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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. What's the big deal about a dynamic campaign? One of the best tank sims produced IMHO so far, Steel Beasts (sorry Moon *crosses self repeatedly*) never had a dynamic campaign but was still an immersive product to play. What it did have was a powerful map/scenario builder and some talented people who gave their time producing some wonderful scenarios. I have a feeling we'll get some good scenarios for T72 as well. [ June 18, 2005, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  2. He did? What unit did he fight with? I'd love to see if he was mentioned in dispatches. Regarding the Soviets. During the early phase of the war the NKVD were responsible for ensuring that STAVKA's orders were followed out to the letter (the Soviet system is generally quite inflexible as far as Command and Control is concerned). This of course led to a number of Soviet troops being lost by being made example of. However, as time went on the Soviets came more adapt at fighting war, and thus the NKVD 'back up' was less necessary. By 1944 their military hardware, especially tanks and artillery, were technically capable of dealing with their German opponents. They were also becoming more flexible at the tactical level, and their troops were becoming more experienced. This all eventually contributed to the success of Operation Bagration and the complete collapse of Army Group Centre. From then on, the Germans were very much on the back foot, impacted by the losses caused by fighting a war on two fronts (including Italy as part of the Western Front here). Hence because they lost I'd argue they weren't as good as you give them credit for, and that the Soviets became by 1944 quite effective in dealing with them. [ June 17, 2005, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  3. HAHA! *points* Sucks to be you. *checks today's schedule* Hmmmm 3 hour system workshop this morning. That means about 10 minutes discussion on the task at hand, and the balance spent talking about sport, cracking jokes, or talking about something not related to the task at hand. A liquid lunch at the local bar at 12, and a return to work at 4 to collect bag and stagger home. A very busy day! GHGAHGAH GHAGHAAGHAGAGA HGHAGHAGHAA Allow me, Axe, you Canadian example of fly pupua...... You slimey maggot postule! It's a module of IL2 isn't it? That should speak for itself, more aircraft, more theatres, and now carriers to crash from or into!!! :mad: :mad:
  4. Sure do, I've still got all mine stored in a box out in the shed! I think there were variants too, like 'Battle', etc, and the thick ones that included 3 stories.
  5. You should have lots more time because you now have the power to d..e..l..i..g..a..t..e. :mad: :mad:
  6. *tears well up again in his eyes as he runs his hand through old, forgotten cat litter that hasn't been used for some time* *sigh* brings back memories of a long departed friend and fellow MBTer! *sniffle*
  7. You, Sir, have the attention span of a...... errr.... some animal that doesn't have an attention span!! :mad: I posted about a week ago indicating that my newer PC (ie the one with all the good sh*t) is in the shop undergoing a warranty repair (ie the one that takes months because they have to send all the parts back to the respective manufacturers) and I would be unable to process turns until its return. So....until then gaming is virtually none existent (because I can't be bothered installing the lot back on my older PC), and my ability to collect the choicest sheep porn seriously curtailed!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. GHAGHGAHAGHG GHAGHGAHGAHGAHG GAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Where's the molten TNT, the :mad: ?!! You obviously paid someone else to write that. Ps there's some sort of stain on your chin.
  9. The very essence of an Aussie, expressed in three words. SNIFF! *wipes tear from eye* That was beautiful mate! *wipes more tears*
  10. Seems like the same ol' same ol' to me. Neener neeeeener neeeeener!!! *razz*
  11. Seems like the same ol' same ol' to me. Neener neeeeener neeeeener!!! *razz*
  12. I think some form of equipment 'canon' or guidelines may be needed to ensure equipment attributes/settings are consistant across modules. For example, you would hope that the PzKpfwIV Ausf G has the same attribute settings in all modules in which it appears. This at least is required to prevent grognards rioting more often than they do now.
  13. I think some form of equipment 'canon' or guidelines may be needed to ensure equipment attributes/settings are consistant across modules. For example, you would hope that the PzKpfwIV Ausf G has the same attribute settings in all modules in which it appears. This at least is required to prevent grognards rioting more often than they do now.
  14. Rune and I are trying to work out if Speedy was playing Soccer or Aussie rules. Regardless we came up with this scenario: knowing speedy, he played aussie rules ON a soccer pitch while drunk caught up in the soccer net like a fly in a spider's web with the beer keg out of reach. oh the humanity!!
  15. LOL. Now that I've seen the video I know exactly what you're on about. :mad:
  16. Well she may now communicate less often than a hostage in Iraq, but on the chance she reads this: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITTY!!! *toot* [ June 06, 2005, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. Ooooh, great! I'll be there. What's the bet however that someone arrives wearing the overseas definition of thong rather than the local.
  18. No worries there. So my take on this is that the main executable contains script to model the factors common to all warfare, eg ballistics, environmental factors, and so on. This forms the spine of CMx2. The 'module' will contain the information applicable to a battle (eg TOE, equipment details, terrain set, graphic skins, etc), or a series of related battles (eg battles of the 1 British AD, Desert Storm), which the main executable will draw on. One question I have is whether tools will be made available for the player to develop a module (which could just be one battle, or a series of battles), because I have a feeling a little bit more work may be required to generate these than currently is required? Regardless, from what I've read so far and what appears to be a more flexible system, I'm very much looking forward to CMx2.
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