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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. Ah... and the arguing over points starts again :D

    ... Push us hard enough and we'll remove the points again, as we did with CM:SF. So tread carefully :D



    There would be a great wailing and gnashing of the teeth.

    Maybe just start a sub-forum "things you want to natter on about but the Dev's will not be looking at"

  2. With apologies to Robert Frost

    "TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5

    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim,

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

    Though as for that the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same, 10

    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black.

    Oh, I kept the first for another day!

    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

    I doubted if I should ever come back. 15

    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

    I took the one less traveled by,

    And that has made all the difference. "

    Because down that road was Speedy's halftrack

    flailing about and scraping its fenders on the Bocage

    and then I filled it with 30 cal MG rounds

    and punched a 37mm AP round right through it

  3. Pretty accurate imo. Talk to any cop that has been involved in an active shooting incident and you'll learn all you want about tunnel vision. Most of them couldn't even tell you they heard the gunfire but they could swear they were able to track the bullet visually in flight. Adrenaline is an amazing thing.

    Auditory exclusion, tunnel vision, loss of fine motor skills, these are all documented in LEO (police) shooting incidents and is why LEO's and soldiers train so hard to build "muscle memory" and instinctive actions. Under stress you typically default to your training.

  4. Lads it's my sad duty to inform you of an act of Un-Cesspudlian behavior in our ranks.

    {Joe pauses to let the hubub die down and to allow Michael an opportunity to get himself under control and stop sobbing hysterically}

    As you know I've recently begun a game with NG Cavscout in CMBN. I won't commit the offense of repeating his insipid initial emails but you may take MY word for it as your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread that they were ... minimal comments. But at least they were comments.

    I responded with the following ... Not glittering prose to be sure but well within the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread.

    His response to me in the email that accompanied his latest turn ... NOTHING! Not a single word, not even a smilie.

    Now I ask you lads, is that the behavior of a true Knight of the CessPool and I answer for you as I know you would ... NO Joe, it isn't.

    Now I don't doubt for an instance that if he had the native wit of a clam he could have come up with something, even an "oh yeah, well so's your old man." But let's face it lads, he simply needs help.

    Can you take just a moment of your time, can you spend just a few braincells, can you ... help? For if ever there was a soul in need, it is NG Cavscout. Please make your suggestions here, for his sake.

    I'm not asking for King Henry the freaking Fourth here lads, just a few words to let me know that I'm playing a CessPudlian.


    You drooling pustule, are you so desperate for any human interaction that I can't send a single un commented turn without you getting all flibberty gibberty and starting to tear up? Just turn to the senile twit next to you at the bingo table, no, not the bush in the corner, and see if he will talk to you.

    I, unlike some of us, have to work at night, so, rather than leave you with nothing to do all night but play shuffle board or yell for the nurse to bring you some pudding, I decided to send you a turn, so you could entertain yourself by clicking randomly on the screen. (maybe you can have that MG team fire again at some very dangerous bushes)

    Unfortunately, I had to leave for work, so I had no time to compose 4 sentences of flowery prose that you could take 3 hours to decipher using your "Boys Own Dictionary" to puzzle out the multi syllable words.

    I will be sure to not let it happen again.

  5. Yet another example of the promise the lad showed at first, only to disappoint and dismay his poor old Liege Lord. He was always tardy for Squire school, his papers were exercises in minimalism and he just didn't seem to care at all about upholding the honor and traditions of the Shavian House.

    His problem, well, ONE of his problems (remind me to tell you about that goth chick he brought home from the tavern one night) was that he had no sticktoitiveness ... as witnessed by his absence from this thread for so long.

    I finally created a scenario especially for him (I called it "Let's Get PapaKhann Out of the Castle Then!") that featured deep snow, ski troops at night and a grand total of five, count them folks, FIVE turns. Somehow he managed to win and was given his spurs ... then the BOOT!

    Also his eating habits ... {shudder}.


    Wait, goth chick is a problem?


  6. For many years I have avoided this strange string of threads, mainly because mental health is important to me. But curiosity being what it is, may I ask from what sanctuary for the disturbed does this crap come from?

    Most of it comes from Oddstraylia, so you should be familiar with it, at least the shorter words. But then again, as an SSN, you should probably read the rules or, even better, Sod Off.

  7. ng cavscout you massive loser ... this shouldn't require the services of Joe Rochefort and the Midway codebreakers ... I can't sent you anything ...


    As I requested in an email I sent through the kind offices of BFC and YOUR profile which may or may not be accurate but then that's not MY problem is it.


    You poor sad little man. Did you check your email? I sent you an email clearly labelled "PBEM" early this morning.

    You should eat more fiber, that might help clear your mental blockages.

    Are you sure you aren't from Oddstraylia? Strike that, even poor missing chromosome Speedy has figured out the whole Email Address and Checking of Aforementioned Email Account mystery.

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