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Everything posted by Mace

  1. According to HAndbook of German Military Forces, A Heer tank company was either made up of PzKpfw IVs, or PzKpfw Vs, but not both. Organisation was (excluding support vehicles etc) Company HQ : 2 AFVs 3 x Platoons of 4 AFVs Each SS Panzer Platoons had 5 AFVs each, rather than 4. Mace
  2. Ahh yes! The catholic girls school! I have fond memories of we real (spotty teenager) men riding our pushbikes past there after a day at highschool just to check out the babes! I also have not-so-fond memories of subsequently being pelted by eggs and rotten tomatos from said babes! Mace Oh, btw, I forgot to add - you're all sick and twisted. And that's quite sad, really!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by saru3000: That wasn't the response I was expecting. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Probably just take it out on us losers on his chat server! Mace [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-20-2000).]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Stuka, your postings as a tree have been amongst your best work. I like you as a tree, you work as a tree, I say go with your treeness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> senilechap! When Stukes no longer amuses, can I go him with the chainsaw? Mace (revving it up as we speak)
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: This night is special. I have a new cat and a new thread to drop trau and releive myself in. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Harem, relieving yourself in a cat, huh? We would actually rather prefer that you don't go into great detail with what you plan to do with said cat, or why you have purchased copious amounts of gaffer tape! Mace
  6. Nice digs! Can I park my sheep over here? Mace But Seanachai, that front door still needs fixing!!! Some young fool just ran in here and poked his toungue out at us!
  7. Why thankyou! A cup of cheese would be quite nice! I'll have mine with gravel on top. Now be a good fellow and remove my straightjacket!
  8. [puts a gun to own head] muhahahahaha! One step closer and Mace gets it! I'm warning you! Take that ...one... extra step and it's nighty night, Macey! And don't laugh, you're next!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: We finally get rid of the verdammter Franzose, and another pops up. Now, where is that rusty butter knife I was saving to castrate Pawbroon with... looks like I'll get to use it after all<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [quickly dons a lumberjack uniform] Nothing but us Canucks here, hey! Been cutting down trees, hey! Also been wondering why fellow Canuck Mensch left for Germany, hey! Something about paternity and a moose, hey! Lumberjack Mace (and he's OK, sleeps all night and works all day)!
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: Now now. Is it pre-holiday stress or what? At this special time of year, let us not forget the true meaning of the cesspool... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Soiled pants?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: *drool* *evilgrin* ey! master Sen'chi *pulls a very rusty, dry blood coated sword out - but strangly razor sharp* I seez we start with the littl'ns first... that Mase charachter, he's a git.. lets castrate him first then kill'em!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [quickly dons beret] Errr..mes ami, I am ze Frenchman no, Not ze Ozzie! I was, how you say, pulling ze leg and pretense under that I was the True-blue sheep-shagger, non? do you have ze fromage? Macey of Paris [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-18-2000).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Epée: Fallout is definitely a classic. Epée<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fallout 2 more so! Mace
  13. And look at the discipline of the troops in the Landing Craft, all lined up at attention in neat little rows, the sun glinting off their highly polished equipment! They don't even break ranks when a shell lands amongst them!!! This is the sort of attention to detail that makes me want to rush out and purchase this game! Mace
  14. Is that front door off it's hinges again? We seem to be getting all sorts of riff-raff (no, not you Mensch) and reprobates (Mensch, I said sit down!) in here of late! Mace
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: It's all fun and games 'til someone loses the rye <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We have air rifles in Oz, shoot small metal pellets which I assume is something like a BB rifle. Anyhow, we used to play combat with them in our early teens. You got hit, you'd definitely know about it! Geez we were idiots (hmm, come to think about it, still are)! Mace
  16. Thanks for the heads up Elvis! Tell Peng to get better quick! Mace
  17. By replying to this ..this.. outtie, aren't we acknowledging his existance? Mace
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian Rock: 41. Now shut up and leave me alone. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, you must be close to 42 by now? I hope you remember to respect your elders on our next lunch outing! Mace
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: Damn, I'm surprised you guys even remember your ages you're all SOOOO old .. No wonder you all wanted an OOB list... That tired old memory isn't working at your advancing years "Ducks and runs for cover". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fionn!!!!! You bastar....oh, what was the topic again? I'm confused. Where's my teeth? Mace (flying the flag at 42)
  20. Just visit your local book or model shop. These probably have the sources used in developing the game! Mace
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CaSCa: Is there an antipodal market for these guzzlers? It was only used for 'rocking' once by a little old lady from Pasadena...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heya CaSCa: Collectors used to ship over a good quantity of American "Power" cars, get the steering swapped over, then either hang a few laps in them to impress everyone or exhibit them at the local motor shows. Trouble is, our dollar is now so weak against yours that importing a car now is somewhat prohibitive! Mace
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bakker@home: You could have been Fionn-like experts on armour already but no! You rather sniffle and paw each other in unproper ways here in this daft pool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jealousy is the curse that you must bare. You wish to be sniffled and pawed at in improper ways, but you are shunned by your community and seek companionship in this here pool. We'll, we have a special place for you, oh lost one.....it's called the exit Shut the door on the way out! Mace
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Ya know.. Is it me or does Hiram just post WAY too much. Do you have a life? If not... Please, for godsake get one. Anyway, I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! Last night the evil forces of Mace pitted themselves in mortal combat against the valiant forces of Shandorf AND LOST! Tactical victory for me... hard fought for lose for Mace. Actually we did a Random 1500 pointer and the computer decided to go armor battle. I had Hetzers, STuGs and one Panther A against a swarm of Sherman M4A3s and Easy Eight 76s oh and don't forget his small horde of M5A1s. Damn those buggers are annoying. Wise and oh so special and yummy, LORAK! Please post a WIN for me And a LOSE for MACE Jeff <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, and let that be a lesson for you, Jeff! Now be a good lad and don't make me loose to you again! Mace
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