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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Yeah. As Artkin points out, he has been around since 2008 and this is his first post. It almost sounds from his description that it may be a video card issue. He should probably open a Help Desk ticket.
  2. The last time I played Steve was during CMSF1 development. We were testing out the TCP/IP system. Played a massive desert night tank battle. Why? Because all the vehicles blowing up in the dark looked awesome.
  3. Yeah. Let's lock'er down. Anything anyone needed/wanted to say they've probably already said.
  4. Try using a different program to extract the download. We see that type of message when the extraction fails.
  5. I always have tons of Bowie ads. Always. He's always been #1 for me, with Elvis being #2. I chose Elvis for my handle on forums because of my last name. I would love to be able to shred like this though... (figured I'd shamelessly throw some Bowie into a thread that has his name in the title ) With 1 exception, if I see an add for somefink on the Facebooks I use the Googles or check the Amazons to see how the item and/or company is reviewed. I can't remember the item that I didn't do that for but it took 6 months to get my money back. To make it more humiliating, if I read the comments people made on the ad I would have seen everything I needed to know to stay away. @
  6. I didn't start understanding those elements until I had gotten older. In the documentary Five Years Rick Wakeman does a great job of talking about unique chord progressions in Life On Mars?. At the time the 15 year old me didn't get too far beyond "this song is awesome!"
  7. Yeah. Ronno played a Les Paul Custom. But it's still pretty freaky because the picture had to trigger the ad, right?
  8. This was so remarkable this morning that I've decided to share. I am a HUGE Bowie fan. To say "HUGE" doesn't even express it enough. Because today is his birthday I changed my Facebooks profile and cover pictures to pictures of Bowie. Less than 5 minutes after posting the picture below I started getting ads for Gibson Les Paul guitars. I don't play guitar. When I posted I didn't mention anything about guitars. I've never researched guitars. The picture is Bowie with his old guitar player Mick Ronson who played Gibson Les Pauls. I gotta admit. It freaked me out a little bit. Maybe Zuckerberg thinks I should take up shredding.
  9. We needed to wait until PBEM++ was added. We didn't want to ship something that would be obsolete straight away. I've had the cover art for a while. I love it. And no, it was not part of pre-orders. Anyone who got one ordered a physical copy.
  10. Pretty much what domfluff said....It can be confusing (and if you see some of the posts in this thread from 2022 you'll see what I mean) whether it's a new post of last year's at a quick glance. I won't be posting a 2022 thread. That annual tradition is only Steve's.
  11. My fist guess would be that something is funky with someone's installation. I see this with people who are missing a brz file and/or have a mod that isn't playing nice. Next time you see this compare the content of each other's Data folders. It wouldn't surprise me if someone was missing something....or had something extra in their folder.
  12. As long as it's not 2019 or 2020 again, I can live with that.
  13. I almost locked and unpinned this thread this morning.
  14. Coolio! I have gotten close to no Windows 11 tickets. So, I don't think that there is anything inherent about Combat Mission and Windows 11 not playing nice together. What issues I've seen have been issues someone would have with Windows 10 or 11.
  15. HHHmmm...It was broken and fixed last week and is working for me now. Try clearing your cache and trying it again.
  16. I know that this sounds like a total copout but have you contacted Matrix and/or Steam support? The Steam version is a completely different installer than the Battlefront version. It is built/created by the Matrix/Slitherine people. We send them the raw files and they create the installer. Heck, Battlefront is not even part of testing their installers. The only participation by us is just before the games go live they send me the installer and I make sure they work and give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. To not be completely worthless, what files do you have in : D:\Program Files\Steam\1\steamapps\common\Combat Mission Shock Force 2\Data ? It should have everything that is in this screenshot.
  17. Sorry @Roby7979 but I gotta lock this one up. For others who have posted here, if you find trash elsewhere on the internet this is NOT the place to drag it into.
  18. I wouldn't know where to begin putting a percentage on it but it is amazing the work these guys put into the TO&E. An unsung hero in that is @akd. If you guys saw some of the posts and comments these guys make your heads would spin. How many of which weapon type in each squad/platoon/company/battalion get. Ammo loadouts. And when someone like akd posts to suggest changing somefink, he doesn't just list out what he thinks should be corrected. He has researched material, mostly from historical records. And brings that research to the table. As someone who is not an expert, I'll look at it and say "eh, does it really matter that much?" until I see it in action. Once you see the way different units behave with even small adjustments it blows the mind and makes me thankful that there are people, that know so much about this stuff, on the job. It's that kind of subtly that I think the OP may not have played enough to appreciate yet.
  19. Too soon to get into much detail but those that are familiar with other Martix tournaments will know the basics. Head to head. Players play 2 battles, one as Red and 1 as Blue. Loose scoring is displayed as the battles rage on. Here's what the tournament leader board looks like : Matrix Tournaments At the risk of boring behind the scenes talk, PBEM++ had a single big roadblock. We fought that roadblock hard and once we broke through that 1 thing everything cam together very quickly. This is similar but we already have the roadblock basically gone. So much so that, as @Bufopoints out, the first tournament date is already set. Oh yeah, @Aragorn2002, this is news to the beta testers too.
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