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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. No worries there. So my take on this is that the main executable contains script to model the factors common to all warfare, eg ballistics, environmental factors, and so on. This forms the spine of CMx2. The 'module' will contain the information applicable to a battle (eg TOE, equipment details, terrain set, graphic skins, etc), or a series of related battles (eg battles of the 1 British AD, Desert Storm), which the main executable will draw on. One question I have is whether tools will be made available for the player to develop a module (which could just be one battle, or a series of battles), because I have a feeling a little bit more work may be required to generate these than currently is required? Regardless, from what I've read so far and what appears to be a more flexible system, I'm very much looking forward to CMx2.
  2. Don't panic. They're Aussies. btw a special message to Nidan and Noba....until I get my more recent PC back from the shop (in for repairs - Power supply's gone belly up, I hope), you wont get a return. But it's not that you'll notice, given my turnaround rate.
  3. They always say respect your elders, but in your case....*points and laughs* Seriously though, my uber PC is not being uber atm as I think the Power Supply has gone belly up. I've returned it to the shop I got the components from for a review, and hence I'm using my previous PC to do webby stuff. Your turn is on my good PC, so I guess you just have to wait. Sucks, donnuts! *goes back to play MOO2*
  4. I think recent events (say over the last 15 years) has generated an interest in modern combat. For example, Military model sales increased as a result of Desert Storm in 1991, and some popular PC based wargames were released and sold fairly well (eg SSI's Wargame Construction Kit:Tanks, and Steel Panthers 2). Mace
  5. Does it allow me to remove the wallets from each and every client, removing wads of cash then discarding the empty shell with a flick of my wrist while casting glares of contempt? Do I get to see the look of dismay on their faces as they realise that they would get more value if they simply threw their money in the bin? Will they whimper and cower as I slap and kick them, shouting 'Clear the way, you scum! I'm on her Majesty's business'? No, I think not. I'll stick to being a Public and not-so-Civil Servant. :mad:
  6. GHAGHAGHAGH HAGHGAHGAHAGHA GHAGHAGHAGHGAHGAHGAHAG It's not quantity, it's quality! :mad: :mad: btw it's nice to know that Lady Moraine has adopted best practice and is striving towards a good benchmark. *ponders* Hmmmmmm, I wonder how we can balance scorecard PBEM turns?
  7. Well Kwazydog does come from Queensland. IIRC there were about 5 Aussies who contributed to CMAK by providing voices. Regardless, you must just be a more discerning customer...or a pom.
  8. The current Aussie voices were provided by real Aussies. Fair dinkum, mate!
  9. I live in a town named Beverly. It looks nothing like that. :mad: :mad: </font>
  10. Ewuuuuuuuuu! Recognised as a Texan?! *shudders* That's almost as bad as being confused for a pom.
  11. That is EXACTLY the rack we're looking for. Sheesh, the quality of Jedi now days. I'm moving across to the SITH instead. Mace
  12. ....and about the same age as the universe as well? Mace
  13. Oh how nice, you recognise my greatness by celebrating the state I was born in. Errr No not naked, Victoria! :mad: Mace
  14. We had in-office sumo wrestling tipping once. Since the Justicar practically forbid us to respond to you, I will, because basically I can't tolerate pig-headed authority (must be an egalitarian Aussie thing, or our hatred of all things Joe). We are a group of the like minded who request CM PBEMs through verbal abuse. Hell, It's so much better than asking nicely. Mace
  15. I'll drink to blondes. I'll also drink to the West Coast Eagles. Bastages! I bloody well backed them in the footy tipping and they lose. Of course I blame Noba! Mace
  16. Welcome aboard Whiteowl. There's always AFV/MBT discussions somewhere on the Battlefront forums. Some of us are certified trackheads (..or loons, not sure which ) Mace
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