resulting in increased angle of armor to incoming shell. It's great fun to watch shells slide off their armor for a change, hehe. Hope that answers your question. O, just thought, is the compound angle modified? ie. that different sections of the front of the turret are modelled at different with a different thickness. Not sure myself. In game, the turret thickness is listed as 185mm at 10 degrees PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 12-03-2000).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I stand by my ignorant comments.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ..guess that means you're ignorant! Anyway, lads, the reason bts won't do a Pacific CM is because they're not interested in the Pacific! Not manyo ther reasons really! Would you make a game you're not interested in? PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  8. Ok. Not sure i'll be here too much more. Too many posts and wading through them to find something amusing is getting more fruitless every day. Will continue playing games against you minions however. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  9. BUMP since it doesn't seem to be anywhere else.. it deserves the attention PeterNZ
  10. New thread and it's turning into a pile of crap. Folks, if you're not going to post paragraphs of vitriol about GAMES you're PLAYING then, seriously, sodd off! Growing 120 posts in 24 hours is just a waste of everyone's time. 9/10ths of the post are just festive bouts of mutual masturbation, "oo you suck" "oo no you do!". This is a pool not a cookie to be made soggy with your penile excretions! Please, stop posting your drivel! I feel like i'm wadding through millions of babies given extra-drool formulation and it's getting my boots messy. This is a GAME CHALLENGE THREAD! Either play games or sodd the hell off! If the thread keeps going like this many people will just stop reading it and we'll have lost the most interesting bit of net space yet discovered by man. I don't care what country you come from I don't care about sheep or not sheep I don't care about the us elections I don't care about you job, your religion, what colour dildo you shoved up your butt this morning, I CARE ABOUT KICKING FOLKS AT CM! Now Get back in LINE AS for games. I'm loosing none. Which is a good thing. And Andreas, technically speaking I'm NOT loosing Kammersheidt, look at the score, nyaa. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  11. CRODA! GET IN BEHIND! You little MONGREL! Now you are officially my bYOTCH since you lost to me in a most horrible fashion I think it's time i instruct you to post funny stuff about your games instead of abusing poor Hiram. I mean, the guy is already being slaughtered in our VoT2 matchup, he's under enough pressure already! PeterNZ oh, almost forgot. Hammersmith ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-28-2000).]
  12. Lordfluffers! how could you! I mean, GW Bush wants to end the senseless violence that's been going on between man and fish, and I for one stand behind him on that one! No more of this killing! Can't both sides put down their weapons and just hug one another? "I believe that the human and the fish can coexist peacefully" - GW Bush, this year. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-28-2000).]
  13. Me! "if you're not a libeal when you're young, you have no heart, if you're not a conservative when you're older, you have mind" - Winston Churchill PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  14. i actually did try a bit of CC5. I broke open the demo and gave it a whirl. But after 20 min i was just disapointed. The enemy AI was kinda dumb, stuff was just a bit silly and unrealistic and the 2d nature of it all frustrated me somewhat. In CM I can play interesting games which have almost limitless variation. There's wonderful maps and boxes of tricks. Furthermore, there's the meta-campaign coming up in the next.. decade or so PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  15. You horrid little people. Only one good jem has come from this thread this weekend and that is.. CROTA SURRENDERED! (Please note this Lorak) Yes, my horrible little co-squire admitted in the form of a debasing surrender that I was, in fact, better in every respect than him. If I had of shagged his ex's they would agree I was better, if I had of been his brother my betterness would have been clear to his parents, if I had his job it would be obvious that I am totally superior and just generally BETTER! It was a wonderful 78-22 Major Victory to my brave hamstertruppen who seized the forest-bound VLs from his armored force. Gimped setup? Ha! Every forum needs its gimp, and Skoda, it's you! Croda, I think you need to change your sig file to "PeterNZer's love sack", or something to denote that I bettered you on the field of battle. I believe that was part of the original terms of our battle. In other news. South England is full of fine pubs, dull women and excellent beer. I'm proud to say we stopped Germanboy running into the ocean to scream "Kommen sie Herein!!" and "Schnell Schnell mit der Panzers!". Either way, the terrain is interestingly boggy and I didn't see much evidence of a decent beach anywhere in the area we were, (Woking to Hastings to Rye). On the other hand, I did see evidence of extremely good beer, cheap food and pubs where I could spend a lifetime I think. *sigh* The rest of you, You're all dying, especially Here I am say die. Please, how about a challenge lads?! I can only take killing folks so much! PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-27-2000).]
  16. Yeah, it's a great utility, and stuff, so, get it PeterNZ
  17. Lorak I have to report a draw with Herr Oberst. He should have toppled me but as he was as coordinated as an octopus on crack he failed to incite my topplement. I have no other comments for you lot. I am concentrating on a jolly good fart which seems to be infinitely more worthwhile than stating the bleed'n obvious about how aweful you all are! PeterNZ
  18. Send me a setup file! the manual is pretty clear about how to do it, give it a go dynamo@pobox.com PeterNZ
  19. I guess i'm looking at a comparison here. While there may be games sales I'd say that neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia has a bigger games market than Israel. Censorship would be one issues, lack of PC access and internet access another, and cost of course. Anyone care to comment? Just kinda, having a private laugh at the competition PeterNZ
  20. and moose have bigger spikey horny things, much more dangerous
  21. Good idea I'm at work now so I Can't mail the right people.. hmm OK, need to get capt simpson to place Randy's and then pass it on. We should be able to get it all done by Sat since the rest of you are responsive. If you're reading this now Capt, place Randy's platoon and get this file moving! YOU HEARD ME SON! Sweet. Major Jacobs
  22. ok that looks like real Finish! You're let off, now go off and cut down those trees with a herring etc etc, like a Real Finn! PeterNZ
  23. hey there you lot. talking with boss here at work (datamonitor) about some stuff and we don't think there's much of a PC game market in Iran or Saudi Arabia, (sales and stuff in country). Anyone else agree? Disagree? We also thing Israel would be the only significant market there, what do you lot think? Totally off topic I know, some comments would be appreciated tho PeterNZ ------------------ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000
  24. There's not nearly enough 'i's, and those words aren't really long enough to be REAL finish, you're making it up! PeterNZ
  25. Righto! Since Randy hasn't done bugger all and we can't raise him I'm going to have to ask the company com. to place the infantry and then pass it straight to armor, to me and to you Rob PeterNZ
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