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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. Find one, we'll vote for it.

    Here you go, let me google that for you.


    Of course they want to use Yoga masters to reduce crime and increase harmony.........

    still, they want to get rid of the VAT, so there you go.

    I also found something called the "UKIP", didn't have much time to read about that one.

    I also read about the "British National Party" that wants to go from an income tax to a consumption tax, taxing what is spent on "non-essential items" which probably would include CMBN.

    Other than that, holy cow, you guys have it bad over there.

  2. For CM, I normally go with game sounds only, but as a pre-game mood builder (or whenever I play VASL), I like to listen to period music. -Love it.

    My usual station is "Rat Patrol Radio" on Live365. It has some period news and PSA clips between the songs. There is a good selection of stations like this. Just search under big band, swing, OTR (old time radio), 30's, 40's, etc.

    I also love the old radio shows from the 40's and 50's. There are some great comedy shows from back then and I get a kick out of the sponsor plugs and jingles.


    Listening now, very cool

  3. It's not so much that I am talking more about how it went last time.

    Buy CM:BO then buy CM:BB then buy CM:AK and you have just about everything covered, if you give up in despair for the PTO.

    Then you get CM:SF et'al so You build up a good modern set, annoying that it is not compatible with the earlier stuff.

    Then all that goes in the bin and we start back at the same place that CM:BO did just with less stuff.

    And I am expecting that I will by Normandy and Modules, Bulge and Modules, whatever is next and modules ........ then throw them all away and get CM3.

    It has always irked me a bit that I can have a single program for work (AutoCAD) that lasts for in excess of 20 years and a file from 1990 I can open today with the 2010 version but the games industry is very much "disposable".

    Is it impossible to have a base game engine that does all the working bits and have add ons that take us to different theatres?

    I would rather have the CM system, realizing that I get hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of game time out of each title, than most disposable games that you pay the same price for and after 10-20 hours (if lucky) of game time, they sit on your shelf collecting dust.

    Wow, that was a really run on sentence.

    I can think of 5-8 games I have bought in the last 5 years that I got less than 10 hours of play time out of before getting bored with them.

  4. So let's see... the glorious MBT (Damn the potatoes! Full speed ahead!) is being represented by Peng, Elvis and MrSpkr.

    Uh huh.

    Do you guys have a name for yourselves? Like maybe "The Banjo Brigade", or "Losers with Love Handles"?

    Did BFC want to run some bench tests to see what would happen if the only tactical expertise the player had, was to hit GO endlessly?

    And chimps were too highly evolved?

    I too am a Beta Tester, you shall see my name in the new manual. I don't really need to say anything more do I?

  5. I plan to break bread with both Peng and the Nidan1 monster when I invade the continental US in June. I plan to break bread, break wind, then march to the White House and take my rightful place as Lord OberKommando of the 4th Reich of Amerikka...there will be much rejoicing in the streets...or you will pay...

    Dare you venture into the Midwest? To the true Holy Land, Wisconsin? If so, I shall show you mall food courts to make your soul weep!!!!!!

    And my kids want to hear an Australian accent.

    Plus, I am Range Master for my Police Department and I could probably get you some full auto trigger time on an M-14.

  6. This is unacceptable lads, unacceptable.

    The Peng Challenge Thread has been the one constant throughout the development of all the incarnations of the Combat Mission franchise and yet I see it third from the bottom of page one.


    It's just a damned good thing I'm here now to keep an eye on things. I wonder, is Boo Radley good for anything, anything at all?


    Does the Battlefront Forum have a spittoon?

  7. That mall food court wasn't my choice buster, as I recall your little playgroup wasn't allowed outside of the mall incase the other kids beat you up.

    It wasn't hard to spot your little friends either, just had to look for the groups of nervous looking guys with buzz cuts. I shoulda yelled "FIRE IN THE HOLE" to see you all hit the deck...that would have been funny.

    Of course they were nervous and kept their hands on their wallets, they heard there was an Australian in the area....

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