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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Depending on the joystick, you might be able to use its own configuration program to re-map the buttons in any way you want. For example, with my CH-Products joystick and throttle I can configure all my sliders, hat switches and buttons any way I like. Now, since you have been a nasty mouthed little cuss though, and can't seem to behave your self, I am closing this thread. Madmatt
  2. We have no plans to EVER use StarForce, so no worries there. Madmatt
  3. Umm..okay... What is about the SC threads that provoke the nutcases to come out in droves? Madmatt
  4. This is a public multiplayer test release of DropTeam . The purpose of this release is to test DropTeam's network functionality with a large number of players. Anyone can play for free in order to help us test DropTeam but this build has the following important restrictions: <blockquote> 1. Single player is disabled. You can only play network games with this release. The full version of the game includes single player skirmish games and a single player campaign. 2. This release only allows you to play 2 scenarios. The full version of the game includes 21 scenarios with more available for free download after release. 3. This is a test release, which means the game isn't finished yet. It definitely still has bugs. We greatly appreciate your help in finding and fixing them all! <p align="center"> </blockquote> Apart from these restrictions, this is a fully functional release. Players can use all of the dozens of vehicles and deployable items in the game. The two included scenarios are "Ice Field" and "Raid". Ice Field takes place on the frozen wasteland of Arcanum, a once-inhabitable planet orbiting Luyten's Star that has had its climate devastated by bombardments from the Mu Arae Entente. The Raid scenario takes place on an inhabitable moon called Hopewell. Hopewell orbits a gas giant in the Wolf 9773 star system. Almost half of the moon's surface, called "The Scorch", is a radioactive Hell created by the destruction of an antimatter station that used to orbit the gas giant. The remainder of Hopewell has recovered from this disaster and is once again beginning to flourish with vegetation and a growing human population. This release includes everything needed to connect to servers and play on the Internet or on Local Area Networks on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X Tiger. It also includes everything needed for players to run their own public or private servers. This is important since there will be a limited number of public servers made available by TBG. We plan to run only 6 servers for this public test release so players might need to run their own servers if they want to play frequently. A stripped down version of the game's manual is available in PDF format. This abbreviated manual explains everything players need to know about running the game and also what administrators need to know about running their own servers. Please utilize this forum to discuss any issues you find with this Public Test. Any bugs should also be posted here. <p align="center"> <p align="center">DropTeam Public Test Minimum Requirements: <p align="left"> Geforce4/Radeon 9600 64MB VRAM class video or better 512 MB system RAM WINDOWS * Pentium III 800MHz or better * Catalyst 6.2 or higher drivers for ATI users * Forceware 81.98 or higher for nVidia users * OpenGL 1.5 or better for other video cards MAC * OS X Tiger 10.4.5 or higher * G4 1.2 GHz or higher Note: Intel CPU's not yet supported on OS X LINUX * GLIBC version 2.3.4 or higher * X Windows with working OpenGL acceleration * ALSA audio <p align="center"> <p align="center">Recommended System: <p align="left"> * P4 or G5 CPU * 1 GB RAM * nVidia 6600 or Radeon 9800 class video card Download the DropTeam Multplayer Public Test From Here [ March 16, 2006, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  5. This is a public multiplayer test release of DropTeam . The purpose of this release is to test DropTeam's network functionality with a large number of players. Anyone can play for free in order to help us test DropTeam but this build has the following important restrictions: <blockquote> 1. Single player is disabled. You can only play network games with this release. The full version of the game includes single player skirmish games and a single player campaign. 2. This release only allows you to play 2 scenarios. The full version of the game includes 21 scenarios with more available for free download after release. 3. This is a test release, which means the game isn't finished yet. It definitely still has bugs. We greatly appreciate your help in finding and fixing them all! <p align="center"> </blockquote> Apart from these restrictions, this is a fully functional release. Players can use all of the dozens of vehicles and deployable items in the game. The two included scenarios are "Ice Field" and "Raid". Ice Field takes place on the frozen wasteland of Arcanum, a once-inhabitable planet orbiting Luyten's Star that has had its climate devastated by bombardments from the Mu Arae Entente. The Raid scenario takes place on an inhabitable moon called Hopewell. Hopewell orbits a gas giant in the Wolf 9773 star system. Almost half of the moon's surface, called "The Scorch", is a radioactive Hell created by the destruction of an antimatter station that used to orbit the gas giant. The remainder of Hopewell has recovered from this disaster and is once again beginning to flourish with vegetation and a growing human population. This release includes everything needed to connect to servers and play on the Internet or on Local Area Networks on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X Tiger. It also includes everything needed for players to run their own public or private servers. This is important since there will be a limited number of public servers made available by TBG. We plan to run only 6 servers for this public test release so players might need to run their own servers if they want to play frequently. A stripped down version of the game's manual is available in PDF format. This abbreviated manual explains everything players need to know about running the game and also what administrators need to know about running their own servers. Please utilize this forum to discuss any issues you find with this Public Test. Any bugs should also be posted here. <p align="center"> <p align="center">DropTeam Public Test Minimum Requirements: <p align="left"> Geforce4/Radeon 9600 64MB VRAM class video or better 512 MB system RAM WINDOWS * Pentium III 800MHz or better * Catalyst 6.2 or higher drivers for ATI users * Forceware 81.98 or higher for nVidia users * OpenGL 1.5 or better for other video cards MAC * OS X Tiger 10.4.5 or higher * G4 1.2 GHz or higher Note: Intel CPU's not yet supported on OS X LINUX * GLIBC version 2.3.4 or higher * X Windows with working OpenGL acceleration * ALSA audio <p align="center"> <p align="center">Recommended System: <p align="left"> * P4 or G5 CPU * 1 GB RAM * nVidia 6600 or Radeon 9800 class video card Download the DropTeam Multplayer Public Test From Here [ March 16, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. And I agree with me, it WAS inane and rambling and just like this topic, it was padlocked. See how that works? Neat isn't it. Madmatt
