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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. sorry no e-mail from you yet did you use this one: tcw@mac.com ?? I tried to e-mail you at: 02mpolito@home.com but that bounced back try again? -tom w [ October 11, 2002, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  2. I did NOT get it today. is there anyone reading this that got a MAC version in the GTA? I have a laptop burner and I am willing to travel ( Hint hint) anyone? -tom w
  3. OK Of course units gained experience. I'm just glad it is not modeled in a game that has the small unit scope adn time frame of CMBB or CMBO. I am saying I agree with the design decision to model operations as a series of battles. (usually they happened within a few days, I think in Combat Mission operational battles, so no experience is gained in that short a time frame). Strategic Level games that model divisions and fight all of WWII usually have units that gain experience, so at that scale, over that time frame it seems reasonable. My point is I like CMBO that way it is and I found Juardis' sort of cynical or satryical comment quite amusing. -tom w [ October 11, 2002, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  4. I still think this is entertaining because I have HUGE problem with the concept of units gaining experience from battle to battle and moving up the career or experience ladder or whatever. That whole concept implies there are "levels" to "beat" or something like that and every battle is winnable (if you know the secret). Some battles are simply not winnable then you loose your whole force then there is no more campaign. I really don't think it is realistic to expect to play with same units in every battle and expect them to carry on with new "experience" points into the next battle as though there is some global over goal to accomplish after a series of levels or battles. I for one am glad there is no campaign level where units gain experience a move from level to level up to the next battle to win the whole war or something like that. For me the realism that this ISN'T included is one of the Most refreshing things about both CMBB and CMBO! IMHO Cheers -tom w
  5. "Besides, my conscript HQ unit just increased to veteran in the time it took to calculate the last turn in To The Volga. Yours don't?" OK you got me!! I'm Still laughing! LOL -tom
  6. oh Ok Then where did the Volga Operation Thread go? the forum just lost the thread about the computer that crashes in the Volga Operation which is reported to require 10-20 minutes to crunch the turn even with a FAST machine :confused: confused -tom w
  7. T-50? is there bug in this thread the title is now T-50 -tom w
  8. Chris Thanks I do thank you but I will pass on the PC version. (no computer available) I know you are close by and I sincerely thank you for your offer but, if someone else is close-by with a MAC version they might "loan" me while I wait for my (pre-orderd) copy to arrive then I would be happy to drive anywhere in the Great Toronto Area (GTA) to pick it up. Thanks Chris -tom w [ October 11, 2002, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  9. I myself started investigations with the Turkish customs for my missing CMBB. Pray for me.</font>
  10. from this thread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001939 Even in EFOW should sound contacts be able to identify the type of weapon being fired??? I think this is a GREAT point: kdavis Member Member # 10218 posted October 11, 2002 02:23 AM In the same scenario, I received immediate sound contacts on 37mm PAKs after they had fired only one shot. The locations were a bit off, and I only got "AT Gun?" indicated on the contact, but at least I had an idea of where the fire was coming from and could react accordingly. I've had the same problem with mortars firing repeatedly within 100m of my troops, but only being identified by an "Infantry?" sound contact. I can sure as hell hear the mortars firing, but apparently my guys think that might actually be a sub-machinegun making that sound. Oh well, its a trivial concern, but it does strike me as a bit unrealistic. Just play a few rounds of America's Army: Operations and watch how quickly you learn to distinguish between the sounds of the different weapons firing. Hell, soldiers in WWI learned to tell the size and direction of incoming rounds just by their sound. Being able to distinguish between the sounds of rifles, machineguns, mortars and AT rifles seems like nothing in comparison. Granted, I only play in EFOW, so I'm not sure how sound contacts are handled in lesser FOW. I'm too in love with how visual spotting is realistically handled in EFOW to stop using it, I just wish sound contacts could provide more realistic information. --------------------
  11. thanks Great Work and a Beautiful CMBO and CMBB fan site! -tom w
  12. and that suggestion/comment is the MAIN reason why the cover arc works the way it does.... IN CMBO there was a great deal of noise about the fact that there was no way to "keep a tank's turret rotated at X degrees while it drives" ... hence the new cover arc tool implemented this way. -tom w
  13. Where are you ? did you have to pay duty and tax and the state sponsered extortion bill? -tom w
  14. you might waste some ammo BUT... maybe you need to give an "Area Target" fire order for the place to want covered? :confused: Cover Arc is relative to the tank BUT area target will fire at one spot on the map even if the tank moves. BUT do you want the tank moving and firing? NO? maybe you need a Hunt order and an Area Targe fire order in the direction of where you want it to cover that part of the map. AS it is my (uninformed) opinion that they are not at all likely to change this aspect of the game in any way we should look at a work around solution that works with the tools they have given us. TOOLS: Shoot and Scoot Hunt Cover Arc Armour Area Target Move Fast Mix and Match and use the ones you need to get the job done What about just Shoot and Scoot and an Area Target Fire order? Or Hunt and A Cover Arc? Or Hunt and an Area Target? Does that help? -tom w
  15. Tried to e-mail you but the one in your profile doesn't work. Can you e-mail me? Thanks -tom w
  16. I think you are refering to standard topographic maps. I would guess most folks with some military or outdoors/hunting/orienteering,or camping experience have seen a topo map. They show contour lines of elevation, typically at about 50 feet each (for each change of elevation) in north america (I think). Anyway.... Some of us have been requesting contour lines on a topo map (optional of course , toggle off or on like trees or unit bases) since the CMBO Beta Demo. The topo map contour line issue does not seem like it is all that important to BFC so I would certainly be interested in seeing a strong lobby for for topo map contour lines in the Engine re-write. In My dreams..... CMII = Optional topo Map with contour lines at 20 25 m (60-75 ft??) intervals maybe? Available only from direct over head views 7-8-9?? -tom w [ October 10, 2002, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  17. you are correct this is usually a much more civil place. The quality of the graphics is not the main selling feature. As you can see. perhaps you should looks a some GREAT web site for mods of CMBO TOM's CMHQ partial snow mod for the CMBO bulge scenarios comes to mind. or this one? http://www.cmoutpost.net/ ok? good luck -tom w [ October 10, 2002, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. I'm STILL waiting for my copy EVERY day when I get home from work I say... "Maybe today" I check the mail and everyday (so far) I am dissapointed (But today is new day) grrr... -tom w
  19. Great thread! thanks for all the posts and information about WWII optics! -tom w
  20. Hey Tom, actually it's really hard to rank the optics in order of game performance, because it's not a simple fixed bonus. What I meant with "better" is that one type has more advantages and fewer disadvantages than another. For example, are "very long range" optics *better* than "long range optics"? Certainly so for extreme ranges, but quite the contrary at shorter ranges. So which one is better really depends on the situation and environment. Martin[/QB]</font>
  21. It is indeed INSANELY S L O W too slow to be useful IMHO Slower than CMBB delivery to Canada -tom
  22. Ditto here!! Bummed in Burlington Pre-orderd and still no GAME. In Canada this weekend is a LONG Thanksgiving weekend and I sure hope I get it before Friday!!! grrr.... -tom w
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