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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. how about this before anyone gets any "tech support" help from this forum we ask them a simple question like: "What is the first sentence at the top of page 124 of the manual?" Hey! Funnyman can you answer that? -tom w
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by funnyman: I really think my CDs busted, is there any way I can get another one free of charge or do I have to buy it again.<hr></blockquote> Maybe "burn" a backup copy next time and store the original disk some place safe and don't use it??? Just a thought! -tom w
  3. and don't freak out the CD is IN the Book it was a funny surprise for most us NOT to get a box. you will get a book in a plain brown envelope and the game CD is in the book and the instruction book is a GOOD read. -tom w
  4. from their lousy screen shots (over head maps) I really do not believe this game will rival the coming of CMBB in ANY Wayi Besides it only runs on Windoze machines anyway so if you have a Mac don't even waste the time to check out their web page, (takes forever to load anyway). that was tom's quick and dirty 1 minute review... sorry if it was brutally honest... -tom w [ 12-05-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms: With reference to a recent post condemning the AI, here are my "Top Ten Reasons Why CM's AI is So Great": 10. It always leads with armor, never with infantry. 9. Ahead of the armor, it sends in the arty spotters. 8. It likes to scout suspected zook ambushes with Stugs. 7. On defense, it waits to call in arty till my attack has succeeded, then lays down smoke. 6. On the attack, it knows the virtues of sending unsupported Tigers down city streets, right past my zooks. 5. It never blows up buildings just on general principles, as long as my forces politely refrain from shooting. 4. On defense, it sends out solo squads to counterattack in uncoordinated charges against my unsuppressed platoons. 3. It's always ready for a game and never gets tired, even at 2 AM. 2. It usually lets me win. 1. It never hits Alt-A.<hr></blockquote> AND, it Never calls you a gamey bastard for running a AT team in a jeep on a quick and dirty end-run-outflanking-manouver into its backfield to get that juicy flank/rear shot on its heavy armour. AND, The AI will always fight on even after it has lost all its armour -tom w
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juardis: I have encountered several situations where I want to give the withdrawal order to an HMG team or a mortar team. The current order supposedly has them run away immediately. Unfortunately, the heavy weps teams also take their weapons and, since there is no such thing as a running HMG team, they s-l-o-w-l-y p-l-o-d away from the battle, usually dying lots in the process. So, if the heavy weapons guys are not going to be allowed to run away, then I suggest that they be allowed to intentionally abandon their weapons and run away. Maybe in CMBB?<hr></blockquote> We have asked for an "Abandon" Command for some time now. It would be handy to bail those crews out of imbollized vehicles, AND yes I too would like to order my weapons and mortar crews to "Abandon" AND withdraw to save thier hides! Maybe in CMBB? -tom w
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SlowMotion: I also vote YES. This would be cool - how about some kind of messengers that would bring you the message IF they get to some area (meet troops or something)? Like a jeep arrives to one side of the map, but before the jeep driver can bring the new instructions (to you the player), he has to meet some of the 'old troops'. You're told that this unit has a message, but before you get to read it, you have to get the messenger guy to certain place alive. So if he gets killed, no info available.<hr></blockquote> COOL!! :cool: I really like that IDEA! Perhaps it could be somthing simple (simple me thinks?) like when the unit with the message gets to the same 20 m tile that the highest ranking friendly officer in the game occupies, then the player gets the note.... or info update. very inventive So BTS How about it!!! for CMBB????? -tom w [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SlowMotion: What about some special units NOT aiming, no matter what you order? In one of my PBEM games I told my sniper to kill a bazooka unit some 15 meters away. For several turns nothing happened, then an enemy crew comes along and kills my sniper without him firing one single bullet! I do understand that normally snipers prefer targets that are far away, but if they are specifically told to shoot the only target at sight, how come nothing happens???<hr></blockquote> Sounds like TAC AI determined that the sniper/sharpshooter would prefer not to disclose his location so the TAC AI overrode your orders and had him observe strict sound/fire discpline. just a thought..... -tom w
