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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. bump this thread was lost in the noise of "I got it" OR "I Didn't get it " threads (a new one for every voice across the land it would seem) -tom w [ September 24, 2002, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. Well that CDV copy protection is supposed to take care of that problem -tom w
  3. Ottawa Ont Canada ????? :eek: Seriously???? you got it today? -tom w
  4. Let me be clear: I personally LOVE this history of the Eastern Front, and I love the game, too. My concern is more about the Game's popularity and staying power after release. CMBO led to all the fanatics (myself included) you see posting here. Will CMBB keep it up is my main question. Frank</font>
  5. OK Sorry about the "cheesy" accent suggestion. You have a good point there. Having played Panzer Elite while enjoying playing the German side, (for a change) I sort of thought the "cheesy" german accent was entertaining. (In Panzer Elite) That's me personally. JUST an opinion. With regard to Native speaking voices for all the nationalities in CMBB I completely respect that was a GOOD decision and and the right way to do it. (no english available in the original release). but I would be thrilled with an English speaking Mod sound file download and I would use it ALL I'm am saying is that without any english speaking troops I am just feeling a little alienated from the battle. That is not really a bad thing, I pre-ordered the game like everyone else who is waiting here (HELL I would not want to miss out on the GREAT waiting period again , I enjoyed it so much the FIRST time with CMBO HUMOUR!). Anyway the point that Lawyer made is still valid, I just don't feel the same "personal" connection with CMBB that I did with CMBO because of the voices and lack of American Troops, BUT it is for the Best that CMBB has Historically Accurate™ native speaking voices and I respect that. "Originally posted by Lawyer: snip So Franko isn't questioning the relevancy of the Eastern Front in military orhistorical terms to me. I think he is just pointing out that a gamer needs a personal hook to a game to keep involved with it. CMBO certainly has that appeal for me. I'm not so sure about CMBB. But I'll give it a fair shot and try building some scenarios. I hope I can really get into it. But I'll still be playing CMBO too. " I'm sure it will sell well and be wildly successful even if a few of us miss the personal connection with the American and English Speaker Allied units. oh well -tom w [ September 24, 2002, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  6. YES well put! " I think he is just pointing out that a gamer needs a personal hook to a game to keep involved with it. CMBO certainly has that appeal for me. " That was my point EXACTLY! -tom w
  7. These my personal feelings on this issue. I posted them previously to the CMBO forum.... This may surpise some folks but the main reason I bought CMBB was to financially support the development of CMII the re-write, and because I am loyal and I REALLY have enjoyed CMBO enough to buy their next offering even if I have VERY LITTLE interest in the Eastern Front. I am ALOT less interested in the Eastern Front because I speak NIETHER German or Russian so I sort of feel "alienated" from the action in the battles in the game. YES it is historically accurate, but I REALLY hope a sound mod comes out for english voice overs for all that German and Russian they are speaking. ...even Panzer Elite that is MADE in GERMANY offers english speakers with a great German accent. I do appreciate the fact that the game came out with historically accurate native german and russian voices BUT I would feel WAY more comfortable with CMBB if I could play either the German side or the Russian side (any side that is) and listen to english speakers (ok with native german or russian accents would be cool), so that I could understand what my men are saying on the battlefield. ALL that work buy MadMatt doesn't really pay off for me because I REALLY want to know what they are saying to each other down there. In CMBO I prefer the ALLIES (CND Brit or American) so that I can hear and understand what is being said down on the ground in the middle of the battle, I am less inclined to play other nationalities because I can't understand what they are saying and that leaves me sort of feeling somewhat "alienated" from the battle and the action. That's only my opinion and I will bet most folks here really don't care about the non-english dialogue in CMBB. BUT I really did buy CMBB to financially support the NEXT BIG THING (CMII) which "should" be absolutely revolutionary after their experience with CMBO and CMBB and 2.5 years of development! So that's my sales pitch for CMBB ... "Buy it to support CMII!" -tom w
  8. It might be "gamey" (re "The M17 is THE gamey vehicle in the game") BUT if there is no programing bug involved and they are easy to kill then good tactics should save the day. Does the M17 die easy? I understand the those German AA Flak HT's are no longer invincible and they die EASY as well, so if the M17 has no "invincibilty bug" (cough! undocumented feature ) then killing them should not so hard and that "could" mean they might well pack ALOT of firepower and they might be cheap, implying "gamey" but as long as they die easy there should be no problem? :confused: comments?? -tom w [ September 24, 2002, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  9. Hi is that a reference to a in game movie in a PBEM? or I am just confused? :confused: -tom w
  10. bumping for the COOL bullets hitting the water sound effect -tom w
  11. this sounds interesting? anything further here? -tom w
  12. its still a GOOD question? as many are still waiting BUT from the sounds of it (postings about who has got it) everyone who preorderd it who lives close to the place of origin of shipping (Vermont) has received Sat or today, so thats a GOOD sign! -tom w
