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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. Lorak scribe thusly please. Joe Shaw LOSS PeterNZ WIN i taught Joey the joys of defending at night and the sudden and unpleasant death that can greet infantry. It was good. As this is a holy sig file battle Joey owes me the use of his sig file. So here it is: I HAVE LOST A BLOOD HAMSTER TO PETERNZ. MY SIG FILE IS HIS. PLEASE TICKLE MY FANCY BY GOING TO DER KESSEL .IF YOU GO HE MIGHT STOP BEATING ME AND USING MY POOR INNOCENT BODY FOR HIS OWN DEVIOUS PLEASURES PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-10-2001).] [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-11-2001).]
  2. one shot represents a series of shots from the dude. You don't think a Sharpshooter only carries 10 rounds into battle do ya? It's just been abstracted and stuff Lucky you tho! Damn wish my Sharps would hit stuff heeh. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  3. Quick note. Steve, you know drinks are cancelled right? Sorry I've been in meetings all day I won't be there etc etc. Lets all do it again soon. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  4. but, I don't loose sig battles! They are my uber-topplement device. I conquor all. I destroy, I maim, I crunch into tiny crunchy bits. All is good PeterNZ ps. Got another Canuck scenarion in the pipeline ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  5. Don't forget the half-dozen extra books bought. Probably makes another £100 for me PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  6. That's a good idea! I will for the future. Joey Shaw should loose a battle soon, he can be my walking billboard. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  7. Got to test my sig ta PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  8. I just watched Stevetherat get eliminated. Poor bastard, he was my only squire! Next time i'll go for the 3 for 2 offer. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  9. Damn, the whole Peng/Geography thing is so tired. Do or fix somefink next time!!! PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  10. This whole country-based thing has got a bit silly. It's about time Peng returned to the one the true the world of rubber masks and sillyness to which it has long been absent (ignoring those times with the dungeon and Croda and the whips..) Welcome to the new Peng home. May he it live forever PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  11. God what a disapointing bunch of wannabes. No orginal taunting, just bla bla abuse bla, the overuse of tired themes (sexual proclivity, orgin of species stuff, mention of oddness of Pengers, accusations of insanity etc). I'm affraid they were so unmemorable I can't even really recall the names, the posts just got skimmed, Col_Dekenwater or whatever the hell you are. I want to see some more impressive posts or I am just going to get bored, and so will everyone else. Make an impression. Meeks did it through insanity, Croda through simpering, Snitchy through long long long posts in which a nugget of gold was promised then cruely taken away, cheating you of minutes of your life. The list goes on. Do or go. In game news. Hefe Shandooorfff Poor bugger. Two tanks gone on the first turn. The next turn is going to be great fun. For me. Croda. More than 115 files exchanged and his doom is soon. As it has been for the past 15 turns. Hey, moving a btn, up one flank while a company covers the other isn't easy! Nijis will probably win this one because my arty dropped on my troops. Pity really. Others. Nothing impressive really. Some dying and explosions and stuff. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  12. Settlers of Catan? That's a damn great game PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  13. His site has been quiet for ages and I can't remember how to connect and update Combat Vision.. Anyone playing him, talked to him, heard from him? I emailed him on the weekend but no reply so far. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  14. I use http://www.softhome.net because they offer free popmail, so it ties in nicely with outlook. I also use http://www.pobox.com to have my own sexy email which forwards anywhere and can be changed instantly. I recommend it. All the forwarding confuses my opponents.. who are mostly 'poolers. Go figure. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  15. can he bring himself to lock a thread that praises him so?! :> A conundrum indeed!! PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  16. I like stupid people. Because.. well, they just make me feel so damn smart. And right now I feel like Einstein on powerade. Kebab boy, Stevie, the little fool, is my squire. It is my job to encourage his taunting and abuse of others, to wit, (how appropriate), you. Now as a Knight of the Pool and holder of the Sacred Sig Files of Dalem and Croda I am aware of the technicalities of this thread and the ins and outs of the politics and other stuff requiring thoughts, however it seems you are not. I will educate you with a setup of your choosing or a large brick and the back of your head. I prefer the large brick option since it will finally silence your silly talk, but the law and others may object. Meanwhile, Steve, your 'the lair' address still bounces. We want to drink and stuff soon, do come along and buy me alcohol. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-05-2001).]