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by lcm1947: I'm not sure if anyone will know or can answer but thought I'd start my search here. I am starting to have wrist and arm pains when playing CM alot - which I do - just about every day for hours. Anyway, I was wondering if I could use one of the hand devices out there to remedy this somewhat painful feeling. In other words would the game function properly if one used one instead of the old mouse. Oh and by the way I actually use the Logitech ball mouse and thought that they were supposed to avoid this problem. Any help would be appreciated and if something else would work any ideas what would be best? Thanking in advance and BTS feel free to comment if you know anything.<hr></blockquote> I'm not a doctor but Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or RSI (repetitive stress injury) is a VERY serious issue. Folks out there who use the computer keyboard all day at work (and/or play CMBO) and then play CMBO for hours at time again once they get home risk CTS You might be interested in this web page: http://www.ctsplace.com/whatis.php from this web page: http://www.carpaltunnelfaq.com/whatiscarpaltunnel.html What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most well known of a series of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that fall under the umbrella of Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs). Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) are a variety of soft tissue (nerve, tendon, muscule) conditions that result from repeated motions performed in the course of normal work or other daily activities. RSIs may be caused by overexertion, incorrect posture, muscle fatigue, compression of nerves or tissue, too many uninterrupted repetitions of an activity or motion, or friction caused by an unnatural or awkward motion such as twisting the arm or wrist. Over time, these conditions can cause temporary or permanent damage to the soft tissues in the body: such as the muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments. RSIs can occur in the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, back, hips, knees, feet, legs, and ankles, however, the hands and arms are most often affected. RSIs may include such conditions as carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tendonitis, epicondylitis, ganglion cyst, tenosynovitis, and trigger finger. Symptoms of these disorders may include pain, tingling or numbness, visible swelling or redness of the affected area, and loss of flexibility and strength. For some individuals, there may be no visible sign of injury although they may find it hard to perform easy tasks without discomfort, pain or weakness. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, like most RSIs, is cumulative in nature meaning that it is often not the result of a specific isolated incident but rather is a condition that develops gradually over time. The Carpal Tunnel itself is an area of the wrist containing the carpal tunnel, carpal ligaments, the median nerve and tendons that effect finger and hand movement. This area contains ligaments, nerves, blood and soft tissue connecting the arm with the hand and fingers. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when for a number of possible reasons there is swelling of the soft tissue in this region. This swelling may be due to overuse, friction, fluid retention, infection or even a fracture. This swelling in and of itself would not be as critical if it wasn't for the fact that this is a tight area. Hence there is no room for this swelling to occur and naturally decrease. Rather, due to the ligaments and bones being in close confinement in this area, the swelling causes compression as it contacts other structures within this region. This compression can adversely effect the functionality of the median nerve in the wrist. It can also lead to a blocking of the blood supply to the area and hence further difficulty. Where do I Get more Information? As well as visiting our related site, www.goldtouch.com , further information may be found at www. tifaq.org as well as at www.niosh.com. Glossary: Carpal Tunnel: the structure in the wrist which allows for the passage of ligaments, blood and nerves from the arm to the hand. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS): pain, weakness, tingling, numbness in the fingers, hand and wrist due to pressure in the carpal tunnel region, and on the median nerve Median Nerve: an important nerve that links the arm with the hand. It is involved in the coordination of the thumb, index finger, middle and ring finger. MSD: The term "musculoskeletal disorders" refers to conditions that involve the nerves, tendons, muscles and supporting structures of the body. Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs): Another term for RSI. Tendonitis: and inflammation of a tendon ( tendons connect muscles to bone). Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS): Consists of symptoms caused by compression of the nerves (or blood vessels) in the brachial plexus (nerves that pass into the arms from the neck). Patients may have pain in the shoulder, arm, or hand, or in all three locations. The hand pain is often most severe in the fourth and fifth fingers. The pain is aggravated by the use of the arm, and "fatigue" of the arm is often prominent. Traverse Carpal Ligament: a structure that holds the bones of the carpal tunnel together. Ulnar Nerve: another nerve that controls finger and hand movement. Not directly involved with carpal tunnel syndrome but is linked to other overuse injuries including tennis elbow.
