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Everything posted by hellfish

  1. Hell... I'd be happy with just the BM-21.
  2. No, I've only got second hand reports that 50-75 have just been ordered. I'm working on getting the original source of the figures. It sounds like the Russian Marines are getting some to replace their PT-76s with too.
  3. I think Russian/Soviet doctrine allowed 2S1 122mm SP howitzers to be used in a secondary role as assault guns. I might be wrong...
  4. RPK light machineguns if I remember correctly. Fired by troops inside.
  5. A 25mm cannon, a coax 7.62mm MG and a pintle mounted 7.62mm MG. The other weapons you're referring to are probably the smoke grenade dischargers.
  6. 25mm guns on the LAVIII - same gun as LAV 25 and Bradley. Here's a video of a Canadian firefight in Afghanistan if anyone's interested: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3984617319865392850&sourceid=docidfeed&hl=en
  7. I dunno - I was in a BMP1 and it was tiny. The MTLB made me nearly panic with claustrophobia. Didn't have a problem with the 113, but now that I think about it the Brad is pretty cramped. big turret basket.
  8. I guess flashbangs would be considered offensive grenades, though I can't say I've heard anybody ever use that term.
  9. Oh sweet mother of God. I might get to melt something! Kinda semi-related, are there gonna be claymores or something similar?
  10. The current version of the BMD is pretty modern. The 2S25 is brand new. The BTR-D is kind of like a mini M113, so it's not particularly modern.
  11. Iraq would probably offer the path of least (geographical) resistance - at least in a drive on Damascus.
  12. I have no idea what you said besides "spank".
  13. Exactly... I thought you were talking about in general. My bad. I'll never underestimate you again.
  14. Thought this was an interesting read http://www.exile.ru/2006-August-11/a_hezbollah_upon_all_of_thee.html
  15. In any environment with an armor threat I think it would be SOP to carry at least two AT4s whenever you dismount.
  16. I thought this would make for an interesting contrast to the Stryker brigade concept. For many years now the Soviets and, later, Russians have pioneered the concept of rapidly deployable armored forces. For all intents and purposes, the Russian airborne divisions are light mechanized units about half the size of a US division, operating with equipment that is very quickly deployable by all aviation assets (including most helicopters) of the Russian military. Some of the modern Russian airborne equipment: BTR-D APC BTR-D with Kornet ATGM 2S9 Nona 120mm self propelled mortar/assault gun 2S25 Sprut Light Tank with 125mm gun BMD-4 IFV (with 100mm gun/missile launcher and 30mm coax)
  17. The LAW is in service, but IIRC its mostly to replace the M136 specifically in Iraq and Afghanistan. The M136 is a heavy weapon and only used now to blow holes in walls - the LAW does pretty much the same thing but weighs less. The Marines were the prime proponent for the reissue and I have to admit that I haven't seen the Stryker guys with any of them. This might be either because the rounds are kept on the Stryker or the Army hasn't issued the weapons to the Stryker guys. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M72_LAW
  18. This is the 125mm ammo info I have for Syria: APFSDS 1980 3BM9/12/15? 1990s? Possible upgrade. HEAT 1980 3BK14/18? HE 1980 3OF19? Comments: Little information is available about Syrian ammunition holdings. They presumably received standard export ammunition with their initial shipments. Later shipments may have allowed the opportunity for newer ammunition, although this is conjecture.
  19. Actually, the LAW is still being issued.
  20. IIRC the M-1A2 is estimated to be rated at about 950 RHAe vs. KE penetrators and like 1500 RHAe vs. HEAT. The BM-42M might not be a silver bullet, but I think it'd stand a bit of a chance frontally, but a much better chance against the side.
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