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Everything posted by hellfish

  1. Actually, on a semi serious note.. Dan posted a render of an M240B on a tripod. Will we have the option to place them on a tripod or to use the bipod?
  2. So can we fit Bren tripods to our M107s?
  3. This should interest Dan http://www.primeportal.net/whats_new.htm 8/14/06 New updates for tonight: Hans-Hermann Bühling sent in: A 103 photo walk around of the Stryker ATGM A 22 photo walk around of the Stryker Comander's Vehicle A 54 photo walk around of the Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle A 44 photo walk around of the Stryker Fire Support Vehicle A 40 photo walk around of the Stryker ICV A 30 photo walk around of the Stryker Medevac An 81 photo walk around of the Stryker Mortar Carrier A 72 photo walk around of the Stryker NBCRV And a 63 photo walk around of the Stryker Recon
  4. The Excalibur GPS guided 155mm round is now being fielded, I think.
  5. I wonder how ammunition will be dealt with now that we've got individual soldiers. Will individual rounds be tracked?
  6. Oh, will CMSF model individual soldiers popping up over that low wall? Is there a way to keep them all down and hiding or to have them all popping up at once and firing?
  7. Sounds very interesting! I can't wait to see how its handled in game.
  8. I remember this one time in Nuremberg when I got stopped in the red light district...
  9. Good write up, IG. Thanks - that does make a bit more sense. It's kind of different in the Army, though, as we never really had battalion sized deployments like that would result in such different levels of training and readiness in a single regiment/brigade.
  10. That doesn't look like a ship sank to me - it looks more like a flare on the surface or a smoke pot. But it is possible, to an extent - Shiite officers in the Lebanese military had provided use of their coastal radars to Hezballah for the one missile that struck a warship. The next day, AFAIR, all the radars, which hadn't been targeted up to that point, were destroyed.
  11. It's 75% an M4, 20% an M16, 5% something else. Look at the shadow of the front sight post. Almost certainly an M4.
  12. Oh man I hope so. Somewhere I have a pdf from Knox with the results of their initial reviews of the 1028.
  13. Has it been found that it's not usefull enough or what? Hasn't been a threat to justify the price yet. I thought that Russians were using their Shtora-1 counter measures system along with laser warning packages on more than just T-90. Am I wrong? </font>
  14. I disagree. I have seen some units that did not have an offensive mindset and had a victim's mentality from CO down to brand new private. The link to the trailer illustrates this to a degree.</font>
  15. That canvas bandolier was next to useless. It couldn't even hold pogey bait properly.
  16. I just bought a 64bit 4200 dual core and 2 gigs of RAM. As soon as I get a new video card I'm all set to let Dorosh keep whining and giggle with pity for him.
  17. Kinda like the M113 - rated at 11+2 but I'll be damned if you could even breathe with more than 8 guys in the back.
  18. I met him at a symposium in college. I was pretty impressed.
  19. I'd think that by and large you'd be able to get away with making most, if not all, US units veteran or even crack. Nearly the entire Army, including the Guard, has been through Iraq at least once now and nearly all of them probably saw some kind of combat. Hell, even just being in a combat zone if you don't even engage in a firefight is excellent training. When my company got back from Kuwait in 2000 we never fired a round in anger, but we were probably one of the very best companies in the entire Guard for the next year because we'd spent so much time doing live fire training and running real world missions. Of course personnel turnover can and does happen, but I'd venture to guess that at least half the soldiers in any given Stryker infantry squad have been in combat at least once.
  20. Someone on another forum pointed me towards a couple really interesting Swedish systems. Four major FCS programs are briefed in this article: Armada Magazine's FCS article Here is some info on the really neat Swedish SEP modular armored vehicle program: Forum thread on militaryphotos.net And the Swedish light tank in the 28-ton range: the CV90120T, with lots of interesting upgrades.
  21. Most American vehicles don't have a laser warning system (unless this has changed very recently). I think the Marines tried it out on their M1A1s during OIF1 but I haven't seen them on Marine tanks since. I think only China and Israel have deployed such a system in significant numbers, and even then only on tanks.
  22. I'd like to see dust thrown up when the main gun fires more than I'd like to see the shockwave.
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