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Everything posted by CrapGame

  1. Sten, I see what you mean. I was playing mechanized versus mechanized last night, and really was not overwhelmed by my options as the Germans (no heavy armor). I ended up picking up 3 Pumas (which performed admirably - the long cannon eats up HalfTracks) instead of trying some vehicles which I didn't really know about. Definite bias on my part. Although, knowing the most efficient tools for the job is difficult without seeing the map or opposing forces beforehand to know what I'm up against. I will try it out tonite when I get home, as the Germans of course. ------------------ CrapGame out
  2. THumpre, I haven't had the courage to let the computer pick my units for me. I just don't trust that it won't give me 97 panzerschreck teams and a mortar to fight the 3 companies of infantry. The StuG's really seem to be a lot of bang for the buck though, so I can see why the PC picks 'em. I still have yet to see an air attack, though. Has the PC picked that for you, or is it too hard to get with the 1000 point limit? ------------------ CrapGame out
  3. That's a good question. I haven't used the editor yet - that would take too much time away from the actual combat right now. Perhaps one of the beta testers could answer this. ------------------ CrapGame out
  4. Amazing how the Talisker has the aroma of the remains of a large fire. It was the perfect addition to a tense battle. Looking forward to repeating the experience again soon. Hopefully with some Lagavulin, if I can find it. ------------------ CrapGame out
  5. You don't see the teeth in the game, I believe. But there are visual differences between a number of the Shermans that are in the game. ------------------ CrapGame out
  6. Andreas, you might be right. I know I killed a number of both of them in that battle, and there were numerous erroneous vehicle recognitions by my troops in the rainy dusk weather. I think I probably have them mixed up. It was probably a Wasp, judging by the catastrophic explosion, though. Can't think of anything in a Kangaroo that would explode like it did. ------------------ CrapGame out
  7. There are a number of different variants of the Sherman (a lot of Shermans). do a search on included vehicles and see what comes up. I read in the manual that all American tanks after I think August '44 are supposed to have the Rhino teeth to cut through the bocage, but I don't think you see the teeth on the models. ------------------ CrapGame out
  8. It randomly generates the battlefield. It asks if you want village, farms, rural, etc, small hills, hills, big hills, how much vegetation, etc. I put the same settings on last night, and the battelfields were totally different. Really cool. ------------------ CrapGame out
  9. This feature alone makes this the best game ever. I have only played 1 scenario that came with the game. All the other games I have played have been made by others or the quick battle. I did 2 battles last night, 20 turn ones with the settings identical both times, and in the first game, the computer picked the Americans. In the second, it picked the Brits. They were totally different battles, even though I picked all the same units for my side, and all other settings were identical both games. Awesome! In the second, I saw a Kangaroo Flamethrower vehicle hit by an AP round from a hidden 88mm Flak gun at roughly 200 meters. Catastrophic explosion! I watched that 3 seconds of film about 50 times. The cool thing was watching camera 1 locked on the Kangaroo viewpoint. Just driving across this field, and BLAM!!!!!! Everything is on fire, and everyone is dead. No idea where the shot came from or anything. My hat is off to you BTS. Much gratitude. ------------------ CrapGame out
  10. So, last night, I enjoyed my first snifter of Talisker as I played Chance Encounter on the full game. Not only was the sound and visual effects stunning, but the Talisker is such a smoky scotch that I could smell the battle as well. It really doesn't get any bettet than this. good night all. ------------------ CrapGame out
  11. ***************SPOILER****************** * * * * * * * * * SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!! What a great scenario! Just finished playing as the Amis. Learned a lot about flanking and scurrying through the scattered trees. Final Tally, 7 dead german vehicles, 25 casualties and 8 prisoners. 3 Dead US vehicles, 8 casualties. I'll play this one a ton of times. And yes - General Stuart can be an ornery fellow if he is disturbed! ------------------ CrapGame out
  12. Sniper, What do you want to see? I'll try to take a print screen of stuff if you want, but I don't want to give any spoiler stuff. Want a screen of a quick battle with specific vehicles or something like that? I just played one. FANTASTIC! ------------------ CrapGame out
