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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. Read that Sig of yours again little Crodaman, it's there for a reason. So you're shelling a company! Wow, i'm devistated! I only had 7500 points to spend, missing that company out of NINE is really going to hurt me. Please keep sending as much their way as you can. AS for the rest of you. You will soon, or are feeling, in Elvis's words when he got the recent file, <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I had forgotten it was quite that bad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> for example, people loosing to me: Chupacabra, Elvis, Mark IV, Hiram Sedai People drawing: Marlow, Geier And then there's the rest who i am in the process of setting up against. Please. We have a weekend now. Lets get it over with and Die A Lot Now PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 12-15-2000).]
  2. hehe Stefan Um, well they require big-ass servers. That's all I know. For starters you need to have a huge fat pipe to your server farm, second you need to ensure your ISP type thing provides you with fantastic connection and so on, then you need the servers and routers. I understand a game server like a UO or an EQ server uses a few of those big $50,000 units. A game like quake is fine with a fast pc (hell, or even a 486 for halflife and earlier I think) as well as the routing gear. You could set up a decent quake server for a cpl of thousand plus a connection I used to know what they used, but I forget now. Since I just picked up UO again (w00t me) I will find out i guess maybe ! PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  3. Stefan you're making the mistake of confusing a server-based game with a massively multiplayer online game. The requirements in terms of cost and servicing are quite different. The servers for a game like Ultima online cost millions a month to run while a good multiplayer server for quake/delta force/whatever is peanuts in comparison. I believe monthly fees are justified and the whole shock-horror "I'm not paying that!" approach a bit silly. If you don't want to pay it fine, don't. Fact is they need to charge to make money. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  4. Elvis! where is my damn file, boy?! And folks, what does a squire have to do to get a challenge around here? PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  5. Allied HQ here for Robs MC 1 Setup was slow but interesting for us. Good fun chatting about it with all my team. Setup is always a slow event, i'm sure when the axis are finished the speedy kicking of their butts will be a great laugh! PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As to the sig challenge part of it, squint your syphalitic gaze at your screen and you will see that I've never used a sig. We hates 'em, My Precious, we hates 'em forever<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> sounds like a deal. Filthy slimy little thing. Almost like a croda but with a stronger oder of fish i think. And as for 'what shall we play?', What part of 'send me a setup' don't you understand?? If I wanted to medle in details I'd read Senachi's posts. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  7. has Scott come out of the closet? Goodness, i never knew PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  8. Hmm, it seems that there's some Dalem guy/girl/it hanging around here STILL. What's more he's abusing poor little Croda, the lowest of JDmorse's two squires, (me being the other squire, and obviously the best). Even though many of us have ignored him he refuses to leave us alone and like a little spaniel is metaphorically humping our leg with a twinkle in his eyes and drool on his lips. Well GET OFF YOU FILTHY MONGREL! There's only one way to fix this lad and that's to challenge him to a game, the metaphorical equivelant of a large wrench to the back of the head. So, Dalem leave that fire hydrant alone and send me a setup. I like amusing battles such as 3000pts of computer bought armor, but I shall leave the details up to you. Since you are revolting as a life form unto me, I call this challenge a Mighty Sig Battle where the winner shall dictate the sig of the looser. I was just warming up with Croda's. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 12-13-2000).]
  9. YES! Lorak please note a DRAW between myself and that boy of Germanic Persuasion, yes, GermanGit. In a mighty battle the game decided to fudge the results and give me a draw, even thought I don't hold any of the VLs or have a chance too hehe. Obviously it's the engine recognizing the inmate superiority of my German troops and providing them with the moral advantage they deserve. As for the rest of you. Marlow, I feel a draw coming. You seem to think you're doing real well after cutting up one platoon and some useless damn halftracks (damn PC buying crap for me). Unfortunately I have a lot more just waiting for you, and if you don't move, some punishment approaching. Things will be bloody. Elvis send that file back! I want to be the one to break your winning streak over my knee of justice. If you handle the rest of your armor with the incompetence you showed in how you handled your last lot it will be over quickly. The rest of you can send in your turns faster. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 12-13-2000).]
