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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by hoolaman

  1. I really hope CMX2 gives a much better overall "impression" than T72. Some details like trees and lighting do not look "just-right" to me. The most realistic and impressive feature in T72 is the destructable buildings, which I hope is in CMX2. Most of the rest of the terrain and environmental features have already been stated as being "in" for CMX2, but I really hope and expect BFC to do it better.
  2. I really hope CMX2 gives a much better overall "impression" than T72. Some details like trees and lighting do not look "just-right" to me. The most realistic and impressive feature in T72 is the destructable buildings, which I hope is in CMX2. Most of the rest of the terrain and environmental features have already been stated as being "in" for CMX2, but I really hope and expect BFC to do it better.
  3. What would be truly awesome is a sound mod: "move it lads": !!!GAGHRHRHGAGAHHRRGGAH!!! "ahh! my legs": !!!GAGHRHRHGAGAHHRRGGAH!!! "keep moving!": !!!GAGHRHRHGAGAHHRRGGAH!!!
  4. Yes CMX2 is WEGO; that's CM's "thing"... the thing it ...erm... is.
  5. Yes CMX2 is WEGO; that's CM's "thing"... the thing it ...erm... is.
  6. Oh and congrats to BFC. I did think the screenshots for T72 were a bit underwhelming, but the movies are excellent! I suggest everyone check out the building damage model movie.
  7. Yep the old 4/60 air conditioning: 4 windows down and 60 km/h!
  8. Humber 4WD I think this is it at the top of the page. Edit: If this vehicle was left where it lay, I am really not surprised the axle broke. There must have been some urgent need to cross that terrain. And thanks oren_m for this entertaining contribution to the forums. [ May 25, 2005, 05:38 AM: Message edited by: Hoolaman ]
  9. I think it was more of a collective hysterical hallucination by the forum members.
  10. This has happened to me a few times too. I prevented it by making sure whatever I was doing in windows besides CM was closed and not running the processor too much before returning to the game. So just wait for everything to settle before loading CM back.
  11. I do not recognise the error message, but I would suggest that it may actually be a hardware problem. The only time crazy display malfunctions such as those pictured happen to me is when my system RAM (often) or video card (three times over the years) is dying. One remedy I use which the experts may scoff at is to phsyically remove your video card and put it back in again. This works reliably for my RAM troubles, maybe will for your video issues. The Microsoft website also suggests possible hardware troubles. Microsoft support
  12. Yes, the perfect woman! Loves machineguns and motorcycles. She is pretty funny sometimes too actually. Interesting stuff. I wonder at the story behind the German matchbox with a Russian button and the gold tooth inside.
  13. Happy Birthday!! ...now where is the party hat smilie? I am mid-twenties... almost exactly now I think about it. Again, not that anyone probably cares, except maybe Mr Dvorak, who asked.
  14. I doubt that the crew in april '45 were a bunch of Michael Wittmanns.
  15. AMD Duron 1000 256 mb RAM XP 2:17 Didn't bother doing it twice. Interesting that this result is up there around 2:00 with some other much faster rated machines. I guess the straight number crunching of CM turn calculations may not take advantage of what some newer chips were designed to do. BTW It is a beautiful map with many tactical possibilities, I suggest everyone try it out.
  16. I recall Walpurgis Nacht explaining how vital it was: that the key factor in winning was delivering all your ammo into the enemy most effecively. I took away the message that if you still have ammo left, and there are still enemy forces around, you probably haven't done as well as you could have. Of course, it's never going to be "all" about ammo or "all" about manoevering. I think the reason for highlighting ammo thinking is because unlike manoeuvering it's not so intuitive. The first thing you think of when you have some forces is where you are going to move them. It's much less obvious to think about how you are going to dispose of their ammo. GaJ. </font>
  17. I am always one to wring any advantage out of the game system, and this results in a bookkeeping style of play. I always figure FP x exposure x number of enemies etc. etc. and how to get the most out of an attack, which naturally includes concentrating fire on one squad at a time. So I can't really argue with any the logic here, but I have to disagree on a couple of points. FOW and the rich spectrum of variables produced in any CM game do not simply make it a spreadsheet of ammo vs. casualties vs. morale. Movement and combined arms tactics are at least as important as these simple infantry principles even if they are just to facilitate them. I find that although squad infantry can rally from a slightly rattled state, it is not really a homogeneous scale from OK to PANIC! The difference between the one turn it takes to recover from pinned and the 8, 12 or infinite turns it takes to recover from panic are night and day. Panicking a squad is really about as good as knocking out a gun or vehicle. Although they may recover, the organisation of your attack is pretty much gone, and the squad is not really combat effective. Next, I very rarely run out of ammo in a CM style fight. I sometimes have a squad that has to be taken out of the line due to low ammo and high casualties, and very rarely a whole platoon must be taken out of the line for low ammo, but mostly I find midway through the game the advantage is already taken by someone via movement rather than true attrition. Time constraints and even matching of forces in CM make this style of play difficult. So I disagree that ammo is such a vital consideration. Casualties and morale breakages will almost always be what ruins my squads and my opponent's long before the ammo is gone. The firepower advantage needed to break or kill his squads is gained by proximity to the enemy, covering fire and concentration of force, but also the terrain that you are able to occupy to minimise your own exposure. Of course even then a couple of big HE shells can turn the whole thing around in seconds.
  18. Thanks guys. Those flames must burn pretty hot! All my squads were in perfect morale state before, and seem to have dissolved into gibbering messes from this house alone. Now I have an entire platoon (half my force!) rendered inneffective at a vital moment because I stupidly put them too close to this house. Oh well, you live and learn.
  19. Do you fell you have inadequate AA capabilities? Y/N Have you ever fired at an aircraft but been unsure if you got a "kill" or not? Y/N Do your subordinates complain about the level of organic AA wepons? Y/N Do you stop firing after a few ineffective bursts? Y/N Have you ever lost troops/vehicles because of your inferior AA? Y/N Have you ever been forced to move at night because of poor AA? Y/N Have you ever recieved psychiatric treatment or been arrested because of lack of effective AA? Y/N If you answered Y to any of these questions you must be mad.
  20. I have a game where an in-command green squad seemed to panic with a ! simply by moving next to (not into) a burning house. Can this happen? Anyone know how close you have to be to have a morale effect? Did I just miss something shooting at them?
  21. Hans, Search for "Giarabub" under "collections search" and WWII under "conflict" AWM This will return three pages of photos of the surrounding area and aftermath of this battle. On page 2 you will find an aerial recon photo of the entire area. The units which took part in this action were: 18th Inf Regiment, or more specifically, 2/9 Infantry Batallion to which was attached from 2/10 Infantry Batallion: Bn. Mortar platoon (Lt. Porter) Bn. A.A platoon (Lt. Fisher) 1 Sec MMG (vickers I think) (Cap Schmedje) ALSO 6th Division Cavalry Regiment which I think was somewhat lacking in tanks, and may have been using some captured gear (French?). AND 1 Battery 4th Royal Horse Artillery. Sadly, the 2/9 Battalion war diary for MARCH is not available online, or I could give you much more info. Search the war diaries on the AWM site for yourself and you might find some good info. There are maps concealed in some of the pdf files, but you gotta look. I seem to answer every request for australian info from you with a link to the AWM website. Perhaps you should look there for yourself.
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