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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. On 4/4/2023 at 11:23 PM, Paper Tiger said:

    Don't encourage me. :D Michael Schenker was a huge influence on my guitar style (mainly from his UFO days though) whose impact was only superseded by Eddie Van Halen's. I could put in a couple of German metal bands but Scorpions has to be one. Sounds like a good fit for the Bridges mission.

    You should include David Hasselhoff and his songs/albums.

  2. A very nice thing about the new partnership BFC has with Slitherine/Matrix and Steam is I believe you can take your keys for the games (at least the ones on the Matrix/Slitherine store and supported on Steam which are CMBN, CMBS, CMSF2, and CMCW), activate them on Matrix, then get a Steam key to activate them on that platform. Then Steam takes care of all updates and uninstall/reinstall on whatever machine you migrate to.

  3. I have not had any success in getting out of my setup areas in that first scenario either. It is just a bitch of a scenario. I gave up trying the Soviet campaign (I probably don't have the proper mindset for it). Other scenarios, especially the ones demonstrating Soviet doctrine specifically, are much better at showing how to make Soviet doctrine work. The campaign designers even say in several threads it is a very difficult campaign.

    Here is a thread by someone that got a victory in the campaign.

    What I have found to be successful, but can't really be used in that campaign scenario from what I have seen, is massive arty prep, direct fire support from tank guns, and rolling forward as fast and hard as possible while the enemy is discomfited from the prep and support fires.

  4. 9 hours ago, Boo Radley said:

    Does it tell you anything at all if I tell you that I don't even know what a PBEM++ means?

    Don't two ++s equal a - ? Wait... how does that work again? Two --s equal a + and the rabbit goes around the tree twice and seven gallons equals a quarter parsec... or sumfink.

    Disregard the PBEM++ thing, that is not incorporated to CMBN  yet. I have a QB put together for us. Definitely not a Rune (peace be upon him) scenario...

    1944 Brits vs German Army

    I will coordinate with you for Email exchange.

  5. On 10/1/2022 at 7:37 PM, Boo Radley said:

    Tis I, Boo Radley, Assistant Emergency Back Up Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread (Long may she wave!)

    Former Squire of Croda of the Nefarious Legions, of the House JD Morse!

    I have fought against the likes of Joe Shaw, Berligtingen, Peng Hisself, and Squired Nidan 1 (RIP)


    I challenged the Legendary Emrys (But he didn't like to play humans, so what can you do?)

    I'm just getting back into the swing of things, haven't played in ages and am relearning the game. So far, I've lost the last three games, so there's that to look forward to.


    Anybody up for a QB?

    I will set aside time in my busy schedule of ... well.... ummm.... (Say, did I mention we have a new puppy!!) [just take it from me, I am plenty busy], and grace you with the honor of a virtual battle. Have you gotten any experience with the PBEM++ system yet or are you still manually exchanging turns like a Nandera... Nyanddert... Austirolepi.... caveman?

  6. 2 hours ago, 37mm said:

    Like many people, I've often considered ng Cavscout to be one of the Cesspools slowest, most short-sighted & dim-witted members... however he does have the very fine trait of being an easy win.

    Three cheers to the Mutha Bootiful Threads best ever sport!

    "Puts on coke bottle glasses" I am, at the worst, medium witted you buffoon.

  7. Shouldn't your infantile scratchings and expectorations be confined to an appropriate venue, say, how about a thread dedicated to challenges and witty banter (not that what you lot have been exchanging can be considered witty). We could have rude and curmudgeonly personalities such as @Joe Shaw and @Seanachai pop in now and then to dispense their sage wisdom (or whatever passes for it these days). We could have a rank and title structure. It would be grand. Maybe we could call it something clever, like The Peng Challenge Thread?

  8. An option to pick a point total instead of a size sounds reasonable to me (admittedly, not a programmer)

    That would allow players to pick battles by size, as now, and have as an alternative, the player could pick a point total, up to whatever, 50,000, 100,000, whatever they're willing to subject their processor to. And then the program gives each side their fraction of the points 

  9. The description of the Soviet Artillery battalion's operations in Ralph Peters' "Red Army" was very illuminating for me, as someone intimately involved in call for fire (Cavalry Scout), but not really at all familiar with what happens on the other end of the radio. Obviously, the Soviet artillery experience would have been different than ours, but, I can still see our US and NATO FDC's being bombarded with call for fire after call fire, most screaming for help as OP's, screen lines, and main defensive positions are getting over run. 

    I think Artillery will be getting a renovation when CM3 is being developed and am not sure how much change can be expected for arty operations in the CM2 games.

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