  10. ... however. Get a split yanky squad infront of a german squad, and another from the side and watch the germans take casualties. There seems to be some kind of extra-bonus for firring in from the side. I routed a german platoon using this tactic by accident once. Anyone else experienced similar? PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  11. The peng thread is where we taunt and abuse each other about games we're playing and challenge each other to more games to make up for past, current, future sleights and stuff. No point in trying to understand it. It just -is- PeterNZ
  12. Welcome to CM and the board On your left you will see arguments about the size of something's barrel and what it will penetrate. Best Avoided. On your right you see the Muttha Beautiful Peng Challenge cesspool. Best not seen, tasted, applied to your body, stepped in, thought about, drank, secreted, considered, flown over, driven past, spied on or entered. All around you you will see generic discussion with the odd jet of flame. Enjoy. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  13. Lorak! I have enacted a mighty draw upon Speedy. It was a bloody fight, lots of deathy bits all around. Watch out for speedy folks, he does a good impression of loosing then masses a company and sends them running at you out of nowhere. My veteran sturmtruppen held them off for a while, but there was too many! They were all over the place! They're coming outa the walls! Bloody yanks, breed like flies. Anyway. It Was Good PeterNZ ps. Croda You new sig file! (minus speech marks) "- WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! - THIS SIG FILE BELONGS TO A COMPLETE FOO. MR T WOULDN'T BE SO KIND AS TO WRINKLE AN EYEBROW AT THIS UNFORTUNATE BEING. PLEASE OFFER HIS PARENTS AND COHABITANTS ALL SYMPATHY POSSIBLE. MAY BE CONTAGIOUS. CONTAINS ARTIFICIAL SWEETNER, INTELLIGENCE AND WIT. STAND WELL CLEAR AND LIGHT WICK. BY ORDER PETERNZ" ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  14. Somewhere out there there is an Excel based unit list with stats and a picture. i'd grab that and you can hit escape and flip in and out of the game buying and viewing. You might be able to find it on combat hq http://combathq.thegamers.net/ I couldn't find it there. Might be listed in a search? I vote for CM2 for stats and pictures to be included in the picky thing Peter ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  15. Having examined some pictures up close, and seeing them in real life and using memory, there is a slight slope in the turret, but it's countered by the very large gun mantlet which covers nearly all of the front of the turret. IT is shaped rather like this.. )== hehe. Even that curve is slight so I think BTS decided to even it out and make it a 0 degree slope. PeterNZ
  16. As much as it revolts me to go to the effort of describing your inadequacies sometimes for the good of the world it is worthwhile. I have little time since I have life, work, you know, normal things. So here's the rundown. Elvis Sorry, Elvis IS dead, well he is in our game. Started as a TCP/IP game last night where one of my Panthers on Rune's map took out 7 pieces of assorted English armor. That pretty much sums up the game so far. And I don't think anything will be changing. Hiram Sedai Seems to be refusing to continue to play VoT2, maybe he'll surrender. Mark IV Sorry I took so long to start killing you. It was kinda necesary since the map is so freaking big and you seem to be camping with everything at the back edge. Nevermind, some more 14" coming your way! Germangit You are evil. We didn't really want Kommersheidt anyway. The Rest Of You Things are closer than they appear and stuff. Go away, die now, etc. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  17. Next time you select one, try USING it! For goodness sake, just 3 minutes in the game teaches you that whether there's a C an A, a bloody STFU after the 25, this thing launches a huge frick'n mortar that will splatter anything it lands on. Try research man PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jshandorf said: Does this post refresh your memory, Croda? IIRC that payment was in the form of setting the others SIG. Don't make me wade through the Pool to pull up this skeleton.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, Jshaaaaandorfff, you are correct. But croda is an honourless little whelp. No croda, this battle ISN'T over our sigs. You have ALREADY Lost this one. If you want ot make this one about sigs AS WELL then you are more than welcome to. But only on the condition that we go with the PREVIOUS gentlemans agreement and let me change your sig file. