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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. Oh shut up Mr Rambo Tank Crew Man.

    Don't hate on my boys, they just can't help being so deadly with this veritable Thor's Hammer in their hands.


    Don't you wish your crews carried such a manly weapon instead of that eurotrash 9mm junk? Then they could romp and stomp across the battlefield like my red blooded Amurriccan lads!!!

    Edited to add- I do like 9mm's though, I am thinking of buying one, for my wife.....

  2. Ng cavscout, honorable Knight of House Rune, how fares your Blood Hamster Feud with the beastly Stuka? Though you have likely only played a couple of turns, we are expecting news of Stuka’s surrender any day now. Rumor has it that he used all of his purchase points on bio-warfare scientists who are working on developing a crossover sheep/human virus. Working with great enthusiasm, I should add…. Approach all stands of trees with caution (and averted eyes). For added effect, Stuka has recorded an ambient sound mod that includes the bleating of distressed sheep. This helps him feel more at home when he takes a break from his usual activities to play a turn.

    Stuka, as an enemy of House Rune, I offer you this curse:

    May you be banished to a barren land bereft of all things civilized. May you know the peril of fire and anguish of unending thirst. May your skin first blister under an unrelenting sun and then be scoured from your bones by an endless storm of sand. May any hope of respite be denied by great limb-severing monsters patrolling the waters, and hideous flesh-necrotizing arachnids lurking under every toilet seat. May each sip of beer you take be tainted by the urine of convict-descended brewers. May your trials so rend your spirit and may your despair run so deep that you no longer seek the community of good men, and may the
    therefore and ever after be free of your unworthy and unwelcome doggerel. I invoke this curse in the name of
    House Rune
    , the greatest and noblest of all houses, and I humbly pray to the
    Olde Ones
    and to
    Great Fred
    himself that this righteous punishment delivered upon you!

    The warty toad Stuka can't be bothered to reply, he is apparently too busy planning his trip to Noo Yawk and molesting wombats.

    Either that or he is still sounding out the multi syllable words I used in the challenge and trying to decipher the Kings English into whatever dreamtime gibberish they use on the bottom of the planet.

  3. If QBs worked "great" I would be the first to cheer.

    lets see now - there was my QB vs Tolga where he was attacking, and the only objective on the map started behind the attackers front line...

    then there was my QB with simmox where, as well as his infantry pointlessly and stupidly firing on my tanks at all ranges all the time (so revealing their positions), we then discovered that we both had US forces, despite selecting US v Germans, and he has infantry only, despite selecting mixed force.

    Plenty more like that - QBs work as advertised less than half the time - I have gien up on them as a result; its a waste of tyime with too many games abandoned.

    And as games now take several minutes to load, instead of the less than a minute or much less for CM1, it is very frustrating trying QBs.

    PM sent re looking at the QB issues

  4. QB's work great.

    I, and many others, have no or at least minimal problems with the interface after getting used to it and maybe using the alternate hotkeys.

    You were given the option of cancelling your pre-order after the customs and VAT issues were discovered.

    That being said, I am sorry you got screwed by your government.

    You could look it at a value per dollar issue, I feel that you will get, even at the increased cost (which is a function of your government, not BF.Com), more enjoyable playing time out of this than most other $120.00 worth of computer games you could buy.

  5. Boo an Aussie, it would explain a lot...

    Being "under the protection" of Stuka. thank god for the rules about thingy comments.

    ngcavscout, leave boo and his booboo alone, declare a blood hamster feud on Stuka. I know, I know, kinda like picking on girl scout troop 23, but still it is all they have to offer. Winner gets sig line for a week. I expect no prisoners...


    Alrighty then, I can amuse myself with the tactical fumblings of 2 Oddstraylians at once.

    Stuka, yes you Stuka, put down the koala bear and the Crisco. Stop!!! I don't want to see that. Put away the Mel Gibson mask already and pull your trousers up!!

    You have darkened the doorstep of your betters here in the MBT for long enough. Send me a setup of a mid sized battle, you can choose type and sides. Your troops shall be butchered like Seanachai butchers poetry. I shall enjoy watching you flail about like Stoat on prom night in the back seat of his fathers Buick (ineffectually and not for very long).

    PM en route with my email address

  6. The mad old man begins to tell a story. It is a story he has told many, many times before. Every telling anchors him to the world. Everyone who hears the story laughs. Every time they laugh, they think about the story. Every time they laugh, the story changes. Every time they think about the story, they dismiss it. Every time they laugh, they confirm it. Every time they dismiss the story, they want to hear another story. Every time he tells another story, the mad old man becomes a little madder...

    Does the "mad old man" have a load on?

  7. We all float down here. Don't they teach you youngsters anything these days? Jo Xia, fix or do somefink.

    Or at least that is what King says. Good book by the way, not a masterpiece of English Literature, but engaging, like most of his early stuff.

    So, if you are truly Marlow as Joe Shaw indicates, then I retract my invitation to Sod Off, but it would of been smashing if you had let some of us know you weren't some geek of the street. Not very cricket to come sauntering in here undercover old boy, not cricket at all.

  8. Hello gentlemen,

    So, I have recently purchased CMBN, and would like to try PBEM. This looked like a nice friendly place to find an opponent. Smells a bit though.


    Then perhaps you should find another SSN to challenge, tastefully mind you (with some imagination and cleverness), and give the MBT an example of your wit and dash, then, perhaps, if you are (un?)lucky, some bored Olde One or Knight will take you to squire.

    Or you could just sod off.

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