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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. OK Sorry Thomm Now I feel bad about my "rant" about free media coverage, sorry, I did not mean to offend you. -tom w
  2. So what you are saying is that this sort of FREE press and exposure, that might even come from CNN (Combat Mission was on CNN once!) should be avoided because the realistic nature of the simulation of martyrs is "distasteful" in a military simulation game? come on... If BFC gets free press (you can't buy advertising as effective as sensationalistic news/media coverage about a ground breaking new feature in a video game) because this is the MOST accurate game of its kind (including suicide martyrs) that has to be a good thing for sales. Most military simulations, (and by extension FPS shooters) are not really "wholesome" to begin with. If this one is a little more realistic and gritty then most, then so be it. I look forward to playing the final version, and these new additions with unconventional Syrian forces will make playing the Syrian side a real consideration from the perspective of play balance. I think everyone first thought "Oh why bother playing, the US will win EVERY scenario EVERY time and the Syrian player will never have a chance". The AI will be boring and the AI will play the Syrian side everytime, because no one would ever opt to take on the mighty US military as the rag tag Syrians. Well think again, if this game really simulates assymetrical warfare in Syria in the near future it could really prove to be an interesting tactical challege to actually claim a victory with the US forces. Bring on all the media attention you want, GOOD, BAD or indifferent, it can only increase awareness and drive sales up. -tom w [ January 31, 2007, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. is that you John Wayne? "Who said that??!! Which one of you twinkle-toed communist cocksuckers just signed their own death warrant??!! Was it you Lone Syrian !?!" No? Well I guess the fairy-****ing-godmother said it!" The Drill Sargent [ January 27, 2007, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. When SimCity (Maxis) decides to go into business (partnership unlikely I would bet) with BFC we might see some real breakthroughs on problem of civilians. BUT I am not holding my breath. Everytime I hear the suggestion of civilians in CM I think of SimCity or the Sims, (SimCity would be better for AI behaviour of urbanite civilians IMHO). I think Steve's posted proposals for unconventional forces and martyrs and enemy combatants will be just the right balance. What I see is a very wise decision to do what is doable and program what is managable so it may appeal to some Defense Depts. somewhere as a training tool for leadership. It sounds perfect to me! Keep up the good work. -tom w
  5. In a warzone a random explosion does not seem all that out of place to me? Random explosion of a bomb maker (IED)? Random accidental airstrike? Random martyr sucide attack, explosion out of control of both players? Random ammo explosions ? Random fuel explosion? Randow explosion of a storage shed of land mines? Most of you know I have no real world experience in these things, so I will of course defer to the opinion of folks who have been there, but it would not surprise me that a %1 chance of a random explosion (in an urban setting only) in Syria would be an event that could be modeled in this simulation. Sort in the vain of "War is hell" (same response to folks complaining about bogging, sorry "War is hell") But that's JUST me. -tom w
  6. I was thinking "random leathality" as in a random explosion or fire or building collapse or martyr attack could be programmed into the game in addition to all the other factors Steve mentioned. I like the %1 random event that is an explosion somewhere. Now the question is %1 of what? Maybe like one chance in a 100 that in one game (once) there will be an event that might (%50-%50 chance) be close enough to a US unit to do some damage? Detonation based on what premise? Proximity? Chance? I like the random idea BUT not to exclude the concept player controlled (at least in theory) martyrs. interesting none the less -tom w
  7. I like it! In any urban setting in Syria this random (I like it closer to %1 but that is just me) would add an element of unexpected "leathality" to the game that would likely be to the advantage of the Syrian, player. I like it, and I would consider it a form of "Home Field Advantage: Syria" "It would be unexpected to everyone, but especially for the US who wouldn't be able to tell if it was a random, or a planned." That part about unexpected AND random is good for making the US player ask himself "Was that planned or an accident, or just plain random bad luck"? -tom w