  10. Photoshop is THE standard, in graphic design and new media design (web design), the learning curve is steep but you can do just about anything in Photoshop. -tom w
  11. this thread needs to be locked and FAST I think the Dorosh comment was uncalled for I had no idea this "community" could be so harsh -tom w
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo: Not the same cat, haven't seen her for a while. Haven't seen Kitty either.. But she also whipped KiwiJoe twice just as badly as she whipped me so I'd say she is THAT good. And also a "technician", the kind of player who'd know exactly how far you can see in foggy scattered trees and use that knowledge. Plays the game, not a simulation..<hr></blockquote> oh I see thanks for the tip :cool: I have never met a "technician" like that of the female gender.... very interesting -tom w
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jarmo: Won once, lost the rematch. Like the one with Shandorf, all was down to luck. There must be something in my playstyle that multiplies the effects of luck, both good and bad. Most of my games seem to be decided by a sroke of luck... Almost fought Fionn once, but we ran into disagreement of acceptable playstyles and abandoned the fight halfway through. As for a good opponent, I'd suggest anyone interested in getting beat up, search Catnip. She won maybe five total victories against me in a row. I felt like AI. <hr></blockquote> who is Catnip?? =Kitty? Is she THAT good??? -tom w
  14. Thanks Moon I was just trying to determine whether or not Fionn was in fact invincible has everyone seems to respect him greatly as though he is invincible, but I have never played him. I have been been beat by Abbott and Kiwi Joe (Who are both VERY good) but never played Fionn. Its good to know he is not invincible. I guess its true in this game that no one is really invincible, as a little bad luck, and a few lucky hits or first shot KO's can turn the tide in ANY close game in a BIG way. -tom w [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ] [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  15. Does anyone here actually have an independantly confirmed victory in CMBO over Fionn in a fair fight? Has anyone here played Kiwi Joe? He is also VERY good. -tom w [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leta: Go to the Tips & Tricks section and read this post: Anthology of Useful Posts There's all you need <hr></blockquote> Here it is: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=7&t=000812 Read the third post down it has a complete list of links here is the list if you are too lazy russellmz Member Member # 3142 posted 08-27-2001 10:21 PM wow, can't wait to start looking at some of this stuff. impressive list. i also updated the FAQ link A Radical New Approach to the Meeting Engagement Advance to Contact - Techniques Advancing troops Air attack warnings Ambush markers 2 Ambush markers Ammo Conservation Tips Armor vs Armor tactics Arty targets Assaulting a town AT Gun Usage AT guns and teams AT Guns in an Offensive Role AT Guns in defense AT Guns vs Tanks duel Avoiding traffic jams Barbed wire & using TRPs Beating the AI Best tank Bogging Building assault tactics Captured units 1 Captured units 2 Captured units 3 Captured units 4 Defending against artillery in a town Defending Defense tactics Defensive tactics for artillery bombardment Embarking Guns Entering buildings Exiting units FAQ Fighting in cities Finding MP games Flame Throwers 1 Flame Throwers 2 Flame Throwers 3 Flame Throwers 4 Flame Throwers Foxholes General Strategies for MP German Infantry in the Closed Defense Going Hull Down Guns to kill infantry Halftrack and Armored Car uses HHQ Units and Ambushes Hiding Tanks HMG vs. MMG and LMG How to break contact How to use smoke effectively Killing Armor with Infantry Killing Pillboxes Limbering guns Massing firepower Meeting Engagement Tactics MGs on the Attack Morale affects More on command bonuses Mortar Targeting Mortars and HQ Mortars with HQ Mortars Moving tanks MP Lessons Night games Offensive Consolidation Leaving the Armor Free Panzerschrek unit usage Picking targets Placement of AT Guns Platoon on defense Priest usage Probability of mine kills Proper Recon Purchasing Arty Reassigning squads to a new leader Rifle squads and buildings Rushing Tactics. Scoring Sharp Shooters Sharpshooters Sneak or crawl Some tips for newbie defenders Sound Map Split squads Splitting squads Spotting enemy AT Guns Squad spacing Stone Walls Suppressing and taking positions Taking Bridges Takings out MGs with infantry Tank Techiques Tank vs Tank engagements Advice please The Priest Tips on Hiding Troop purchasings levels TRPs Tutorial - Tank vs. Tank Using an AT team Using CC bonuses Using hunt with tanks Using