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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. is the Osprey in service are they still testing that contraption? (I guess its in service ) web page linked to new of grounding [ February 13, 2007, 05:44 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. OK I was just referring to this comment: " heavily decorated shops, beautiful (but filthy) old buildings, posters with portraits of Assad, and lots of history present in every corner and street" and figured modders could fill in more varied art work later, but that had nothing to do with shapes or polygons in the game engine -tom w
  3. "CM:SF, on the other hand, is fully customizable by the end user. This means some degree of tradeoff for flexibility." it also means the artist/modder community can make it look better and more varied over time. [ February 12, 2007, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. I could be wrong but don't they have to build the playable demo after the final gold release is sent off to duplication and production? so... I would guess there won't be a playable demo until maybe late March (optimistic) to April or maybe even May or June (in the worst case scenario). But hey.... I am only guessing -tom w
  5. I guess what I want to know is can the Syrian player move sedans (many many of them like civilian traffic) around on the map if they don't have an IED in them.... the feature and vehicles list implies the syrian player will have control of sedan's with IED and sedan's without IED's (decoys I presume.) so I am curious... -tom w
  6. truth is universal he who dies with the most toys wins If you have a ton of RAM and the fastest computer money can buy you can play a REALLY big 4km x 4 km scenario (Like Crossing the Volga) with a ton of units at a an "acceptable" framerate..... otherwise it just goes slower.... (I guess) -tom w
  7. yeah but .. 16 square Km (at the top end of the size range posted) could be as huge as 4km by 4 km and I would say that is pretty Big.
  8. OK I thought it was something like that. (parked cars, maybe one with a IED in it). But will the syrian player have active control of the "technicals" to move them around? just wondering?
  9. The promo web site is BRILLIANT , thanks, I drank it up like morning coffee this morning. I was thrilled to wake up to it. now.... from the list on new web site: OK, so everybody knows there are no civilians, but it looks like there will be civi vehicles: "Sedan (with and without Improvised Explosive Devices)". Now correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall a thread discussing the possibility that civilian vehicles would be modeled such that there may be parked cars (sedan) and LOTS of them and one of them may or may not have a IED in it. So does this mean there will be civilian traffic or just parked cars?? Does this mean the Syrian player can move decoy sedans around, (like simulating civilian traffic) that are not carrying IED's and move other civilian vechilces around the road system that could be carrying IED's? (Taxi's or Pick-ups?) Or are they all only parked? wondering? (have we ever had any clarification on this in the past bones offered up here?) -tom w
  10. I didn't think there was ever any question... (but I am just speculating, but if I was betting, I would bet that its in) -tom w
  11. "4. are able to leave the area with full unit cohesion and having lost only one prisoner." Will Durant? the downed Black Hawk Pilot? ( somehow that hardly counts as a lost prisoner in the context of ground unit cohesion as he was a pilot, AND they got him back in prisoner swap right? ) Did they not have to give ALL their high value prisoners back to get Durant free? (Just a question.) -tom w
  12. Yes, Thanks, sorry I could not locate them. -tom w
  13. Can anyone help Mr. Bean I know my way around this web site fairly well (At least I like to think so), but I can't find the latest screen shots anywhere. Where are the very latest set of screen shots Steve posted and why are they so hard to find? (At least Mr. Bean could not find them easily and he is interested, because I presume he has never seen them.) -tom w
  14. there are some more newer ones I'm just not sure where...
  15. some here: web page wallpaper shots some here: web page in game pics OLD now (from Nov 2006) there are more but they not all in one easy to find place, LIKE A WEB SITE actually promoting the game. (hint hint) (Mr Bean I am not hinting at you, as you have likely figured out by now there is NO promotional web site up yet. ) -tom w [ February 07, 2007, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. this thread is about 2 months old but it might be handy
  17. But so far no word on file size. (but since we all claimed (unanimously) that we don't care about file size, I am only posting this question because I am JUST curious. How big is the file size? Small skirmish? (a hand full of units on each side) Medium sized engagement? (regular every day garden variety scenario) Large scale battle with as many units as possible in the game? (i.e. The BIG One, "Crossing the Volga" was a BIG One!) any estimates? Thanks for the GREAT news! -tom w And never forget, "For every action there is always and equal and opposite overreaction!"
  18. Battlefront.com Administrator Member # 42 posted February 06, 2007 12:45 AM Hmmm... let's see what happens... quote: not to reopen a can of worms, but is there any new development, good or bad, on the PBEM front? Yes, there is news. Yes, there is PBEM. Steve
  19. no no no In my world: "For every action there is an equal an opposite overreaction." I live and work with women (young and mature). (I would like to say more but I know there are women who read these threads.) -tom w
  20. I have not seen this yet but: I thought it might be of interest here. There does not appear to be an online web page for the article, so I guess they want you to buy the magazine. link here: Harper's Online link, but no actual article. read up Blog entry and interesting review here, posted 11:10 AM Feb 5 2007 Blog review of Harper's robot article Interesting observations, and the blog entry goes on to point out issues and problems. I posted it because I found it was a blog entry with reference to the robot army, but it was also a review of the counter insurgency piece. I am not sure I can comment on the main point. -tom w [ February 05, 2007, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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