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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. most of what you have posted has been discussed... others here might address your concerns "1.tank gunners track targets that they shouldn't and they end up getting their butt blown up when a real target comes along and they take 20 years turning their gun around(the tigers are the worst)" This situation is NOW a heckuva LOT BETTER than it was when the game first came out Trust us on that one. The Piat/zook issue may actually be debateable, seems there has been some good historical info that may have come to light since the game was produced and then patched (you are using the v1.12 patch aren't you?) that indicates that some of the piat and zook penetrations on the sloped flanks of the KT are somewhat "questionable". 4.what is up with these piats?..those little pieces of crap might be able to damage to a track but they always seem to keep penetrating the hulls of King Tigers at alarming rates Other than that it is STILL the ONLY game I play and the best WWII combat sim I have ever seen! -tom w
  2. Hey Iron Chef Sakai You did not really expect us all to believe you actually wrote that entire post did you? Seriously, you really should cite the source of that article because it could be considered BOTH plagerism and a copyright infringement! -tom w [ February 02, 2002, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. I thought it always did that :confused: maybe I just had not noticed -tom</font>
  4. I thought it always did that :confused: maybe I just had not noticed -tom
  5. OK ok All the sneak peak stuff about CMBB is cool and everything....... BUT, the FAITHFUL amongst us in this thread want to know how we can pre-order the game!? (Ok ok I knw there are no pre-oders available this time around for CMBB.) I'm NOT complaining about when it will be released or how long it will take to complete, or any of that stuff. Sure, we all know we are going to have to wait until its finished before BTS will release and ship the game BUT then it will be another GREAT game. No problem there. BUT is it fair to say that the faithful amongst here (and there are PLENTY of us) would like to know if there will some way that our interest in buying CMBB and our orders will not get bumped to the bottom of the order pile, by accident. I think Steve has addressed this issue and has given us hope, but I recall cases where other folks here complained about having preordered CMBO and some people who ordered the game after it was shipping got their game sooner. The fact is we ALL want to get our hands on this GREAT game as soon as it is released. If we ALL order online how will we know our purchase will be processed and filled in the sequence that it arrived at the server that takes the orders as that server is likely to be somewhat overwhelmed the minute you say GO, and let all of us "refresh monkeys" at it?? -tom w [ February 01, 2002, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  6. From what I've been reading I suspect this will be EVEN more TRUE in CMBB, especially for the Russian units! -tom w [ February 01, 2002, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  7. Don't worry Matt it Looks GREAT on my screen! nice shot glad to see at least "some" of you are already enjoying CMBB!!!! -tom w
  8. Speaking semantically, he already has made a guess by setting the dud-rate to zero. However, this guess is known to be wrong. Is one wrong guess worse than another? If a CM Grogs' computer crashes in the middle of a forest, can anyone hear him scream? These and many other questions we may never know the answer to... Regards JonS</font>
  9. I would REALLY like to see the dud rate modeled for arty and mortors and other things that go boom. I have in the past debated this with Steve online in this forum. (really) My point was that the dud rate for EVERY type of munition in the old AH board game Tobruk (one of the first if not THE first 2D board game to attempt to accuractely and historically model armour penetration for individual WWII tanks) was modeled. Steve said he figured that ALL those dud rates were likely guesses and that BTS was not prepared to guess about dud rates of different types of munitions. STILL some estimate of dud rates for munitions in CMBB would be appreciated. There should be some form of dud rate or frequency modeled in for explosives. BUT thats just my opinion... I and absolutely positive this is not one of Steve's priorities for CMBB, in fact its not even on the list of things they might think about considering, I suspect -tom w [ January 31, 2002, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. "MikeyD Member # 5596 posted January 31, 2002 01:02 PM CM's hell for the micro-management types. Your little troops do seem to have a mind of their own sometimes (especially after having liberated a virtual vineyard's wine cellar one town over the night before!). Good generalship in CM seems to be less a matter of forcing your men to do what you want and more a matter of figuring out what they're likely to do then planning accordingly. Best to send scouts out to locate the enemy, then have your main force give the enemy a WIDE berth while on the move. IMHO, Infantry seems to be least likely to shoot back if they're on the RUN... but are likely to be too exhaused to fight once they reach their destination. AGAIN just in case you missed it: " Good generalship in CM seems to be less a matter of forcing your men to do what you want and more a matter of figuring out what they're likely to do then planning accordingly. Best to send scouts out to locate the enemy,......" This is SO true and it makes this GAME unique and totally amazingly FUN to play! -tom w [ January 31, 2002, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. oh BOY! Have you ever come to the right place Just hit SEARCH and use the term "face hardened" Welcome aboard! My quick search netted these results: Isigny Tests vs. Captured Panther 01-10-2001 Combat Mission Why germans didnt use tungsten? 