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Everything posted by hellfish

  1. Is launch signature going to be modelled at all? The Javelin has a relatively low launch signature (little smoke and dust kicked up) but other older systems often have more. Will units be able to target and suppress the guys behind the CLUs of SACLOS-type ATGMs and possibly cause the missile to go awry?
  2. I'd almost be willing to bet that they've got a lot of steel or early tungsten penetrators like Iraq did. I can't believe they'd have any DU.
  3. New analysis from the Center for Strategic and International Studies. http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/060817_isr_hez_lessons.pdf
  4. I knew it, I knew it! You're not just a gamey cheat'n bastich playing DropTeam, but you're also a pending gamey cheat'n bastich playing CM:SF. I've got your number, mister! Steve </font>
  5. There are a few number of systems at Fort Rucker for evaluation. They stopped production in favor of developing the CKEM - Compact Kinetic Energy Missile. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/ckem.htm
  6. Tom found it - it's two threads down: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=000178
  7. don't think this is worth it's own thread, but interesting nonetheless: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htarm/articles/20060820.aspx
  8. Figured we could start our own little discussion carried over from the Blog: Part 1 Part 2 Thus far, I think the idea of having decoys is the most appealing. The Syrian player can buy various cars, trucks or little civilian groups and also have a selection of identical units with various proximity devices attached to them - from a couple sticks of dynamite on a terrorist to a large fertilizer bomb on a truck. They are all restricted to green/conscript experience but maybe with higher fanatacism to simulate misunderstandings/miscommunications by civilians and the determination of terrorists. Of course huge penalties for killing the civilian versions. I also like the idea of having those civilian groups and vehicles under control of the Syrian player. In Somalia (maybe to an extent in Lebanon and Iraq as well) civilians actively aided insurgents/terrorists. The Syrian player can send waves of civilian units toward the Americans and goad them into trying to fire at some of them or to distact the Americans from their actual mission. There don't even have to be VBIEDs in the scenario - the US player would still need to react to the civilians and the potential threat they may pose. Of course this brings up the distasteful aspect of having to model civilians. I think there are ways to "fudge" that graphically, however - making car and truck windows opaque, hiding the faces of civilians under turbans or burquas or something similar. I'm sure there are complications that we're not aware of but I think it's the best solution I've seen so far.
  9. I'd strongly recommend having an M-1 with mineplows. IIRC every tank platoon has one tank with mineplows and given the option, I'd much rather send an M-1 into the breach instead of an ESV or even a Bradley ESV.
  10. I love trying out breaching operations. Steel Beasts Pro PE does the best job I've ever seen of it.
  11. Very interesting. I'm almost willing to debate the usefulness of FASCAM, though. Oh, and what kinds of assets will be available on map? I assume 60mm and 81mm mortars, but what about 105mm guns or 120mm mortars? Do the Syrians have the Vasilek system? I don't suppose we'll have M109s or 2S1s for direct fire support?
  12. Found this on an armor enthusiast forum. Interesting intel.
  13. Huh. Learn somefink new every day. I've been playing CM since the beta demo (in 99?) and I still get suprised by it.
  14. I'm 95% sure that from CMBB MGs could suppress multiple units. Only in CMBO were they restricted to affecting point targets. Yes, I was ambushed, but I was also suppressed by that MG fire. Some of my units wouldn't return fire because they were either panicked or pinned down - that is what suppression is.
  15. Because that single machinegun suppressed an entire infantry company before I suppressed it.
  16. It might dent the round enough so that it starts tumbling when it penetrates you, but no, it's still gonna put a very big hole in your body.
  17. Did you find it difficult to supress the machinegun? </font>
  18. I don't think they've ever been used by the US in combat. I remember seeing a mockup in my old Guard armory years ago.
  19. Thank you, I'll be here all week. Or at least until CMSF is released, at which point I probably won't be seeing the light of day for a week.
  20. Yeah, I had a roommate who was a mortarman. You can also (theoretically) fire the M224 from the hip as a super grenade launcher too.
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