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Everything posted by Mace

  1. I personally would rather see work commence on CM2, rather than on an add-on pack! Mace
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: Mace. Quit not talking to people and send me a response to the death of Wittman. Your last pitiful Tiger has a Cromwell in front and a firefly behind, range about five metres. END IT NOW!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd love to! Unfortunately I'm here <--- My PC, with CM installed is 40km over there ---> . Thus due to cirsumstances beyond my control, I am unable to observe the firey death that your have dealt me until I get home (which due to a 4.30pm meeting in about 2 hours, will not be for some considerable time - btw, any mongrel who books a meeting at 4.30pm on a Friday afternoon is inhuman, and should be brought up on charges of crimes against Humanity) <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> As Mark Foreskin astutely pointed out, I am a "violent little man". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Emphasis on the "little"? Perhaps Stuka and yourself should get together and compare your....never mind! Mace
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Waxx_IK: The American is still here! You can't get rid of me! I shall always be here! Muahahahahahahahahahahaha! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Errr...Waxx, are you quoting from either of the presidential candidates in your current election? If your going to post here, ferkristsakes, you've got to insult someone, but make sure it's done with style and panache! btw, make sure you've done your homework, cleaned your teeth, chased some 13yo floozie in your neighbourhood, and annoyed the parents before you go to bed! Mace
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: provide us with some comic relief. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why? You're doing such a great job you definitely don't need my help!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Just like little girls fighting. Quit pulling each others pig tails and shut the hell up! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wasn't talking to you, either! Mace (milking it for all it's worth)
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Hehe, dont worry, I know about them mace Hell, Ive even got a picture here of a T-34 with a camo paint scheme, and brown dosnt seem uncommong either. It goes to show they didnt still to the green 100% of the time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, let's take this further (excuse me if I try to ignore Stuka's yapping, cesspool leakage you know). What references do you use, KD? There's the Encyclopedia mentioned by Little_black_devil. There is also a relatively new hardcover release detailing Soviet armour from 1914 to 1945 (title of which excapes me, but I'm keen to hunt this one down). There's also the series of Concord photo journals (which are excellent btw) and Osprey's New Vangaurd series (each book on a specific AFV). Another excellent reference is the Chronos video series on German AFVs.....covers not only the development of each of the major German AFVs, but the development of variants based on that particular Chassis (eg the Panther video also covers the Jagdpanther). Just to see the battle footage of these in use is worth the money! There's also those new CD-Roms! Probably another resource would be the paint scheme found on the instructions of a model kit....these generally show the side, top and front view of a particular AFV Mace
  7. Early Stugs were quite similar in appearance and as far as 3D modelling in CM2 goes, you could get away with just a generic Early Stug III with short 75mm (even though the armour ratings may be different) Oh btw, Kwazydog, what about the air recognition stripes the Soviets painted on their turrets in 1945. So much for the Plain Green! Regardless, look forward to your final product (sure would be nice to see JS2s on the battlefield)! Mace
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Do not speak to the non-entities, Macey. It only encourages them..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, Stuka, I wasn't talking to you! Mace
  9. For originality, it would have to be: fluffkitty.com Mace
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: j'aie épuisé les parties privées de ma soeur <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You did what to your sister? You are a sad, twisted, sick, little individual! My sheep and I are totally disgusted with you! Mace
  11. Time for my first battle report, just to prove I just don't hang around street corners to sell my bod to all the boys! Slow Bore is back! After a few weeks in limbo he kindly sends me the next turn. I kindly respond by outflanking his Chaffee with a Stug and blowing it to kingdom come. The Chaffee being distracted with running down and over my SS troops. A word of advice, Mr Bore, don't ever park a tank on the crest of a hill! Jaded Horse This is one of Rune's nasty works which involves a lot of puny allied stuff against what seems to me, one of those Schwere Panzer Companies. As I'm playing the allies, nuff said! Berli-hic-hic-drinkfromthestein Ah, a joy to behold. Both our armour has been knocked out already (quick retake - Berli's 1st Stug taken by a Bazooka, simultaneous kill b/w another Stug and M10, Berli's artil scores an airburst just above my remaining M10). However, my infantry are doing far more nasty things to his infantry than he can do to mine, and thus I'm managing to grab control of the 2 VLs. Shore-a-sheep. Early game, he drops heaps of artil on my infantry, reducing my SS hamsters to something as effective as a group of boy scouts out on a picnic. He also has the audacity to remove a JgPz IV/L70 with a bloody M5 (humphhh). Regardless, I have managed to wrest one of the two VL from the warm hands of recent British dead with a flanking move, and have now consolidated on this position. Now we wait to see if Mr "Misery guts" attempts to take it back! Puka puts his "thingy" back in his pants and decides to commit to a PBEM. Infantry only, at night, on hills that look something like firm breasts, the game has just commenced and so far has involved both of us trying to get a good position. Puka decides to drop artil on one of the hills in the hope that I would be distracted by his craftly designed hills (and I must admit, I was)! that guy formally known as Babs. And I wish he was (formally that is)! Currently dooking it out at Villers Bocage. My Tigers have got some kills, but everytime I do so he retaliates and removes that Tiger. Wittman is still alive, but all the British AFVs down in town are hiding, so Wittman spends his time counting his kill markings on the Tiger's barrel, and reminiscing about his Eastern Front experiences! Ferile Kitty. I think I'll pronounce this PBEM dead. Attemps at cardiac rescusitation and mouth-to-mouth fail to revive this one! Time of death....! Mulch Hot off the press! Sunshine, a few buildings, and far too few trees to hide behind. As I'm attacking I think I may have to order a few more body bags for my lads than is normally required! That's it! If I've forgotten anyone, you're obviously not worth mentioning! Mace