Mortars WarGamer's FAQ Which unit to shoot at first Withdrawal on The Attack (staying Flexible) Withdrawal o 998595920A Radical New Approach to the Meeting Engagement o 998588620Advance to Contact - Techniques o 998581052Advancing troops o 998513274Air attack warnings o 998316088Ambush markers 2 o 998073758Ambush markers o 998418498Ammo Conservation Tips o 998330926Armor vs Armor tactics o 998337980Arty targets o 998596004Assaulting a town o 998587412AT Gun Usage o 998581506AT guns and teams o 998416870AT Guns in an Offensive Role o 998596938AT Guns in defense o 998409368AT Guns vs Tanks duel o 998332300Avoiding traffic jams o 998315842Barbed wire & using TRPs o 998339878Beating the AI o 998317274Best tank o 998335692Bogging o 998589934Building assault tactics o 998340738Captured units 1 o 998340936Captured units 2 o 998340998Captured units 3 o 998341048Captured units 4 o 998409230Defending against artillery in a town o 998587328Defending o 998590486Defense tactics o 998596230Defensive tactics for artillery bombardment o 998337414Embarking Guns o 998334230Entering buildings o 998513484Exiting units o 998076470FAQ o 998589698Fighting in cities o 998329726Finding MP games o 998338542Flame Throwers 1 o 998338642Flame Throwers 2 o 998338714Flame Throwers 3 o 998338826Flame Throwers 4 o 998077958Flame Throwers o 998581848Foxholes o 998073072General Strategies for MP o 998582136German Infantry in the Closed Defense o 998073282Going Hull Down o 998331190Guns to kill infantry o 998598718Halftrack and Armored Car uses o 998073924HHQ Units and Ambushes o 998338344Hiding Tanks o 998421544HMG vs. MMG and LMG o 998589576How to break contact o 998580228How to use smoke effectively o 998340280Killing Armor with Infantry o 998417494Limbering guns o 998587182Massing firepower o 998588686Meeting Engagement Tactics o 998417946MGs on the Attack o 998315030Morale affects o 998081666More on command bonuses o 998597344Mortar Targeting o 998335306Mortars and HQ o 998417410Mortars with HQ o 998337632Mortars o 998079274Moving tanks o 998075202MP Lessons o 998335228Night games o 998587242Offensive Consolidation Leaving the Armor Free o 998512654Panzerschrek unit usage o 998581296Picking targets o 998335000Pillboxes and Sharpshooters o 998074316Placement of AT Guns o 998586880Platoon on defense o 998597128Priest usage o 998418300Probability of mine kills o 998408886Proper Recon o 998071612Purchasing Arty o 998316944Reassigning squads to a new leader o 998512690Rifle squads and buildings o 998598496Rushing Tactics. o 998332570Sharp Shooters o 998336108Sharpshooters o 998071682Sneak or crawl o 998075554Some tips for newbie defenders o 998073464Split squads o 998589452Splitting squads o 998589124Spotting enemy AT Guns o 998316254Squad spacing o 998337286Stone Walls o 998074158Suppressing and taking positions o 998416338Taking Bridges o 998332076Takings out MGs with infantry o 998598102Tank Techiques o 998598324Tank vs Tank engagements Advice please o 998596802The Priest o 998598420Tips on Hiding o 998582002Troop purchasings levels o 998417770TRPs o 998598194Tutorial - Tank vs. Tank o 998329828Using an AT team o 998079132Using CC bonuses o 998421858Using hunt with tanks o 998076216WarGamer's FAQ o 998421332Which unit to shoot at first o 998513730Withdrawal on The Attack (staying Flexible) o 998336382Withdrawal [ 08-27-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ] [ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ] -------------------- russellmz, keeper of the unofficial FAQ. check out mods On My Hard Drive and Bridge Demolition Scenario: Decision (plus a couple others like the Dr. Strangelove one). "Have you ever heard the expression, 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and then toss it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you asked for in the first place'?" -Bill McNeil
  17. try this http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=022416 where is that anthology of useful posts thread? can you provide a link? thanks -tom w
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by RobVarak: 29.) Do we get the full movie play-back? ------------------------------------------------ Bah, that Bald megalomaniac didn't answer the BIG ONE! Figures Why do I suspect this may remain unknown until the release?<hr></blockquote> another GOOD question oh well I guess we have to wait and see -tom w
  19. VERY Cool But no comment on the NEW Extreme fog of war have they covered any of the details of the NEW Extreme Fog of War elsewhere? Thanks GREAT Post -tom PS Thanks for asking my favourite question: "28.) What's up with optics? Are they in?" [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>
  20. oops sorry for the side track but it was fun -tom w
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