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  19. Great game! as for tanks stopping, try it in a quick battle. Place orders one turn. The more the next turn. When the first turns orders finish the tank will pause before taking hte second turns orders. On long reces, always finish your orders (if you don't just loop them around the map!) behind cover! A great trick i LOVE to use is hunt forward, then reverse. If you want to be more conservative, move forward then reverse back into cover. Imagine a line of three or 4 m18s doing that. Tanks would be retargeting all over the place, especially if they were spread across the map. It's also a good way to finish your scouting. Glad the battle went wel for you. And don't forget those big arty guns. Sounds like he's using a lot of turretless stuff. Pick up some 150mm and watch his tanks imobilize. Those heavies are useless when they can only move their main gun 5 degrees left or right, haha PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  20. If i'm already moving, I keep moving. If i'm sitting there, i'm likely to stay there, especially if there's really nowhere safe to move too. I'm with Fionn on the grin and bear it thing. Often I will offer up a sacrificial platoon to be shelled by the enema. They are often still in an ok shape a few turns later and the enemy is out of ammo when the real attack comes, mwuahaha PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  21. As i am a games industry analyst *shows shiny badge* perhaps I should chip in with my thoughts. It's a good move for them since it secures some pretty profitable licenses! First off, you have Wizards of the Coast and they own TSR. Result is all of the D&D type stuff is theirs and it's a hugely recognised brand. Also, WotC have the Pokemon card thing tied up nicely and make, I imagine, great money. Hasbro has a good portal with games.com ..or great opportunity to develop and hasbro have their fingers in a lot of game pies. Also it fits with my general forecasts that publishers are looking to get closer to developers and acquire them due to the changing nature of the industry. When you have an online game that takes ages to make and requires expensive and constant support you don't want developers just to run around free. You want them tightly controlled so you won't loose money on your investment in their server architecture and all that junk anyway. interesting stuff eh! PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  22. Q: How do Australians find sheep in long grass? A: Very well thank you. Croda They say that Genius is part madness. In your case the genius part must of got broke and all that's left is the rantings of a gibbering madman. 5000pts assault? I have 8750 points to spend! Random troop quality resulted in me only being allowed to buy green or conscript men. I couldn't actually buy enough stuff before CM ran out of units spaces. I maanged to buy 20 tanks, and 2.5 battallions of infantry and still had 2000pts left. Please try again before your brain risks mental collapse again and the drugs that hold it together take effect. The rest of you can sodd off and die since I seem to have a hit a bit of bad luck in some of my games. Nevertheless, bad luck won't hold me back for tormenting your corpses with little pokers before feeding them to ravening men. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  23. Also, if the JPIV was on a slope, then that 50 degrees might be increased to 60 or even more degrees and THAT makes it really hard to penetrate! When i first encountered one of these in battle I thought "pah, easy".. then I read their stats and matched them up with the gun info and realised they were 'boxy, but good'. PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
  24. You can't beat vet 17lb'ers Those things hidden in forrests rock my world. Force him to engage both if he wants to live. ie. have the guns cover each other if possible. Hate fight-bombers myself, but they are fun to use. If you can afford it, buy naval guns, ahaha, those things rock my world. Everyone else has good advice. Try using WASPS vs. tanks? (Not sure if it works tha well), they are cheap tho. Good luck! PeterNZ
  25. Bollocks to usenet. I can't use it from work and it's full of spam and junk and arse. Please keep a web board of some kind. How about locking this web board up and installing a new one in another area of your server and starting fresh. I dunno, anything but the hell that is newsroups. They haven't been any good since '94 PeterNZ ------------------ "I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas "WHERE'S THE MOAT?!" - Jon
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