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Everything posted by Mace

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: The only time war fare realy changed was in World War1 when both alliances were bogged down by each other and it degenerated into mass trench warfare.<hr></blockquote> Another important recent innovation IMHO is vertical envelopment, the use of airmobile forces (paratrooper or helicopter inserted) to establish blocking positions. Mace
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer: Whuddaya mean? You play on the MBT ladder, right?<hr></blockquote> We have a ladder? All we do is gloat about our victories, and belittle our opponent's ones. eg: Looking for a great victory without much effort? Sick of working hard just to get a minor tactical victory? Want an opponent who lacks tactical imagination and flair? See Joe Shaw, he'll be happy to help! This is hypothetical by the way. Good 'ol Joe is a veteran of the MBT, and will not even acknowledge the existance of any Johny-come-lately SSN (and rightly so), so don't be clamoring to our door just to get a bit of Joe booty! *URGH - SHUDDERS* Mace
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Mind you, with the kublewagen and immobilized Lynx I was given to START this battle it's a bit tough to do a proper search <hr></blockquote> Thank you for that bit of intelligence, my military staff will consider it and get back to you shortly (mainly with an artillery barrage, and then close-assaults). One thing though, could you babble their location as well? There's a good fellow! Mace
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: I was wondering who among the vast array of peoples and talents displayed here, who among the thronging gamut of splendour and insignificance, are the Olde Ones?<hr></blockquote> The olde ones? Theyst wouldst be MrPeng, Seanachai and Berlichtingen. The original and dare I say bes...*chokes* Sorry can't get that last word out. Mace {edited for Andrea's sake} [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rommel22: Nice work, looks much better than before, good work who ever did it, guessing Madmatt.<hr></blockquote> And you would be.......CORRECT! Yep, Madmatt's done such a good job, I'm going to give him a big nookie!!!! come here, ya big lug! Mace
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cest bon: A guy at the store recommended Operation flashpoint. So I picked that one up. Should I take it back for ghost recon? Or is that one ok? <hr></blockquote> Operation Flashpoint is fun too. He'll get a blast (probably from the wrong end of a T72). Mace
  7. One of the shining stars of the community! Many happy returns Bill. Mace
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander: BIG HINT: Next time, try wearing a parachute... it really helps break your fall!<hr></blockquote> Actually the ground breaks the fall, the parachute just slows the descent on the way down! <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Lawyer ('nuff said): "Pearl Harbor" in fact is a good movie with lots of action and plays great on DVD.<hr></blockquote> Pearl Harbour? Great viewing? IMHO, having a spleen removed without anesthetic would be more pleasurable than seeing THAT movie again. Just as well you have no credibility here otherwise you would have just gone and blown it. Mace's suggested DVD viewing list: Cross of Iron Das Boot (director's cut) Tora Tora Tora Bridge too Far Saving Private Ryan Aliens 2 (those sci-fi Jarheads are cool) Lord of the Rings (not officially available yet..but what's the bet it'll be numero uno DVD release when it does appear in this format) <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I recommend "Ghost Recon" which simulates modern squad warfare<hr></blockquote> Damn you, I'll have to give Lawyer a bit of credibility back for that one! Very good game with some awesome missions (and another mission disk appearing in a couple of months). Mace
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cest bon: Lorak is coming home!! He messed up his knee in a jump. Tore a ligament or tendon or something. He should be home within the week. He didn't let me know sooner so I wouldn't worry. <hr></blockquote> I've ..*sob*.. missed the big lug, ..*sniff*.. the interesting ..*Sob*.. ICQ chats, the literature ..*sniff sob*.. reviews, the discussions ..*sob*.. about cosmology and *sniff* science, and all the other intellectual ..*sob sniff*.. topics. But most of all, I've ..*sob*.. missed the the comradre of the ..*sniff sniff sob*.. of our PBEM (mainly because I was winning). I'm so happy, I could.....WhhaaaaaAAAAAAaaaa!!! Mace
  10. Oh Persephone, I know some fine Lawyer pictures that'd be just dandy for your next project. *hint hint* Something suitable for his place in society. Mace
