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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. Since Joe Shaw is busy microwaving gas station burritos in Denver or whatever 2nd world hell hole he is vacationing in this week, I thought I would let him and the rest of you reprobates know I am prepping a 10 lb pork shoulder for a 13 hour smoke at 225 degrees. I will be using natural lump charcoal for heat and a mixture of cherry wood logs with apple wood chunks for smoke.

    That is all, back to your finger painting.

  2. Nidan1? It seems one of your little pets has followed you in again. We've told you time and again to tie them up outside. That's what the wooden stocks are for. Now put a leash on jomcskeezix1234poot and drag him out of here before he makes a mess.

    Here you go Nidan1, take this rolled up news paper with the baseball bat safely tucked inside, smack it firmly on the nose 3-4 times with a nice 2 handed swing, and say "bad boy". That should improve it's behavior.

    Your turn is in the dropbox. Well worth the wait I am sure.

  3. You think being buff will turn him on? How about just some lipstick and a tight skirt, no need to get all sweaty. Unless you think that adds to the appeal. If nothing else I guess maybe he'll appreciate the thoughtfulness.

    That was.... adequately funny.

    However, according to regulation 5e of sub-statute tYU8 of the Peng Challenge Thread bylaws, you are, despite whatever position you hold in the outreboards, an SSN.

    (that is scum sucking newbie for the uneducated and unwashed)

    Therefore and hereby, however (slightly) amusing we may find you, you should Sod Off until such time as you find another SSN (such as Cyrmu) to challenge to a battle. You must then post an amusing synohp.. spynos... summary of said battle for our collective entertainment.

    At such time as this is completed, some dim-witted and opiate besotted Knight of the Pool may take mercy on you and propose you for squire.

    Since you probably lack the attention span to even finish reading this post, much less actually complete the tasks, you should probably just Sod Off.

    Chop Chop, back to whatever other inconsequential tasks (such as Beta-Testing) you may find to idle away your time.

  4. You leave for a few years, come back, and Joe 'by god i'm dense' Shaw still has visions of being average. He was never the same after watching me actually land aircraft [iL2 Stalingrad soon] while hs made a nice flaming pile. [insert your own comment here] I also see Nidan1 still around. I thought someone bought him a ticket and pinned directions home on him.

    I see House Rune still survives with No Good Cavscout still bringing the pointy end of a stick to a SMG fight. I may have erred by not giving *BOOT* enough incentive to do well but *BOOT* you can only give so much *BOOT* training until they call the *BOOT* SPCA on ya.

    I see a few of the true olde ones about. it is eerily like watching feeding time at the old folks home. You just never know what is going to dribble out of their mouths.

    Oh, and for those the knew, my youngest son got home OK from Afghanistan where he spent a year building FOB Shank, which is now being torn down. The base was attacking everyday the entire year he was there. He is in a Horizontal Engineering Company, which means they don't trust them to build anything above 1 story. He's been home a year now.

    No, I won't make you scum any maps. I have more important things to do, like *BOOT* getting a Knight of House Rune to actually win a battle. *BOOT*

    Nice to know somethings never change, like the smell in the Cesspool, or Boo radley's underwear.

    The Rune

    Owner and proprietor of House Rune

    I'm doing the best I can, what do you expect with the example set by such as you?

    In my defense, Joe Shaw gamily brought scads and loads of SMG infantry to this little urban misunderstanding. Luckily for the home team, Old Foul Joe insists on sending his infantry for an afternoon stroll down the sidewalk in full view of my hidden MG-42's, so, despite my unfortunate decisions with armor deployment, we may still pull this one out. (kicking and screaming like Seanachai leaving a bar at 0245 on a Sunday morning)

  5. idiot ... I'd say more but in 12 minutes it's apparently "Be Nice to Police" day or something so I have to get in the right mood for that and that means I can't tell you what an idiot you are ... Oh wait ...

    I don't think you quite get the spirit of the thing, maybe if Seanachai put it in terms of a jolly sing-a-long you might get it.. Then again, maybe not. Perhaps if Stoat or even Mr. Peng himself were still about they could help you out with the general comprehension of English issue you seem to have going on.....

