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Boris Balaban

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Everything posted by Boris Balaban

  1. Please Progress report :confused: Could it be in the next 3 months :eek:
  2. Any thing on real time satellite intelligence? :cool:
  3. The way it is in the real world of CMBB is that the other troops would be reasigned to the senior commander in the battle untill he orders them back to the other commander (sends them back). Unless the senior commander gives the cammand to some one else :eek: then he has over all command. When the CM2X comes out for WWII battles then possibly all commanders will play. :cool:
  4. Instead of flags it should be territory on the CMC map. You would not move up your division with out the whole front :confused:
  5. Do not mix up the level/time scale of play from CMC to CMBB. In the early days when only CMBO was out I got to play in a fairly big battle with about 40 players (its been a while) :confused: All the problems were worked out. I am guessing that is how CMC may have been born. As for the scale of CMC your units occupy each 1km X 1km unless you are moving so the setup will be based on your status. If you are stationary then do you have scouts out to alert you to pull back or dig in. You may have chose before to dig in where mine fields are laid and barbed wire is strung out (defense) and it takes time. As for leaving the battle field before the game is over, make sure that the battle field command and control does not cause a route of all units still in the battle. It would be a tactic to leave a defending-delay unit so you can pull out. I think this will be part of CMC that will take a % of units for a short time play (less then 60 min).
  6. The map sizes are from 1km X 1km to 2km X 2km. Also 1km X 2km or 2km X 1km.
  7. I too agree. It would be 7. The only way to add at least 8 is the the units in 8 are advancing foward into 7 or/and I would also go for 4 if it was advancing into 7.
  8. Where is Michael Dorosh :confused: for the game will not have Canadian solders :eek:
  9. Am I right in that CMC does not care how many players are on either side :confused:
  10. This release is not the norm for BFC. They usually take a bout 2 years to release after an announcement, not 6 months (witch is about the release date for this add-on game)
  11. I think it will just recalculate what size of forces are in the 2Kx2K ara and generate a CMBB game. I hope you can at the end of the battle (or after) command a with-draw from the enemy to regroup hopingly he does not advance into you. :eek:
  12. Since CMC is managing the game will you as a player have your command level change as it was in Squad Leader? Example: You and other players assign a command unit, and as the results of battles are calculated and ground is gained or lost based on the balance of the two sides the command rating should change (if a platoon stops a battalion the platoon commander will raise his command level). :confused: :confused: :confused:
  13. I just found this forum. I am sure it just did not appear out of thin air for someone at BFC gave it some thought to start this separate forum. Did BFC put up a link from the Shock Force forum? It would have been nice.
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