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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. You can gift them a Battlefront version and when it's available on Steam they are able to get a Steam key at no charge.
  2. He was told that what he was saying wasn't acceptable on our forums. The place where we determine what is and isn't acceptable. And he double downed. If he'd said. "I get it" (or nothing) and moved on that would have been the end of it. Heck, that is what Erwin did in that thread. I pointed out what he'd said wasn't cool and he stopped. This here looks like another one that's gone off the rails. @AttorneyAtWar fired the first salvo and it's gone no where good since. Well, maybe @Erwinfired first. Regardless, before it gets too out of hand and I do something "retarded"* again, Imma gonna lock'er up.
  3. UUmmm.......Yes we are but it isn't really that secret.
  4. I can give you more detail on the Help Desk but the short answer would be to use whatever download that you have access to that contains the 4.0 Upgrade. If the game was Game Engine 4 then use that link. If you got Game Engine 4 by purchasing the 4.0 Upgrade then use that link. Whichever one it is will install the entire game. With the new installers you never have to do the step by step installation again. Once installed use the Activate New Products utility and enter all of our keys (it doesn't matter what order you enter them.)
  5. I have found on the Help Desk that there is a connection between the game and how we hear it. Since it is close to zero the amount of times that people turn off their sound it seems to affect people who install with headphones plugged in that experience this. Try uninstalling and reinstalling without your headphones connected. You'll still be able to play the game with the headphones installed but the game won't be "expecting" the headphones. And, as far as anyone's regular speakers go.......how often does anyone turn them off? Turn the volume down (sometimes to zero) but off?
  6. I replied to you ticket yesterday morning. It contained information for you to log back into your account. Also, I pointed out that you have the original Game Engine 1 version. Which will not run on Windows 10. You need at least the 3.0 Upgrade.
  7. The rudeness is how one looks at life. Something doesn't go as someone expects one person will say "I don't know enough about their process. Maybe this is normal for them." And another person says "this is a 'pretty absurd' amount of time" and "this is something an intern could do in an afternoon" and "Sounds like Slitherine needs a solid kick in the ass." Completely ignorant about what the process is but quick to get outraged and cast judgement without even the tiniest bit of actual knowledge. As far as I'm concerned Slitherine does not need a kick in the butt. They do what they do, the way they've been doing it and have been very successful. That's why we have partnered with them. And we're very happy with how things have gone so far.
  8. Ugh. Who on this blessed planet said they were testing and installer for a month? It is now clear that you're just trying to make stuff up to be rude about. Man, that's a hard way to go through life, brother. But you have given me a good idea. We should coordinate our patch releases and hold ours back until they are ready. It would avoid pointless nonsense like this.
  9. There are 5 executables for each game: BFC - Mac BFC - Windows Matrix Steam Internal Use What would be unreasonable would be to throw whatever wrapper is being added onto an executable and not test to make sure it works before releasing it to the public. That sounds sloppy to me. But maybe that's just me.....wanting to confirm that something works before giving it to customers. As I said, I don't know how complicated or time consuming it is to take the Steam executable and prepare it for Steam. I don't know their current workload for this and all of their games. And if this has been in a queue for things that need to be done. I don't know if this is the normal amount of time we should expect between getting them the files and when the patches are released or if this is "pretty absurd". What I do know is that nobody knows but them. Not you, not me. And we are the anomaly. No other game designer in their stable is allowed to sell their games on their own site. So, if we didn't have that arrangement there would be no situation where a patch is released on the game designers site but not on theirs. If we had the same arrangement as all of the other developers no one here would even be aware that a patch was being worked on. EDIT: I've already wasted enough time discussing something that neither of us has a clue about. Time to move on. I have said that I don't know why it has taken this long. You act as if you know why but actually have as much of an idea as I do. Which is none.
