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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Yes, some do, but most don't. File 613 (bridge) is particularly nasty because it's also used by the game as a basic road tile. Grrr! I hope BTS fixes this for CMBB. But Tom has thoughtfully broken up each file set (trees, bases, snow, hedge/wall, etc.) into its own ZIP file within the main ZIP, so you can choose which ZIPs you wish to uncompress rather than having to do the whole thing at once. Nice. - Chris</font>
  2. have not tried that yet will do thanks I think your suggestion and that hi res low res issue is at the root of the problem THANKS -tom w
  3. Thanks I wondered if I was the only one :confused: It seems that we have no done something right to override the previous low res winter terrain files? Anyone else have any problems on Macs? Thanks for the reply -tom w
  4. bump because EVERYONE should see that nice stuG Mod! -tom w
  5. the theory in CMBO was that the tanks that can be dug in were in fact immobile to begin with, which is why they were dug in to defensive positions only. I think that covers it -tom w
  6. yup used MCM 3v1.6.1 I have got the GOOD new tree bases to show up but somehow I can't over come the old low res snow files. THat screen shot is from a map in the map editor that I made JUST for Jan 45 in light snow but still now joy I'm wondering if it is possible to make it work or the 8 meg VRAM limitation is to blame the EXACT same game file set up works fine on the g4 tower with the 16 meg VRAM? Thanks Gyrene for your post? any other mac users on laptops have this problem? Its not a big deal I would just like to know if its user error (mine) and I can fix it or its is a REAL hardware limitation? oh well thanks -tom w
  7. WOW Thanks for the prompt reply I figured that was the issue bummer oh well I prefer to play on my laptop ..... BUT I can still play with those GREAT winter terrain mods on the 16 meg (video ram) G4 tower thanks again for your reply. -tom w </font>
  8. this is what it looks like on my G3 laptop (8 megs ram) here's the link to a page with some screen shots http://newmedia.sheridanc.on.ca/tomw/index.htm [ February 24, 2002, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  9. YES JasonC The winner and Still Champion Based on words written and posts to this board. I have no real stats but who has more posts than that gentleman? JasonC for Grog of the Year! MVG ( Most valuable GROG) -tom w
  10. no problem I'm SURE you were VERY busy Now that I have it I will try to find the time to make a 360 pano of the mod but I'm busy now too with work and a 5 month old son son so time is hard to come by... GREAT mod by the way that was ONE helluva alot of work! and it is stunning THANKS again! -tom w [ February 24, 2002, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. Doh!! Thanks I did not look down that far Just to note I was the 655th person to visit that page that sure must be ONE very popular mod thanks again for the VERY prompt reply -tom w
  12. with a BB gun of course (preferably with a clean head shot ) all in fun -tom w
  13. thats a GREAT Shot! my game still does not look that good can anyone tell me exactly where to find that NEW tree bases mod on Tom's site? is it now in the big 7.5 meg download? thanks -tom w
  14. Me too I had to start over then in that crash that's when I got the 1515 member number I have now -tom w [ February 24, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  15. Hi Tom I'm wondering if I'm the only player trying to run your new mod on a laptop with only 8 megs of ram? I'm on a 400 mHz black G3 laptop and the snow on the terrain does not snow elevation with that lovely graduated effect. This is specific to the laptop as the same mod and game files look good on a 16 meg video card standard on the 500 mHz G4 tower :confused: Does anyone else have the problem with the ground snow now showing the NICE green grass and snow graduated terrain elvation on a laptop? my mod looks like this: hold on while I load them be back in 15 min
  16. is that StuG publically available??? (yet) if so where can I download it? Its VERY nice! -tom w
  17. Anti-tank trenches have been asked about, but no comfirmation one way or the other, AFAIK. I doubt something as substantial as Dragon's Teeth would make it in. BTS seems less inclined to try to tackle complicated assaults on heavily fortified defensive positions. Not sure it fits their vision of what the game is supposed to be. And it probably wouldn't be easy to do well anyway. - Chris</font>
  18. I REALLY like the "alt H, cntl H (or whatever isn't used yet) H which causes the +/- keys to step from HQ to HQ" concept suggestion, GOOD idea! That makes GREAT sense then you could instantly see where the BLACK command lines are from your HQ units that have subbordinate units out of their command radius. OR about this: JUST hit a hot key LIKE alt Shift L and show only Black command lines. one of my biggest interestes is to keep all my units in command radius (this may be especially important with Russian units) and knowing when that line turns black is a BIG important thing to keep track of. ANYway these things are likely ALL too late for CMBB but its the THOUGHT that counts Good suggestions from Midnight Warrior -tom w [ February 24, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. extreme Fog Of War Those advancing Krauts won't even know what hit 'em when the cleverly camoflauged Russian's open fire -tom w
  20. Mostly TreePro. I have to manually add all the detail to the trunk and branches after with Paint Shop Pro. GREAT Nice Job TreePro does a good job with trees. For those who don't know TreePro "grows" trees and the user can set the preferences and configuration and you can make almost any kind of tree like vegeation you want. Its a FUN piece of software. Ideal for making 3D trees! -tom w
  21. Does anyone have any further info on this? I thought I had read something like this sometime ago but there has been next to no discusion about the roster lately? It there any thing about this in the CMBB Super FAQ? Just wondering? -tom w [ February 21, 2002, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  22. Those are GREAT trees are you useing TreePro? Or is It the NEW tree lab in Bryce5? or is that Vue3D thing? Where are those lovely trees comimg from? -tom w
  23. New thread to so there is somewhere to talk about news of its impending release Like there is ANY news? -tom w
  24. GREAT! We knew you would... "we'll sew it up just like we try to do with every loophole brought to our attention" For those folks new to this board or this game or new to BTS, if the say "we'll sew it up just like we try to do with every loophole brought to our attention" THEN they mean it! CMBO was patched several times before it was considered finally complete, and it now has virtually NO gamey loopholes to exploit in it. (anymore)(it may have OTHER issues that we still debate, BUT all the really gamey unrealistic exploitable loopholes were dealt with in the patches that followed the game) THIS game and this Company that produces this GAME and CMBB is REALLY truely radically different (And I mean that in GOOD way!) then any other game company you have ever bought a video game from. It shows, because they are Wargamers who are making games that THEY would REALLY like to play themselves and they don't "settle" on just some crappy game then make a profit from it! NO they make it RIGHT and play test it to death until it works they they had originally intended, then they just share the game with us for a small fee ! What a GREAT business model... I'm ONLY ranting about this for all the NEW folks here who were not around for the CMBO Beta Demo, its development and its long anticipated arrival and then the obligatory subsquent patches. Keep up the good work! -tom w [ February 21, 2002, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
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