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Everything posted by Goanna

  1. JEagar - if you can't get a driver to work for you, I recommend getting a Rage Orion card (what do they cost these days?). I got one for my 604e a while back and it plays CM as well as my newest iMac. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  2. Thanks Steve, the files are on the way. Oops, I sent them to your other e-mail address (the midmaine one). I hope that's OK. [This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 05-17-2000).]
  3. thanks tom w, but I am not talking about the ding problem in that htread having to do with exectuting orders, I am talking about getting a ding and not being able to load up PBEM files from other players. Any other suggestions?
  4. I am having the "ding" problem in attempting to open files from some players. Resending the files and the other workarounds with the Beta Demo (trashing autosave and any scratch files) don't seem to help. Does anyone know if this is a Mac/PC problem, an e-mail problem or just a bug that is in CM?
  5. I agree that historical revisionism for whatever reason should be avoided. Not allowing free and accurate distribution of historically accurate literature, games, whatever, is part of how idiots like David Irving get their start in the first place. If we can't discuss any subject, show any image, model anything we want, won't somebody come along to offer something false to fill the knowledge void? Do I see the first unauthorized patch available for CM on the horizon to correct this forced modification? ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  6. I'm with Eridani, we should call Scull and Mull. It's gotta be them blotting out radical rainbow hippy infantry using that death ray thingy that Fionn thought up! ------------------ desert rat wannabe [This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 04-26-2000).] [This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 04-26-2000).]
  7. . . . given that you were actually shooting for 40,000. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  8. Uh, huh, what? You rang sire. I thought I felt someone turning over my rock. As I currently have my head down attempting to pile up this year's pile-o-cash so I can piss it away over the 2-6 months that I will probably not leave my Mac for fear of missing a current PBEM file, I only check the bbs every few days. And after seeing the (what) 12 page pile of ****e that stinketh so (I only read a page or two), I had figured not to sign on again for about a week. Thank's to Moriarty for giving me the heads up to this most magnificent starting point of Peng's. It is a veritable treatise on taunting and should be added to the FAQ. Here's my shrubbery. You are wasting your true talents in the IT biz Peng, as you ought to have a column somewhere. Now it's back to chemically-assisted work for me with the hope that soon again I can be on the pointy end of your most vicious of efforts over a Gold PBEM game. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  9. Sorry, not true. When I try to enter my username and password from my other computer that didn't get the cookie it says that the username is already taken. Any other guesses what the cookie is called and where it gets stored on my end? ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  10. Goanna - any of the variety of monitor lizards that live in the outback of Australia.
  11. Hey, does any of the other Mac users out there (or in there, Steve) know what the name of the cookie file that the BTS bbs sends to my computer is, and also where it is stored? I want to save it so I don't have to sign up with a new username when I rebuild my HD. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  12. Besides, if BTS were going to get CM into anyones hands sooner, it would likely be those of us (an I'm not saying I'm one of them) who are more thoughtful, considerate and patient than others. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  13. Must have been due to that last can of whoop ass I handed you. I thought you gave up on the beta demo after that one? ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  14. Buzz, what buzz? Hey, I've got no buzz. I come here every day for buzz and I'm getting nothing down here in Oz. B&G, you hoarding some buzz or soemthing? Don't make me call von shrad to warm up the van. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  15. guachi, you beauty. This must be we keep some of you folks all the way up in Billings. The weather keeps you inside doing research for 8 months of the year. . . . and I thought Ambrosia just made great games. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  16. Steve, you should just set up specific threads that get purged every week that are called Taunt du Jour or something similar. Or perhaps we will move the good taunting to Foobar's site or the one where the ladder resides. It's a bit of a pain to have to manage all that here, but you have to admit, they are pretty funny to read. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  17. Fionn, I am relatively certain your term is the physiological equivalent of what I referred to as a recto-cranial inversionary (i.e. he has his head well and truly up is arse). ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  18. From Fionn to Losername: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When the Gold comes out will you commit to playing a PBEM game with turns and AARs to be posted publicly as we play?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, you know I will enjoy reading these daily updates of how the light work on a recto-cranial inversionary like Lewis is going, but please Fionn, remember you promised me and some others more deserving some whoop ass first. ------------------ desert rat wannabe [This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 03-25-2000).]
  19. You just keep getting more "impressive" all the time, Lewis. Admitting that you are a dead beat dole-bludger is really the way to make people think your opinions are credible. Don't tell me, you also live in a trailer outside Knoxville and your favourite activity is the sprintcar races if a tractor pull isn't on. I am relatively sure you were sacked too, rather than quit your last job, based on your attitude. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'd crush you all in any game. I am a warrior, poet, mystic, visionary, ladykiller by the way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Doubtful, Losername, and your sister doesn't count in the ladykiller biz. My sexual persuation is none of your business, but thanks for asking, I'm almost flattered. You must be getting tired of taking animal husbandry a bit to literally in Iowa. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  20. . . . and I believe that Canaduh is supposed to be an English speaking country. The PREFERRED spelling of carcass is as I have provided. Oh well, Major Tom, you're only 23 and there's plenty of time left to learn. Like the lesson I gaev you on how not to assault an 88. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  21. Regular squads can take out an AFV. The German squads, especially, if they have the Panzerfuast. They are all Panzerfaust 100s modelled in the beta demo, I believe, which means that they have a range of 100 m. However, they won't actually fire them at a tank unless they are much closer. From my experience 40 m or less is a good kill range. Also, although very rare, the allied squads can take out an AFV with grenades in the beta demo. My guys took out a StuG of the other Major Tom with grenades when he sat there close to them. We were both amazed. In the final game, two mods have been made as I understand it. (1) the German squads will use their fausts more readily. Currently they won't if there is also infantry to engage, and; (2) the Allied troops will carry rifle grenades and work similar to the faust. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  22. Nice work, Lewis. It would appear that today's trolling effort payed off. After unsuccessful attempts to bait the other day, it looks like you have got some people to bite. Hopefully, you get as much satisfaction out of this effort as your work in discussing U238 shells. My advice is to ignore Lewis. Oh, and if you don't like me using your name, Lewis, I suggest you change it. I'm sure several here can provide suggestions. Where's Peng when i need him. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  23. You can push vehicles out of the way if they are in your path (surely everyone has seen the tiger push dead vehicles out of the way as it uses the road in LD), but you cannot push your own disabled vehicles to better firing positions in my experience. If you try, the AI will adjust the path to drive around the stricken vehicle. I think the AItreats a stricken (live) vehicle differently than a dead vehicle. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
  24. Too bad KwazyDog, I got my cable modem on here in Sydney already (took three weeks). One of the few benefits of living in Sydney. BTW are you taking in borders during the Olympics? It's gonna be yank hell down here. OK, I was imagining the Wizard of Oz monkey above, but where's his faust? ------------------ desert rat wannabe [This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 03-23-2000).]
  25. There were great Canadians? In such an also ran of a colony that could produce the likes of Jeremy? Happy B-Day Major. Get everything you wanted like a new spiked club for seal bashing. I hear the weather's perfect for it this year with the pack ice breaking up and stranding hundreds of the furry little buggers. ------------------ desert rat wannabe
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