  13. Charles, <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Personally I found the El Misione Combatante to have an odd taste, like lots of tiny pieces of white hot metal. It has an olive-drab color, and a bouquet of gunflint and cordite. Definitely a strange drink, but it has its devoted followers!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Touche' ------------------ CrapGame out
  14. And on the 19th day of June, the Lord looked out at all he had done, and saw that is was good. Combat Mission is in Blooming Grove! I sit typing this with my celebratory snifter of Talisker Single Malt in Hand. Alas I must go, as a large install and modpack are awaiting my attention. Will log back in after install to answer questions if you got any. ------------------ CrapGame out
  15. Ouch. (quickly glimpse at inside of sympathy card and clears throat) At times like this, there are no words which can ease your pain... I truly sympathize. ------------------ CrapGame out
  16. Ouch. (quickly glimpse at inside of sympathy card and clears throat) At times like this, there are no words which can ease your pain... I truly sympathize. ------------------ CrapGame out
  17. Good idea. I'm going to give it a shot - just got to call information first. Getting together over CM and a beer sounds good, that way you can see my expressions of agony as my troops get slaughtered! I'll post tonite if I have anything. (cross fingers) ------------------ CrapGame out
  18. Blooming Grove here. I ordered in September of '99, so I was hoping today would be the day. We don't have delivery, either - just the stupid PO boxes, so if my wife doesn't get the mail before 5, I get no mail... Damn. ------------------ CrapGame out
  19. Sniperscope, Washingtonville, right? When did you order? ------------------ CrapGame out
  20. I sure as hell hope mine is there, as central NY is closer to Vt than Pittsburgh is... Damn!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ CrapGame out
  21. Germanboy, MarkIV, Tried the local liquor store during my lunch break here at work, and found myself a 10 yr old bottle of Laphroaig, and a 10 yr old Talisker as well. Can't wait to get home, crack open my CM, pour a snifter of Talisker and get a glimpse of Paradise. My only regret is that Lagavulin seems to be rarer than the Sushi I had for dinner on Friday. Something else to look forward to I guess. Cheers ------------------ CrapGame out
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Later the company (and the whole batallion) was dispanded and the men were transferred to construction units.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...sure they were... At least that is what the government told their families. They were probably put in the poured concrete of some bridges after deserting their posts. On a serious note, Tommi, are you a history student, or teacher or professor of some sort? I enjoy the stories you tell about a part of the war students in the US hear little about. ------------------ CrapGame out
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now please help me to avoid embarrassing myself (further). Please spell Laphroiag, Glenmorangie, Talisker and Lagavulin phonetically, so I know how to pronounce them when I order a glass and not have some big guy in a kilt come out from behind the bar and throw me out of the place yelling, "An doooan come backear tell yakin lurrrn ta speak tha Keng's English, laddeh!!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is funny. I can just picture Mike Myers as Fat Bastard behind the bar screaming this. Dalwhinnie is rather tasty. Got my bottle on saturday due to the recommendations here. I have Talisker, Lagavulin and Laphroiag on "the list". Time to return to doing the rare Native American "Mail Dance" ritual, where warriors desiring to show their bravery in battle dance around the mailbox in an effort to influence the Mail Gods to deliver a specially desired package. Very impressive sight, indeed. ------------------ CrapGame out
  24. Thanks Capt. I figure I'll get mine the same day as you. I'm just a couple of exits down the Thruway from you in Orange County, and preordered in September. Hopefully, Monday is D-Day. I can feel the Tuesday mystery illness coming already. Looking forward to your D-Day scenario. Hope you share it with the rest of us. ------------------ CrapGame out
  25. Charles, Thanx for the reply. Well, the missus and I have tried a few reds. I kind of liked a cabernet sauvignon, and her choice was a (pardon the spelling) beaujolais nouveau, which I liked as well, but I thought the cabernet was a little richer. These were from Beaulieu Vineyards (sp.?) Neither of us were big fans of the Chianti we tried (a little too dry), but both kind of liked Merlots in the past. I wish I knew what the names meant. Any books that explain this stuff? I have put the Echelon and Rosemount wineries on "the list" for closer examination. Learn something new every day. ------------------ CrapGame out
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