  7. Jesus Christ?!? I go away for two days and you guys manage to drag yet another topic down the toilet with inane rambling. The demo will be released when it is ready, it is planned to be ready PRIOR to the full game shipping. At that time, you will all get your dirty little "faithless" or "faithful" hands on it. Discussions about the relative merits of one mode of belief or the other can be carried out SOMEWHERE ELSE (i.e. not on our forums). Madmatt
  8. Why can't you click accept on the screen in the monitor you wish to use? Can you not see the button or will the mouse not move into the screen? Try deleting your Prefs file and then rerun the game. The next time you run the game it will go through both monitors monitors and all resolutions and should allow you to choose what you wish to run in.
  9. In theory yes, but we can not guarantee that. Normally, mail based orders (with checks or money orders) take substantial additional time to process, even for pre-orders. Madmatt
  10. No, Windowed mode is not supported. Full screen only. Madmatt
  11. The reason you cant get past that Purchase Now/Later page is because the demo is having problems launching the intro movie. If you still have the demo file, just reinstall and then updateb your DIVX codecs from this page: http://www.divxcodecs.com/codecs.html If you dont want to install the new DIVX codecs you can run the demo without videos by going selecting Start Menu>Battlefront>T-72 Balkans on Fire! Demo>Launch T-72 Demo in Safe Mode.
  12. By and large, the only time we will ever release a PDF version of a manual is if one is already been included in a released game. No reason to make things even easier on the pirates out there and having a printed manual is actually, in many unattended ways, a copy protection method. So, short answer to your "Can I get a copy of the manual in pdf form?" question is NO. Madmatt
  13. I don't know who started that rumor of limited copies but it is NOT TRUE! There will be plenty of copies, so no worries there. As to alternate forms of payment, please review this page which discusses paying with a check or money order: https://www.combatmission2.com/purchasepolicy.html I would still STRONGLY suggest you pay with a credit card though if at all possible. Paying with a check or money order can take up to an additional 4 weeks or more for an order (or pre-order in this case) to process through. Madmatt
  14. Sure, you just need to have a TCP/IP connection to the internet. As with any network connection though, your milage may vary with regards to performance but it should work just fine. Being that it's turn based, its not really moving all that much data at any one time. Madmatt
  15. Condor, every bank is different in how long it takes for a charge or a refund to show up. I would say though, if it doesn't post in the next 48 hours, please let me know and i can research to make sure all is well, although it really should be. Madmatt
  16. Well first off, it ships FROM the US, not from Canada. Secondly, its 8 dollars for Shipping AND Handling domestically (11 to Europe, 12 to Canada Mexico, 14 to Pacific Rim/Australia). The problem here is that everyone always focuses on the first part (shipping) and ignores the second part (handling). Handling accounts for the physical warehousing, packing and order fulfillment and support itself. In a perfect world, it would cost us zero to do all of that, but alas, this world is anything but perfect and those prices are what it actually costs us to ship any item from our warehouse to various locations around the globe. We do not artificially inflate the prices for our games and we don't inflate the costs for us to ship out product. We do not make any money on our shipping and handling fee's and for some orders, we actually lose a few bucks. In the last 7 years, we have only ever raised our shipping rate ONE time, and that was just last year to reflect raising costs with our shipping vendor. Sure, its easy to look up the charge to ship a package using USPS or FedEx or UPS or whatever, and think our rates may look a little high, but that fails to take into consideration all the other costs that go into running, maintaining, and providing quality shipping services. Any of you that have ever had a shipping issue with their order and dealt directly with myself or with Ed at our warehouse should know just how important your business and order integrity is to us and to what extremes we will go to ensure you get what you paid for and are pleased with the service we provide. Of course, we do adapt with the times and in the near future you will be seeing a lot more shipping options, including more direct downloadable items, being made available at Battlefront in order to accommodate peoples various product delivery expectations and demands. Madmatt
  17. No, nothing like Starforce protection but we are looking at protecting it with something more comprehensive (but as unintrusive as we can make it) than a simple CD check. Madmatt
  18. <p align="left">February 27th, 2006 <font color="#FFCC66">Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2 now available for Pre-Order!</font> <p align="center"> <p align="left"> Now available for Pre-Order at Battlefront.com, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg, the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length, open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing 16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers, Partisans and Amphibious Transports. Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules, research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game rcumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control, change and create as you wish! The original Strategic Command was known for its challenging and cunning A.I. and Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg cranks up the challenge factor even more with the inclusion of an all new diplomacy and counter diplomacy model, expanded capabilities for air, naval and HQ units, dynamic weather, updated tech. research and production levels and many other configurable special rules. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg features exceptional single player gaming against the AI as well as a variety of multiplayer options (Hotseat, PBEM, TCP/IP). Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg requires Windows 98, ME, XP or 2000. Matt "Madmatt" Faller of Battlefront.com had this to say about Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg: "Everything that made the original Strategic Command such an instant classic has been updated, improved, expanded, and just all around souped up! Thousands of changes and player suggestions were incorporated while at the same time all of the fun and addictive gameplay of the original has been retained and if anything made even more accessible. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is quite simply a bigger - better, masterpiece of a game!" Pre-Orders are now being accepted with an expected ship date in 4-6 weeks (March-early April). <p align="center">[ Pre-Order Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Here ] <p align="center">[ View the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Website here ] <p align="left"> [ February 28, 2006, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. <p align="left">February 27th, 2006 <font color="#FFCC66">Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2 now available for Pre-Order!</font> <p align="center"> <p align="left"> Now available for Pre-Order at Battlefront.com, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg, the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length, open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing 16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers, Partisans and Amphibious Transports. Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules, research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game rcumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control, change and create as you wish! The original Strategic Command was known for its challenging and cunning A.I. and Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg cranks up the challenge factor even more with the inclusion of an all new diplomacy and counter diplomacy model, expanded capabilities for air, naval and HQ units, dynamic weather, updated tech. research and production levels and many other configurable special rules. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg features exceptional single player gaming against the AI as well as a variety of multiplayer options (Hotseat, PBEM, TCP/IP). Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg requires Windows 98, ME, XP or 2000. Matt "Madmatt" Faller of Battlefront.com had this to say about Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg: "Everything that made the original Strategic Command such an instant classic has been updated, improved, expanded, and just all around souped up! Thousands of changes and player suggestions were incorporated while at the same time all of the fun and addictive gameplay of the original has been retained and if anything made even more accessible. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is quite simply a bigger - better, masterpiece of a game!" Pre-Orders are now being accepted with an expected ship date in 4-6 weeks (March-early April). <p align="center">[ Pre-Order Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Here ] <p align="center">[ View the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Website here ] <p align="left"> [ February 28, 2006, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  20. <p align="left">February 27th, 2006 <font color="#FFCC66">Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2 now available for Pre-Order!</font> <p align="center"> <p align="left"> Now available for Pre-Order at Battlefront.com, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg, the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length, open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing 16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers, Partisans and Amphibious Transports. Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules, research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game rcumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control, change and create as you wish! The original Strategic Command was known for its challenging and cunning A.I. and Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg cranks up the challenge factor even more with the inclusion of an all new diplomacy and counter diplomacy model, expanded capabilities for air, naval and HQ units, dynamic weather, updated tech. research and production levels and many other configurable special rules. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg features exceptional single player gaming against the AI as well as a variety of multiplayer options (Hotseat, PBEM, TCP/IP). Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg requires Windows 98, ME, XP or 2000. Matt "Madmatt" Faller of Battlefront.com had this to say about Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg: "Everything that made the original Strategic Command such an instant classic has been updated, improved, expanded, and just all around souped up! Thousands of changes and player suggestions were incorporated while at the same time all of the fun and addictive gameplay of the original has been retained and if anything made even more accessible. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is quite simply a bigger - better, masterpiece of a game!" Pre-Orders are now being accepted with an expected ship date in 4-6 weeks (March-early April). <p align="center">[ Pre-Order Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Here ] <p align="center">[ View the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Website here ] <p align="left"> [ February 28, 2006, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  21. <p align="left">February 27th, 2006 <font color="#FFCC66">Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2 now available for Pre-Order!</font> <p align="center"> <p align="left"> Now available for Pre-Order at Battlefront.com, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg, the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length, open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing 16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers, Partisans and Amphibious Transports. Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules, research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game rcumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control, change and create as you wish! The original Strategic Command was known for its challenging and cunning A.I. and Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg cranks up the challenge factor even more with the inclusion of an all new diplomacy and counter diplomacy model, expanded capabilities for air, naval and HQ units, dynamic weather, updated tech. research and production levels and many other configurable special rules. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg features exceptional single player gaming against the AI as well as a variety of multiplayer options (Hotseat, PBEM, TCP/IP). Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg requires Windows 98, ME, XP or 2000. Matt "Madmatt" Faller of Battlefront.com had this to say about Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg: "Everything that made the original Strategic Command such an instant classic has been updated, improved, expanded, and just all around souped up! Thousands of changes and player suggestions were incorporated while at the same time all of the fun and addictive gameplay of the original has been retained and if anything made even more accessible. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is quite simply a bigger - better, masterpiece of a game!" Pre-Orders are now being accepted with an expected ship date in 4-6 weeks (March-early April). <p align="center">[ Pre-Order Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Here ] <p align="center">[ View the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Website here ] <p align="left"> [ February 28, 2006, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  22. <p align="left">February 27th, 2006 <font color="#FFCC66">Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2 now available for Pre-Order!</font> <p align="center"> <p align="left"> Now available for Pre-Order at Battlefront.com, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg, the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length, open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing 16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers, Partisans and Amphibious Transports. Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules, research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game rcumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control, change and create as you wish! The original Strategic Command was known for its challenging and cunning A.I. and Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg cranks up the challenge factor even more with the inclusion of an all new diplomacy and counter diplomacy model, expanded capabilities for air, naval and HQ units, dynamic weather, updated tech. research and production levels and many other configurable special rules. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg features exceptional single player gaming against the AI as well as a variety of multiplayer options (Hotseat, PBEM, TCP/IP). Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg requires Windows 98, ME, XP or 2000. Matt "Madmatt" Faller of Battlefront.com had this to say about Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg: "Everything that made the original Strategic Command such an instant classic has been updated, improved, expanded, and just all around souped up! Thousands of changes and player suggestions were incorporated while at the same time all of the fun and addictive gameplay of the original has been retained and if anything made even more accessible. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is quite simply a bigger - better, masterpiece of a game!" Pre-Orders are now being accepted with an expected ship date in 4-6 weeks (March-early April). <p align="center">[ Pre-Order Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Here ] <p align="center">[ View the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Website here ] <p align="left"> [ February 28, 2006, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  23. <p align="left">February 27th, 2006 <font color="#FFCC66">Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg 2 now available for Pre-Order!</font> <p align="center"> <p align="left"> Now available for Pre-Order at Battlefront.com, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg, the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addictive gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted suggestions. Bigger, better and expandable, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is an evolutionary, as well as revolutionary, new Grand Strategy game. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg allows you to rewrite history with 6 full length, open ended campaigns beginning at key stages of World War II. Begin the war from the historical invasion of Poland in 1939, Denmark and Norway in 1940, Russia in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies in 1943 or the epic beach landings of D-Day in 1944. Also included are 5 extra mini-campaigns depicting specific landmark battles such as Kursk, Operation Market-Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. Control the forces of 30 different nations utilizing 16 different unit types including all new ones like Paratroopers, Engineers, Partisans and Amphibious Transports. Expandability is also the name of the game with Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg as it comes with a full game editor allowing you unprecedented power to create or modify maps, units, countries, diplomacy options, unit production schedules, research technologies and more. You can even use the powerful scripting system to create historical events that can be triggered based on events or game rcumstances. An entire game engine is now at your fingertips to control, change and create as you wish! The original Strategic Command was known for its challenging and cunning A.I. and Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg cranks up the challenge factor even more with the inclusion of an all new diplomacy and counter diplomacy model, expanded capabilities for air, naval and HQ units, dynamic weather, updated tech. research and production levels and many other configurable special rules. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg features exceptional single player gaming against the AI as well as a variety of multiplayer options (Hotseat, PBEM, TCP/IP). Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg requires Windows 98, ME, XP or 2000. Matt "Madmatt" Faller of Battlefront.com had this to say about Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg: "Everything that made the original Strategic Command such an instant classic has been updated, improved, expanded, and just all around souped up! Thousands of changes and player suggestions were incorporated while at the same time all of the fun and addictive gameplay of the original has been retained and if anything made even more accessible. Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg is quite simply a bigger - better, masterpiece of a game!" Pre-Orders are now being accepted with an expected ship date in 4-6 weeks (March-early April). <p align="center">[ Pre-Order Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Here ] <p align="center">[ View the Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg Website here ] <p align="left"> [ February 28, 2006, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  24. Are you trying to play mission 4 via the campaign or loading it manually? Its possible that your original Mission 4 files became corrupted. Matt
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