01-13-2001 Combat Mission Tiger Tactics 01-13-2001 Combat Mission Face-Hardened Armor on German Tanks 01-27-2001 Combat Mission T34 Vulnerability 04-03-2001 Combat Mission Face-Hardened Penetration for Russian Ammo 04-21-2001 Combat Mission 45mm Penetration of Panther at Kursk 04-23-2001 Combat Mission Update on Armor Penetration Book 05-06-2001 Combat Mission So Who's Tougher? 05-10-2001 Combat Mission Armor Book Status 06-04-2001 Combat Mission Penetration Charts 06-27-2001 Combat Mission The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge! 07-03-2001 Combat Mission Sherman 75mm Effectiveness 07-03-2001 Combat Mission U.S. 40mm M81 AP Shot 07-08-2001 Combat Mission Tungsten Core Shatter Gap 07-14-2001 Combat Mission German face-hardened armour,when did they stop using it? 07-18-2001 Combat Mission Soviet Flat Nosed AP Ordnance 07-20-2001 Combat Mission Tank vulnerability (oh no, not again) and another small wish 07-25-2001 Combat Mission Grog question: bocage & Germans 08-08-2001 Combat Mission WW2 Ballistics: Armor and Gunnery - the new book 08-14-2001 Combat Mission Sherman Armor and Penetration Topics 09-14-2001 Combat Mission Rexford, Soviet APBC against face-hardened armour? 09-15-2001 Combat Mission Panther use of Face-Hardened Armor 09-19-2001 Combat Mission Armor Penetration Snafu? 12-20-2001 Combat Mission Two Plates In Contact 01-08-2002 Combat Mission CMBB Matchup - PzKpfw III Ausf. J versus T-34-76 Model 1941 01-13-2002 Combat Mission SU 152 vs Panther Glacis at Kursk 01-25-2002 Combat Mission Metalurgy & tank armor 01-28-2002 Combat Mission -tom w [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Spanish Bombs: OK, then, what will Doodads be used for? I'm trying to picture in my mind the type of item/feature that might be crying out for such treatment, as I understand it: randomly placed, organic to the terrain type, have an effect on gameplay (is there such a thing as a big doodad or a little doodad re: cover, etc.?) Anyhow, guessing that perhaps this point was what Hoopenfaust was getting at in starting this thread, then, are there any guesses at what things would/could be a doodad feature? Madmatt? Heres one guess: how about factory machinery in the "build your own" factory complexes?<hr></blockquote> we have seen screen shots of grave Headstones in a graveyard as doodads, in that case they work GREAT doodaads ALSO make Wheat fields sort of 3D and they too look VERY believable because they have wheat doodads in them see the screen shots posted already of dooddads (Sorry I'm not sure off hand where to find them) -tom w
  13. Great Job is it available for download or is it just be e-mail request only at this point? I would like to download it thanks -tom w
  14. Wow Andrew! that was VERY creative, dare I say BRILLIANT! what a good analogy, VERY inspired, you should write more often with good stuff like that! entertaining stuff like Andrew's post makes this board WAY Better than ANY other internet forum, chat room or "cyber" community. Nicely put Andrew Next time don't forget to mention the most important role of town scribe and archivist and give yourself a plug! -tom w P.S. I am PROFOUNDLY honoured by your mention as the leading Bishop of the Opticians Sect with respect to those devinely inspired (and under modeled, [although the Lords claim to have made some adjustments for CMBB] ) German gunnery optics!! [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  15. do we really need a When Will CMBB thread on every page of the forum now? this thread was "news" yesterday today it is on page two and NEW "When Will CMBB come out" thread appears on page one Duh! -tom w
  16. no you can only know the parameters of the map (i.e. Size? moderate hills? moderate trees? ) that you and your opponent have agreed upon before hand. niether can see the map in a QB -tom w
  17. I guess I'm confused I thought we were the Borg and we had plans to take over the wargame video game world. Yeah, thats the ticket. We are the Wargame Borg and we will assimilate the wargame world. -tom w
  18. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=13&t=004082 this was one of the funniest things I ever participated in from the GOOD old days the thread is actually about shooting up model tanks with BB guns and blowing up model tanks with fire crackers.... from the above thread: "gunnerdream Junior Member Member # 5386 posted 05-04-2000 12:25 AM I can't resist this...the most realistic pyrotechnics I ever acheived were with balsa-wood airplane models. I would spend literally weeks putting together a Fokker or a Spad, balance it until the aerodynamics were perfect, then squirt a little Testors around the cockpit area, climb up on the roof, wind up the propeller, light a match, and let 'er rip! All that work for twenty seconds of hysterical laughter. It's good to know I'm not the only sick, twisted pyromaniac out there. Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...this thread is hilarious!" -tom w [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt: Monitoring this forum 24/7 certainly isn't helping matters I must tell you... Madmatt<hr></blockquote> Delegate man, DELGATE! Can't you trust the monitoring of this forum to someone who is not working on CMBB?? its just a question? some well trusted folks, not employed by BTS, read and comment on this forum all the time just for fun, perhaps their voluteer efforts could free up your time? -tom w
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Abn_Ranger87: Hope no delays come up, it would be bad form for CMBB to come out right before my wedding. Would be an awkward honeymoon to say the least... "but dear, I need to bring the lap-top with me..." :eek: <hr></blockquote> Been there Done that, seriously Yup June or July 2000 The day CMBO arrived at my door was the Same Day my wife and I left for our Honeymoon. She was VERY gracious about letting me play. At that time there were no Mods and no user made scenarios and no TCP/IP and the game was STILL great then even in its v1.0 format!! -tom w P.S. we are still married and I still love this game!