  13. JUST play the Demo and play only EFOW. I would guess most of the serious players here will only play TCP/IP or PBEM games in EFOW. It will be the only setting I use for playing against humans. you can see the differences between EFOW and FFOW in the demo I think. EFOW should be the new standard for realism IMHO -tom w
  14. Ok, .... I meant CMBO was sort of "gamier" than CMBB. I refer, for instance, to those German AA HT's .. NOW those were GAMEY!, (and machine gun behaviour in CMBO) little things like that, now all polished up and tweaked and tested and those above mentioned behaviours are MUCH more realistic in CMBB. That's sort of what I was refering to -tom w
  15. "redwolf Member Member # 3665 posted September 23, 2002 09:59 AM I like it much better and probably wont touch CMBO ever again. However, there is room for matters of taste. There are some people who really like the fast and robust infantry action of CMBO and the predictablity of armor penetration. The new MGs and the more fuzzy armor penetration model, and the new movement point time penalities change this a lot. Personally, I like the new combat much better and I am also convinced it is more realistic. I won't even start on things like look, variety of commands, additional things to exploint (optics are huge!), vehicle morale and platoons, varienty of units, variety of terrain. " I thought this comment deserved its own Thread (Hope you don't mind, Rewolf ) I post this because it would be my guess (suspicion) that BFC would have liked to make CMBO play the way CMBB plays had they had the experience of doing one of these Combat Mission type games previously. BUT since they didn't we ended up with CMBO which could be considered the prototype with all its " fast and robust infantry action (snip) and the predictablity of armor penetration." I think there is more to it than that though. In CMBO there is more fun and what seems like more ACTION, maybe this is not a fair comment as I have only played the CMBB demo and nothing else. My point is that CMBO may have atracted a larger "gamey" video game fan market share than expected because while it may lack the realism in real COMBAT that is seemingluy more accurate in CMBB, CMBO has a (seemingly) Higher FUN FACTOR beacuse it sort of plays FAST and there is more action and instant gratification RIGHT away. I think there is MUCH more to it than that. I was just trying to identify CMBO more mass market appeal, we should not forget the 3D environment was somewhat groundbreaking at the time for a wargame that WAS NOT RTS. So I am commenting here, that CMBO may not have been the REAL CROWD (broader non-wargamer crowd) pleaser it turned out to be, had it come straight out of the gate all polished and finished and FEATURE laden like CMBB (Implying CMBO may have been sort of less fun in the game play dept.) I would guess that CMBB seems to be even more finely tuned to appeal to that narrow market segment of the REAL WARGAMER. This is sort of interesting because while that is a smaller market then the more popular Video game "gamer" market BFC seems VERY happy with the rate of sales so far... SO What the Hell do I know?? :cool: Anyway, I am still sitting here waiting, so I and write these little mini-treatises on CMBO vs. CMBB, because I can't wait any longer for the damn thing to arrive at my HOUSE! :mad: grr..... (There! I feel better already ! ) Thanks to all for all the comments and screen shots and gunnery range tests ! ALL very interesting! Waiting like the rest of the board for CMBB! -tom w [ September 23, 2002, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. Excuse me, I am also right for tanks where this is not the case Because the turn at the beginning of a fast move is just a plain turn of a standing tank, exactly like a rotate command is. Or in just another set of words: the freaking tank stands and turns in place in both cases. It does not really matter that the second case is the beginning of a fast move, because at that point in time the tank did not move a single meter from its original position. I am not at all talking about different tanks and their capabilities here.</font>
  17. This came up in CMBO too. (especially with Sherms, no neutral steer vs Tiger I with neutral steer). What is needed is a complete list of vehicles with neutral steer and without. It would be my guess (I could be wrong here) that BFC have correctly and accurately penalized tanks that had NO neutral steer capability with the rotation delay which is a welcome addition to the game! (Yeah) However the "gamey" (cheating) work around to this (probably) historically accurate standing still rotation delay (probably accurately researched and well implimented ) is to JUST move or FAST move in a new direction without and attendant rotation penalty. My guess is it should be looked at for the next patch. (I hope) -tom w [ September 23, 2002, 08:33 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. Yeah But...... If I understand this correctly this is sort of a form of cheating the standing still rotation penalty. "However, if you order a fast move off an angle from the current position, then the tank will turn much faster into the direction of the fast move than it will rotate with a rotate command." So why rotate? Just FAST move in the new direction? that sounds like a gamey "work around" to defeat the standing still rotate penalty? NO? :confused: -tom w
  19. VERY nice did that texture come with the game (stock texture, NOT a Modification?) It LOOKS GOOD! nice shot -tom w
  20. Thanks Pud... I wondered if I was the only one? :confused: Since there are only two of us, it probably won't make any real difference in the grand scheme of the things. (oh well) -tom w
  21. funny that I was going to say exactly that. But I could not bring my self you utter either the "w" word or the word "pirate" for fear of somehow helping people get this game without paying for it -tom w
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