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: Really? I was aways worried about that. Hope she is duly insulted though. [This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 11-29-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think playing you would be insult enough! Mace
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: your all bums, you all stink, you all sux rocks and.. and... and... I have had it with work... Peter you bum fine.. don't send me a pbem COWARD! MaCE put that sheep down and prepare for death Imma sending you a death match which you will want to crawl in a dark hole and hide in! and no it does not include sheep orafaces!!.... I have SPOKEN! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good! I can show you what else I can do with a cricket bat.....now bend over! Mace
  14. I'd settle for a smart opponent! Oh, or a thermal nuclear device (for times when things are really not going very well). Mace
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Mace. I have to hate you down to the hell of being skinned alive and cooked on the George Foreman grill, you Aussie, Pommie, Yank-Wanking, Wank-Yanking, dumber than fly ****e, knuckle-shuffiling bag of douche drippings. You're wonderful idea of bringing the MuthaBeautifulThread down under has turned it into a joke. All of Loserville has now found it's way in here. Before we know it, Pillar will wash up wanting to know if anyone wants to discuss better packaging for the K-Ration. This is pathetic. You caused this debacle. You have instigated the topplement of the Peng Thread. I have no choice but to punish you. A setup will find its way to you sometime soon. My suggestion to you: cancel your ISP account and go on a walkabout, never to return, else you will suffer. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Muhahahahahahaha! You mongrels were getting too comfortable, recycling old taunts and comparing the size of your genatalia! It is time for new sport. This iteration of the cesspool is merely giving the opportunity for new participants to become involved (most of them lacking that certain annoyance factor, that is true, but I'm sure there'll be a future master of taunt in amongst them), so we current squires can at last be knighted and they step in as our go-fers. But most of all, it was taken over just to piss you off! Mace
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: Oh and dear sweet Kitty has decided to play me after I generously allowed him to choose whatever as long as I was restricted to Conscript Volkstrum, of Being Order of the realm I snuck in a green platoon, mhahahah his veteran Americans are in for a big surprise. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not as surprised as you'll be, mate! He is really a she (albut with very sharp claws)! Mace
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: What port number do I need to punch in my firewall so TCP/IP will work?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> None, you should be hard at work! Mace
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Don't know about you Mace, but I have 22 games going... and I still have time to point out that you are a Pommie<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I only have about 19 currently going, Bumlightem, not including those Wild Bill and Rune thingies that I'm testing, or the odd Steel Beasts or Rogue Spear shoot-em-ups I get involved with. But I can always make time for you chum, especially if you call me a pommie, because I'll need that time to pull your arsehole so high over your head, so that you'll look like a tired monk at midnight! Now excuse me, I have to go insert those discarded Gewehr 98's far up the backsides of those retreating "ear, stomach and no brains" Krauts of yours. No, don't thank me Berli, you know it's for the good of your men....it'll give 'em a bit of backbone! Mace
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: PeterNuzz expundged: "This is a GAME CHALLENGE THREAD! Either play games or sodd the hell off!" Well, well,well, guess we've been chastised <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How does he know if we're playing games or not? We might be playing, but doing so badly that we choose not to disclose it. Perhaps if we ignore him, he might go away (he's probably just cut that the Bob Semple tank doesn't get the recognition he believes it deserves)! Mace
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: if your going to post pics post Mace's photo collection of all those girlfriends of his... I found it in a very very very lost thread of his... or was that from Interpol.. oh well <center> </center><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mensch, I think posting porn on this thread is uncalled for....now I'm going to have to take a cold shower. Mace
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: since this thread has moved down under should we now call it the Pommie Pool. Pommie Pool, Cess Pool, same vile thing, same vile place.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bauhaus, ya nong! Learn the lingo, mate! Pommie ---> English ---> very bad, especially the whinging ones. Aussie ---> Australian ---> real men & women, a benchmark that the rest of the world should be compared with! Now P*ss off! Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Or are you Ozzers also called BattleSheep<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The sheep is a fine animal, and the key to both our and New Zealand's agricultural economy.... when you're cold, you can shear it and make clothing! when you're hungry, you can kill it and throw it on the barbie! and when you're lonely you can.....never mind! Mace
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: Melbourne is the stop for all of you that reckon you have some culture and like silly sports. This includes Pawbroon and all Scots, other than Aitken who will be allowed to choose his place of residence provided he knocks us up a commemorative Australian Cesspool Hamstertruppen. Make yourselves at home, become Aussie rules fans and start coming up with explanations about why the weather really is better her than Sydney.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Goanna, mate! Sick of the outback and it's desert sands, so you go to the Middle-east for more...err..desert sands? Regardless, great spiel! I'd like to add that being the Melbourne representative here, I've managed to have a word in Steve Brack's (Premier of Victoria) and we've come to some agreement about how to treat any non-aussie cesspoolers that choose to visit this great State......it starts with tar and feathers, then involves driving long distances and dumping them at South Aussie's border! yep, we know how to greet tourists! Mace
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