  21. here's one Clue the Modeling Contest doesn't close until Feb 28 2002 So that right there tells you it likely won't be available until late March or early April. My guess is IF (Big IF) EVERYHTHING goes well and on Schedule they might start shipping in April 2002. Check this out: " KwazyDog Administrator Member # 302 posted 01-25-2002 04:22 PM Hi guys! Some more quick replies... Zitadelle, yes, a bare bones model will still help us out, as it will give us all of the details necessary to help in the building of a texture. What is perfect (other than a complete model of course) is a model that has had the base coat applied and items like the wheels painted black, details coloured, etc, but if time doesnt permit a bare model will be very useful too. as for the latest date of entry...well thats a hard call. At this point the contest will end on the given date, but I could probably take texture 4 weeks or so after and still have them of use to me, as long as I knew they were coming Shep, thanks! Whilst I can promise anything I can tell you that we are trying out best to get as much in there as possible. There should be a lot of vehicles for you guys to play with if all goes to plan!" My guess (it is ONLY a guess) is they will need at the VERY least one more month after the close of the Modeling contest to work on the graphics and images from the contest to bring them into CMBB. And since Dan (KwazyDog) is swamped now, if there are alot of last minute entries it may take a couple of more months to work through all the graphics files he has received and finalize what vehicles make it into the game and which do not. So my completely "out of the loop" and uninformed guess is Sometime in April or May. -tom w [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  22. That sounds CRAZY to me I'm on a Mac 400 mHz G3 Powerbook right now with only 8 megs of VRAM and I have LOTS of highres mod files installed and it works GREAT. With 32 megs of ram on that nvida card I CAN'T believe you are having video memory problems. " so I'm confused in smashing this on corrupt files, maybe the nVidia GeForce card is having problems?" That nVidia card seems to be gaining a NASTY reputation as being VERY problematic with CMBO!! Any other Mac users with new Computers with that 32 meg nVidia card reporting this issue? IT is a strange problem to be sure because no matter how many High res mods I jam on this powerbook it seems to do the BEST it and CMBO still looks great without ANY graphics problems. I'm very sorry to hear you are having such troublesome graphics problems with that nVidia Card in your new Mac. -tom w
  23. Does anyone know if there has been any "official" word from BTS on amphibious capability of some vehicles in CMBB??? Its a good question? Has it been covered in the CMBB FAQ? (I don't think so) At this point it would be my GUESS that because CMBB is being written using the engine code from CMBO as the foundation, that amphibious capability will not be included in CMBB, but, I would be more than happy to be proven WRONG. -tom w
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software: JonS, point well taken. Honestly, practically everything that REALLY matters in CM has variability (like penetration stuff, shatter gap, etc.). The main thing that has no variability is what a unit is inherently. So a tank either has all skirts or no skirts, good armor or bad armor, etc. While the properties of each can be accurately modeled, there is no way to have, for example, a Panzer IV H with 3 plates of skirt armor on the right and 2 on the left. This is the sort of things need to be variable but can't be at the moment. All good things come to those who wait BTW, there once was a time when many of the things you mentioned were NOT variable. Man, it was like playing with an army of Terminators! Imagine 6 Shermans all doing this at once... "20 miiiliiimeeetooor gun onda riiiight, 321 meaatas. Fiiiiya. Reeelode. Fiiiiya." Steve [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Big Time Software ]<hr></blockquote> " there is no way to have, for example, a Panzer IV H with 3 plates of skirt armor on the right and 2 on the left. This is the sort of things need to be variable but can't be at the moment. All good things come to those who wait " WOW That will really make things interesting The idea's you have for the engine rewrite sound VERY inovative and, well, almost radical! But Good! I mean REALLY good Don't forget terrain fog of war and the opportunity for units to get really good and lost and loose their way. ( I know that HAS NOTHING to do with the current discussion of armour modeling, but it was something that was discussed long ago that would make things more interesting it would be kind of fun and some what realistic to have a unit get lost in the dark of night in the fog in a forest/woods for a few turns) -tom w
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