  6. They didn't need to win at Gettysburg. If they had known the Union dispositions and forces, they could of slipped by and gotten between Meade and Washington D.C. Find some good ground and make the blue bellies come at them, instead of bleeding your guts out in Pickett's Charge.

    Luckily your SMG bullets don't seem to be having a lot of luck piercing the hide of my big cat. I am quite happy there are some large open parks behind your lines to give my Tiger room to roam.

  7. I should like to commend NG Cavscout for the bold step of actually CHALLENGING someone here on the ... you know ... Peng CHALLENGE Thread.

    Granted it was two of the lesser lights of the MBT ... dimmer bulbs as it were, but it is a challenge and that's what this was always intended to be.

    In view of that I should report that in our two games of CM NG Cavscout bought a Tiger in one and three MK IIIs to another. What kind of cavalry trooper would do that? Now a 222 and perhaps the odd 251 would be a fitting tribute to the traditions of the cavalry, but a Tiger and MK IIIs ... Jeb Stuart must be rolling in his grave.

    Jeb Stuart was a hack. Now Nathan Bedford Forrest, that was cavalry commander. His later life antics notwithstanding, his record as a true cavalry leader is unsurpassed in my humble opinion.

    If the Stuart had done his job in the days leading up to Gettysburg and actually been Lee's eyes and ears, instead of gallivanting about seeking headlines, the Civil War might have taken a totally different course.

    As for actually bringing some armor to a battle, I need something to counter your gamy (stolen from me I might add) tactics like throwing all that SMG infantry at me in our Red Thunder city battle.

  8. Oh, I see cavscout, speaking strictly in metaphor now, you are saying you're like that primitive ape-like creature that first picked up the bone to use as a tool? Or you are like a senseless, monolithic, block of black polished granite?

    It all makes sense to me now, you have helped me a lot thanks!

    You forgot the "ng" in my forum identity. That hurts me, it really cuts me to the core Nidan1.

    I would expect better from you, well, not really, but I figure if I keep providing you with encouragement to improve, some day, you may actually be able to get all the way through the Big Book Of Cars and we will all be very proud of you.

    Now, I do, however, demand satisfaction.

    Have you graduated to any of the CM2 games? If not, I still have CM1 up and running on an old cobwebby machine. I expect a setup in my email, which I assume you still have? You can pick the game and the sides. If you don't want to set it up, email me your particulars and I will send a setup.

  9. I'll give you this Nidan1 unlike some here you followed my primary rule when quoting someone! You used the words as actually written without changing the words to make your point. Of course it was completely by accident since there's no way in hell you'd have been able to understand the rule but by Gawd you did it.

    Well done say I, well done.

    Monkeys, Typewriters, Shakespeare....

  10. Instead Enougheating metaphors, why don't you just follow your own advice and not come in here any more.

    Actions do speak louder than words.

    Because Nidan1 I have dedicated myself to a life of service. And much like the alien spaceship that came and jump started the evolution of humans in the movie 2001 a Space Odyssey, I volunteer my time in here so that hopefully one day unfortunates like you may aspire to better things than scratching yourselves and drooling into a bucket.

    With help, you might actually be able, one day, to spend your time collecting carts in a Walmart parking lot or scraping roadkill from the asphalt of your local highway.

    Because you see, Nidan1, I am all about helping my fellow man.

    No, don't thank me. The sparkle in your unfocused and slightly askew eyes is thanks enough

  11. Boo Radley, scraping gum off the bottom of the table is a metaphor for any task more appetizing than coming in here and dealing with you lot. Attempting to decy... diciph..... puzzle out what you and the band of merry missing links that abound in here are trying to communicate with your clicks, hoots, and tooth clackings, bears a strong resemblance to one of the labors of Hercules, you know, the big muscly Greek guy.....

    Joe Shaw, didn't you have him take a test or something for his job as backup Justicar? Pile blocks in a tower, pick out prime numbers, correctly spell the word "Idjit", something? Or did you just hand it over to him as compensation for a line on a local orphanage that was behind on its mortgage?

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