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Boris Balaban

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Everything posted by Boris Balaban

  1. My 2 cents in PBEM. I have email and my friend also has email and one or two night of the week we keep the internet open for several hours and play severl turns of EMPIRE DELUXE (3 games at the same time) so by the end of the night I would have played 12 or more moves.
  2. My friend showed me his game TACOPS and it runs the same way.
  3. I think that BTS will release a demo of CM by the end of July.
  4. I am presently play a PBM game called Empire Deluxe and you can easily cheat. You receive a move, play it, do not save it, reload it again and get different battle results (not all the time but try it agian and it will work one of the times) and you can also change where you will move units for better attacks or defeance.
  5. It would also be good not to have all reinfrocements come in on the same turn or some units to not come in at all (broken down vehicles or aircraft strifing).
  6. Could you not make a bridge into a foxhole with only 2 exits or entrances (which ever way you want), only shooting or observing out the sides. Over run does nothing to the occupants. Would this help?
  7. That you BTS. I will be able to show other peaple and try to get them hooked on the game. I think I cold get 3 other people hooked on this game.
  8. In the demo ver. will you be able the make severl PBM moves providing both players are using the demo game? It is to show other interested people how the game works by PBM and they will buy the game.
  9. CRourke I first found my way to Big Time Software through Avalon Hill (long my it rest in peace at Hasbro, no new games by AH) so I do not believe it is a hoax. That is my opinion.
  10. One question is will you be able to play on 2 computers via serial cable? You may have answered it before sorry. The other if you play on a local network or serial cable will you have to have 2 CDs (one in each machine)? Unlike The Perfict General 2 you only need 1 CD for 2 to play.
  11. Any hint on the month like July or August?? Please...
  12. I am an old time board gam player, playing games like Panzer Blitz (PB) from Avalon Hill (AH) who did help start CM with Big Time Software that is how I found out about CM. Getting back to trucks in PB playing a scenario you were give a limited amount of trucks to carry infantry and guns. They would move the fastest on roads (2 times the movement factor) but loose the speed of the roads and were not allowed to cross water without a bridge (1/2 times the movement factor). A truck shot by the enemy had a defensive factor of 1 (very easily picked off) half-tracks were the better choice. If you choose to use trucks as scouts then the infantry was left behind out of the battle or they would ride on tanks (very slow) with a defense of 1 no modifiers.
  13. Mike if you relay want to try CC3 go to Microsoft’s web site and down load the demo version for you can play one scenario and pick and chose what you play with. I my self just bought CC2 for $30 Canadian dollars (poor Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar) and have seen it for under $20 US dollars.
  14. To get on a smaller scale will there be engineers and will they have explosives to breach walls or destroy tanks?
  15. On maps and charts: Maybe have the info on the CD and we can print them off?
  16. They may consider them if they later add a North Africa Campaign. I would like to see it done for I would like to see the British fight the Germans/Italians.
  17. Will your units be able to use dead solders guns and ammo? Will your units weapons also have a chance to gam or break?
  18. I am an old player of AH games since 1971 and in Panzer Blitz and Squad Leader if you concentrate your defenceive position the attacker can zero in his big guns and chew up the defenders and if the defender buys lots of pill boxes, mines and barbed wire they will not have the man power to defend the position, they will crumble quickly.
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