  11. I'll give Il2 a birl too as I plan to pick it up next payday. Mace
  12. If I remember correctly, the skins for mortars, bazookas etc are imbedded in the main program and thus don't have separate bitmaps. Hence you can't mod them. Mace
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Oh, you mean those light footed fops who wore tights and appeared to have no interest in the opposite sex, driving their women to seek solace from another species? What an accurate observation.<hr></blockquote> Yes my observation (as usual) was accurate, shame yours missed the mark completely. Mace
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: And the Orcs, don't forget the Orcs ... though they MAY have imported the lot from Australia.<hr></blockquote> Actually, if you paid attention to the film instead of dozing off just as LoTR commenced, you would have noticed the noble, enlightened race of the Elves were Aussie imports. Of course, that's evident by the cool, precise combat moves of the SES (Special Elf Service) at film's start, as they deal with the millions of SSNs..sorry, I mean Orcs. Only Aussies can fight like that! Mace PS Wish me luck, I'm about to dwelve into Tolkien Groginess by reading the Silmarillion. Should I take supplies?
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: take OGSF, for example.... <hr></blockquote> I'd rather not. Mace
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: as a Yeknod I thrive on pessimism, doom, futility, angst and general hopelessness.<hr></blockquote> That's quite English of you! Mace
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: The list would be for our benefit, not KwazyDog's (since he has his own!), but everyone needs to bear in mind their plea for multiple submissions.<hr></blockquote> I don't want to be difficult but why? We won't be in a position to know what AFV has and hasn't been entered because not all entrants read this board, hence our own list won't be complete. Perhaps the best way is for Kwazy just to update here every now and then with a list of what AFVs are still outstanding (perhaps on a weekly basis) - that is if he has the time! Mace
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Uttered by MrSpkr: ya' nong.<hr></blockquote> I have detected recently a take-up of the word nong by our Northern-hemisphere members. It's nice to think that after years of being bombarded with American TV shows and culture down here...it was time for a bit of Aussie payback (go get em, Steve Irwin)! Further, one of my colleagues recently pointed out in an email no less how Australia was a third-world country. What was surprising was that he has the mental ability to conceptualise beyond 'two' or 'couple'. Way to go...Joe!! We are all so proud of you. Mace [yeh, I edited!] [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shep: Hey all, we need to be organized on this! We need to get the word out! We need a constantly updated list of what has been done, and what needs to be done! In essence, the powers that be have put which vehicles are included right under our control... let's make sure we get them all.<hr></blockquote> Just a few comments. Battlefront aren't stupid by arranging the competition with the assistance of Missing-lynx, as that site has quite a large audience of armour modellers. I think you'll find there would be a good response to the competition because there's a good cool value having one's work incorporated into a game. As for keeping a list? Kwazydog already has a list no doubt and there is thus IMHO no need for us to duplicate the effort. Further, it is a competition with each entry being judged on its merits, we shouldn't be limiting ourselves to who does what. Mace
  20. *looks at stockpile of unmade kits* Do they have to be made? Mace
  21. Now I know Andreas is far more reasonable than Lawyer, and is quite happy to provide both Stuka and I with free airfares to attend. Isn't that right, Andreas? Mace
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Law school was difficult for this individual because of his ineptitude in...<hr></blockquote> ...social skills, arithmatic, reading and writing (he had grunting and snuffling down pat though). However, he did have a lot of money, which Lawyer skillfully used to buy his way to...
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: <hr></blockquote> What? Is it scaley-things mating season again? {not edited out of contempt} Mace
  24. Hi Mum (and a special hello to the board administrators who will be along shortly to shut this one down). Mace
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: The problem with CMBO and presumably CMBB is that there isn't enough attention paid to us gamey players damnit!<hr></blockquote> We are quite aware of your gamey play, Joe Shaw! Mace
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