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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. I wish my enemies 75mm AT guns missed as much as the ones in the movie.
  2. Congrats on the girl repsolCBR. You sound giddy. Just remember my friend: Marriage is betting half your **** that you will be in love FOREVER.
  3. I have a few cats that have caused me a U-boat by running across my keyboard in SH-3.
  4. Good topic Sergei! It all boils down to patience....or sometimes my lack of it. I need to take a step back and suppress more before I "finish" them. I need to act more "realistic" as if I were those troops. Not just run into the meat grinder. As far as nades? My guys never really seem to use them when I want them to. WE REALLY NEED A GRENADE BUTTON MUCH LIKE A SMOKE BUTTON.
  5. Not worth the programing time IMHO. It just does not add to the game above view level 1 and there were so few of them. Spreading fire would be a much better program time sink!
  6. What is it about CM? All the chics, man. CM players are chic magnets.
  7. Holy Crap! Without giving the details because: 1. Don't want to be a spoiler. 2. Not my thread. 3. RepsolCBR is doing an amazing job at telling his DAR. I have to say that this has become the most INTENSE battle of my CM life and that is saying quite a bit (see my signature). I do not have the poetic ability to describe the 13 or so little "stories" that are happening on my battlefield with 25 minutes left to go. I have watched single replays upwards of 50 times to catch it all. I will say that there are many spots that are as spectacular as the first 20 minutes of SPR. Once again PanzerMike, great work.
  8. PanzerMike, Outstanding work. I will have to check how many AI plans you have in there as I want to play each one. This battle gives me an overwhelming sense of dread. Few fights with the AI do that. Man I wish I had a fresh platoon to attack with. Everyone is shell shocked!!! p.s. My Hurtzer was a play on words...get it?
  9. Great AAR. I tune in because I am playing the same battle right now but I am about 20 minutes further into it. I had to give up the center VL's (both the Square and the Inn) and pull back to defend around the cemetery VL. My right side is pretty secure after a big fight there. Right now I have the points victory but this is far from over. The Russians come like the tide. Just a tip: After your mortars are empty (or even before they are empty) get them over that bridge to be your new reserve. It will add about 9 MP-40's to the fight and that can make a big difference. Probably realistic as this is the east front and EVERYONE has to fight! Good luck! You are doing slightly better than I did at this point. My first Hurtzer (sp) is dead. Second one just arrived though!
  10. Well if your friendly troops can't spot their leader then they are not in C2 (assume no radio). No C2 generally means no information is passed and a hit to morale ("Is our leader even still alive???")
  11. Even as a beta tester, I am not above making mistakes. However I specifically tested this function and brought it up back after CMSF. Steve confirmed it. Slight chance it was changed but I don't think it was. AI has a hard enough time as is. Burden of proof? Meh. Not a court.
  12. It didn't mean that they have c2 when out of sight completely. I may not have been as detailed as I should have been. What I meant is that the los check for the AI is not nearly as harsh as it is for the human. They do not have to "spot" their own troops like the human players troops do while playing iron.
  13. Maybe let a turn or two run before you cease. Keep trying. This is how iron mode has worked for the AI side since CMSF. The AI does not suffer the same penalty as a human. Confirmed by Steve.
  14. It is easy to check yourself. Just start a game on iron mode and ceasefire right away. Now you can go through all the enemy units and see their C2 status. You will see that units that some units that are not even in sight with each other still have the long range C2 indicator active (still in C2). I brought this up with Steve a long time ago and it was then revealed that the AI DOES NOT have the same C2 constraints as the player.
  15. But on iron mode the AI does not do the friendly spotting check that the player does. This is a bit more forgiving for the AI
  16. Not true. At iron level the AI does not have the same spotting /C2 challenges that the player does.
  17. "Setting fire arcs/areas in hope your machine gun is concentrating his spotting ability on this area does not help either. The fire arcs seem only to prevent that he fires enemies outside this area" As a beta, I would just like to chime in to say that target arcs have never, themselves, improved the spotting of a unit. The spotting benefit you get is that your unit is facing the center of the arc and has its best detection to the front. Some of the other points I do agree with (those bailed out killers with pistols!) and I have seen this simulation get better and better over time. It may not be instant but we are improving this title bit by bit. Enjoy it and look forward to future updates! Thanks for the feedback as well.
  18. I have brought this up on the beta boards a few times now trying to sell it to Steve as a "force multiplier" for the scenarios that come with the game. I think people would replay the single battles many more times if they KNEW that it would be different each time (Select AI plan 1,2, 3, etc....) So far no go but we will see for the future. There are a few beta guys that like this idea.
  19. That would be ideal but it is almost never the reality.
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