  10. I understand that. That isn't what I'm saying. The files that are created by us and sent to Slitherine are not "Steam ready". Just like the Battlefront builds that we beta test are not "public release ready" until the installers and anti-piracy software etc are wrapped around the builds. We don't create the "wrapped" version for Matrix and Steam releases. Slitherine takes the files that we send them and prepares them (and tests them) for both the Matrix version and the Steam version. IN other words, it isn't a matter of Slitherine just uploading what we send them. The have to prepare the files so that they can be installed on the games. If you read any of our pre-release earlier this year....that is when something goes from a Beta version to a FC (Final Candidate) and RC (Release Candidate) version. A RC version is eventually what gets renamed and released to the public. The same wording isn't used but essentially the FC version is what gets sent out and needs to be a RC version before it can be simply uploaded. We don't have anything to do with the Steam and Matrix installers. We don't touch them. If that isn't getting through then maybe this is a better way to explain it......I can take the Battlefront v2.16 patch and upload it to Steam but when you open your game on Steam it will not install on your game. It does not have the attached software that installs it. I can upload it to the Matrix patch whatever but it won't install on your Matrix version of the game.
  11. What is painfully simple? Uploading a file? I don't doubt that. What is done with a file from the time Charles creates it and sends it to them and when it's ready to be uploaded is another thing. Uploading a file to the servers we use are painfully simple. Preparing the file so the the end user can use it is something different.
  12. Yes, but that is no indication of when they get the patches from the game developer, right? As far as I know the patch is not yet on the Slitherine or Matrix's site. The Matrix site shows the game version as v2.15. So, based on what you're saying, the Matrix site and Steam will both have v2.16 available at the same time. Like I said, this is our first patch for Steam. It could very well be the normal turnaround time or it could be a "pretty absurd" amount of time, like SgtHatred says.
  13. The most common cause of this is when someone patches and the other player doesn't. Like @IanL said, different versions. But you said you double checked that and even have another game going. It's very rare but it could be a corrupted file. The only cure for that is to replay the turn and see if it generates a better file.
  14. It sounds like you have more experience with sending patches for a game through a 3rd party to put on Steam than I do for you to refer to it as absurd. This is my first time, so I have no idea how absurd it is or isn't. I'll defer to your experience at having done it.
  15. It will be up soon. Possibly as soon as tomorrow.
  16. I don't see that happening. We print the game engine manuals and will continue that but title specific manuals wouldn't be worth it. We'd either have to charge so much that we would make them and not enough people would buy them for what we have to pay. Or, we'd lose money on every purchase ("we lose money on every sale but we make it up in volume!) . Shipping is already out of whack. We charge $28 USD for international shipping. Everywhere except Canada costs over $36 USD for shipping. And that doesn't include paying to have the packaging assembled and shipped....The handling part of "Shipping and Handling".
  17. We are an American company. Our forum uses English. We have no subforums for other languages. We determine what is inappropriate on our forum. I thought that yesterday I had clearly said this was not appropriate. That was not said as an invitation to argue or discuss whether it should be acceptable here or not. It was said to clearly state that it is not acceptable. Period. End of discussion. We think of everyone on our forum as guests. We want everyone to feel comfortable and have a good time while here. If one guests offends other guests it isn't for the offensive guest to argue about how he isn't offensive in other situations. It's to say to themselves "ya know what? I think I just won't reply to this because clearly people are getting offended." When the offending guest continues to double down on not seeing that, the host (to continue the analogy) should say "ya know what? Maybe you better leave. Maybe play some golf, take a walk, or somefink. Think about it so that when you come to the next get together at this house you'll keep this in mind." As feared, it has gone terribly off the rails. Locking and giving a small vacation.
  18. I hadn't planned to as I didn't see it a a thread going off the rails. I see it as one person being inappropriate. I hope pointing it out to them is all that needs to happen so that the thread doesn't go off the rails.
  19. Yes, people abbreviate things all of the time. But they don't do it on this forum when that abbreviation is also considered a derogatory term. Talking about the British and calling them Brits is not a derogatory term, for instance. Surely you are aware of this.
  20. Weird. When I just checked it the link was broken again. Should be fixed now......hopefully for good.
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