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Lord Gordon

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  1. Thanks for the quick reply Moon. There are two or three Battlefront games due for release **soon** (T72 was my first) that I am interested in. It would be awful if they had Starforce in them.
  2. Good to see the Dropteam MP demo released ! Can't wait to try it out. But, before I install it, please tell me that is does NOT contain Starforce.... I have already suffered enormous DVD problems due to a demo of another game that contained hidden Starforce drivers (Yes, a demo!) that I will never have Starforce on my system ever again. No game is worth that. Thx
  3. Hey g5r, it sounds as if you have the crash on startup bug. I had it too, and found that it went away after disabling all sound by running cfg.bat. Then I turned sound back on and started disabling codecs one by one until I found the one that caused the crash - MMswitch.ax. Actually I could have saved myself a lot of time by reading the manual - it was in there all along. Try renameing MMswitch.ax to MMswitch.ax.bak and see if you can get into the game. And post your hardware specs and OS to help the devs.
  4. Thank you MadMatt, I am sure that this thread will becomes useful. I think that the game crashes on startup and the freezes when in-game are linked, and are due to the sound system. I can add my own experimentation: 1. My full game, like so many others, crashes on startup after "graphics initialisation". This error is misleading, the crash is due to the sound initialising after the graphics have completed. Setting cfg.bat to no sound, no music, enables the game to start. 2. Turning off hardware acceleration in cfg.bat has no effect, game still crashes. 3. Turning down or off the hardware acceleration on dxdiag has no effect, game still crashes. 4. Turning off music acceleration in dxdiag has no effect, game still crashes. Tested on: CPU: AMD3200 Chipset: Nforce2 RAM: 1gb Sound Card: Turtle Beach Santa Cruz Video card: NVidia 68000 AGP OS: Windows XP Pro. Edit: I found the culprit that causes the game crashes on startup. I had a sound codec installed, MMswitch.ax. This is installed by many codec packs to enable multimedia extensions on media player etc. The game sound system is not compatable with this codec. Renaming this codec to MMswitch.ax.bak will enable the game to start. Now to experiment on the freezes.... [ August 25, 2005, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: Huntley Gordon ]
  5. It could be the sound system in the game. My full game exhibits the same tendencies to drop back to desktop immediately after the videos. Sometimes it will give an error in core.exe. By experimentation, I found I could play the game if the sound is disabled. You can disable your game sound by running cfg.bat in your game directory. Then run the game again and see if you can display the menu. Hopefully the patch will correct the sound problems that are causing so many crashes and freezings.
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