  8. Let the accusations of "gamey play behaviour" fly !!! "crafty human" are you kidding??? This will be the new "high ground" of gamey play.... I hope they play test the heck out of this stealthy operative "thing" because in the hands of a gamey Syrian player, the US will never have a chance in some scenario's. (I hope we see one in the first Demo scenario's they release, with operatives and irregular forces the chance of Syrian victory will be decidedly higher.) I guess I am thinking that assymetrical warfare in general is in fact the VERY definition of "gamey". I can't wait! -tom w [ January 26, 2007, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  9. WOW "Looking forward to French farmers in the WWII game. Of course the German player would not be restricted in shooting operatives there." OK! great minds think alike! WWII Resistence fighters! WWII will never be the same for the Krouts again in the ETO if the next CMx2 game in WWII simlulates the efforts of the French Resistance (that if memory serves, (I guess that makes me sound "old") ) who were in many cases well co-ordninated and in communication with Commonwealth (British) forces sometimes. I am thinking of resistance efforts the morning of June 6 1944, for instance. VERY interesting. -Tom W
  10. wow :eek: See the video and you WILL say WOW! -tom w
  11. Will this be the first game to have "operatives" in a unconventional combat role in a video war game? (simulation) That sounds like quite an inovative feature for a war game? (revolutionary maybe?) Has it been done like this before in any other games? (none that I know of) -tomw w
  12. :eek: WOW :eek: um " this portion of the engine hasn't been written yet." If you plan to do that justice then it sounds like we are ate least 4-6 months away from a release date. (please tell me I am mistaken) Maybe I am wrong, and this part of the game engine won't take more then a few days to a week to code, but I am just guessing that play testing this aspect of the simulation will take a heck of a LOT more time than that. hmmm (sounds great though!) -tom w
  13. Reading this made me think of John's comments about how easy it would be to make and set off and EMP bomb. (electro-magnetic pulse device.) Looks like they are having serious problems with Jammers for IED's and radio coms. web page USA Today
  14. Hey Good to see you back and active chat soon my friend! we need to catch up... -tom w
  15. The third shot shows the obvious Red Cross symbol for the wounded on the right side of the image in the middle somewhat) and my guess is the forth image shows (JUST a guess) a KIA, maybe with some passion and emotion being displayed in the hand position/gestrue of the fellow solider attending him, or picking up ammo. FWIW
  16. more info hear about the contract and USMC Buffalo web page defense-update.com
  17. Please, please, please ask Charles to make sure CM:SF works on a Mac somehow, if it could be designed so it would run on Crossover, that would be spectacular. (OK, ok I guess the Mac users here will have to admit that they will need a newer Intel Mac to play this game no matter what.) Thanks -Tom W
  18. This is what I was getting at earlier about 10.5 Leopard: That was the source I was thinking about when I posted that Leopard was never intended to be developed to run Windows software or games (virtualization) web page from Wired with Apple VP Quote [ January 10, 2007, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. Hi This is about a month old from Dec 6 2006 but it is VERY relevant MacWorld Mag first look at mac games for 2007 hmmm I hope Crossover works with CM:SF or it buy a copy of Windoze and a NEW Intel Mac for me! ugh (or maybe I can just skip CM:SF.... but I doubt that.) -tom w
  20. OK then I stand corrected, Crossover looks too good to be true. :eek: (its for Intel Macs only of course, and you need 120megs of free disk space). (sorry, I need to read WAY more about this stuff to stay on top of it, I don't have an Intel Mac yet, but plan to have one by the end of March. JUST in time for CM:SF he he (hoping) ) Cheers Thanks Wicky -tom w
  21. Is this technically possible? I am a Mac Teck Geek and consider myself fairly well informed regarding trends and the future of Mac and Apple's emerging technologies, but I have NEVER heard any rumors to that effect ever before. So the suggestion is OS X 10.5 Leopard somehow might run windows software without the user being required to buy Windows???? :eek: :confused: That sort sounds like it is begging a lawsuit from Microsoft. but I am not in the legal profession so maybe not? Do you have any references or rumor sites or web pages that have even speculated such a concept? Sounds great, but I don't think even Apple will be interested in trying to pull that off. -tom w
  22. I guess this does not come as much of a surprise.. Looks like an intel Mac with a bootable windows partition will be required to play CM:SF on a Mac when it is released. here is the link if you are looking for some context around the post, its in the "Will we be playing in less then 5 months thread".
  23. This is interesting.. hmm "Each Alky Converter will solve these issues by converting a specific Windows game into a fully native OSX or Linux executable. Alky is fully 64 bit capable and has no Wine-like server architecture to provide unnecessary overhead and speed degradation." web page inside mac games news
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