  17. Maximus, please take this post as one from someone who wants to encourage your erudition. Firstly, While all countries commited atrocities, (for starters, they killed people! The Big Guy (if you believe in him) kinda forbid that stuff), some groups committed A LOT of attrocities. The SS was different because it was seen by Hitler as the Elite. It tried to recruit the most doctrinaly pure Germans (and later on anyone who agreed with the Nazi philosophy). While it didn't ALWAYS do this it did happen A LOT. Consequently you got a whole lot of mean rat-bastards who saw themselves as superior and others as inferior. The rest of the German army widely disliked them (at least they would claim so after the war.. history is tricky eh?) because they got all the latest toys and cushy roles (like occupying Denmark) and when they did fight they often didn't do any better. While it is true, clearly, that there were different branches of the SS with different roles in the war and different responsibilities for crimes, in general it wasn't a nice organization. Meanwhile, the exception prooves the rule. There were SS who were drafted in, didn't kill civilians and didn't murder POWs. But many did, either through inaction or outright nastyness. I think what you're failing to understand is while most people appropriately don't like what the SS stood for and often did, it doesn't mean we condone or ignore war crimes by any other side. I would say I think more people dislike Bomber Harris than they do your joe-SS soldier who just joined and coasted along. However, most folks would dislike some of those SS leaders more than Bomber Harris, and other would dislike some of those SS units on the eastern front more than the leaders (due to perhaps, direct culpability in murders/rapes/tortures). It's all about scale and ones sense of morality. By all accounts on the 'damn nasty scale' -on average- the SS were pretty bad. I've heard of some bad stuff from other armies too, say, the Canadians where a unit accidently shot a bunch of Volkssturm kids surrendering (they ran towards the troops in terror as another group opened up on the Canucks, understandably, there was some shooting before the Sgt and Capt. could get them to stop and fire at the real target). What makes this kinda incident different is that it was the exception to the rule, not the rule as it was often with the SS (esp. on the eastern front). Please, you're making yourself look very very silly. Do some more reading and remember the best historian gathers from wide sources and forms views based on that. Also think, if you were a criminal SS vet, and some US documentary producer asked you to talk (and paid you a few K I bet too), would you say 'yes i was there when my men raped this woman and i did nothing' or would you say 'o it was other people'). (added in later on) O, I would recommend everyone who is interested to read 'An intimate history of killing'. A very very interesting book on the nature and psychology of warfare and the roles soldiers and civilians cast themselves in. Ta PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda - [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-05-2001).]
  18. I'm looking for some American voice actors, and another German one. You need to be able to record yourself going 'Aieee run away!' and stuff like that. The Germans need to be stoic. ta muchly. And anyone who can do a british, 1940's sounding news presenter CONTACT ME RIGHT NOW PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  19. That'a'boy! You tell that iskander kebab who's boss. I like your metle young fella'me lad! PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  20. I warn you all, the next one is 'old skool' as they say, since it has the moonwalking infantry and all that. Nevermind, you'll get used to it PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  21. Will you stop bothering me about it now? PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  22. Everyone outside of the US calls American's 'Yanks' hehe. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  23. Hi there. thought i'd let you all know myself and Freelancal are back up and running with Combat Vision, the CM movie effort! He's been busy with making lots of money and i've been busy with slacking, but we're both back into it now. First on the agenda is to complete 'Gott Mit Uns' startd in the beta days. So it will look a bit funny to those of you usd to CM these days. But bugger you all, we're doing what we want. After that we will probably make an introduction to the CMMC! Yes, complete with arrows sweeping across maps and coverage of all the important events leading up to CMMC +1. Good stuff eh? You can check out the site here. http://combatvision.panzershark.com I've contacted Panzershark and shoul dhave all my login and so on details back soonish (lost 'em when HD went down), so some updates should follow shortly. PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
  24. Yeah, i am inclined to agree And besides, who doesn't like building complex defensive networks? PeterNZ ------------------ "What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra "Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -
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