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Everything posted by Mace

  1. The funny thing is that Air Supply never could work out why they weren't success in their home country. Sucks to be them. (really, it does suck to be them)! *Gack* I think we're even! Mace
  2. Ok, I'll bite! Australia's grotesque musical offspring, fortunately shipped to the USA because we have far better taste. Ladies and Gentlemen, Old Ones, Kinnigits, serfs and SSNS, introducing the one, the only, AIR SUPPLY!!! I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you I know you were right, believing for so long I'm all out of love, what am I without you I can't be too late to say I was so wrong *violently vomits* Mace
  3. Takes me way back when CMBO was in beta, when Madmatt posted a shot of a CM generated racetrack (with vehicles) on combat mission (that, and his classic kitchen sink bunker complex). I wonder what Russian Front madness we'll see with CMBB? Mace
  4. Didn't I see them once on America's most wanted? Mace
  5. I picked up a copy of this back in the early 80s, and it is money well spent if you can find a copy. Full title is: Handbook on German Military Forces United States War Department Technical Manual 15 March 1945 TM-E 30-451 Chapters include: i) The German Military System ii) Organization of the Field Forces iii) Other Military and Auxiliary Organizations iv) Tactics V) Fortifications and defenses VI) Supply, evacuation and movements VII) Weapons VIII) Equipment IX) Uniforms, Insignia and Individual Equipment, and X) German Air Force Mace
  6. That suspiciously sounds like words of wisdom to me! Mace
  7. Well, they do say hello first. =| Mace
  8. you should feel blessed, Iskander! Mace PS this thread brought to you by the consumption of copious quanties of beer, and here's a special salute to my lovely US drinking partner! *SMASH* [edited because this alcoholic mind fog is starting to dissipate] [ March 02, 2002, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  9. How rude, you're supposed to say hello first! (Didn't we have this discussion before)? Mace
  10. That would have to be one of the scariest paragraphs ever uttered in these hallowed halls. I'd can't imagine what the offspring would look like. I think that's going to be the most intelligent thing YOU'VE ever uttered. There's the door, please close it on the way out. Mace
  11. No, I'd say they are natural woods, the regular and angular edges the result of farmers claiming extra land for paddocks. btw, for those wishing to save the picture file (not that'd I'd do anything like that *ahem*) there's a little trick to saving graphics from 'download' protected sites. Simply go to the temporary internet cashe folder in your system folder, and grab the graphic file there. Mace
  12. I do recall a certain Hiram asking me if I'd like to be his squire once, but I declined being the free spirit that I am. Hmmm free spirits? That's what we need, more free spirits!!! Mace
  13. Better yet, for utmost track-link frustration, try the Mirage 1/35 Renault UE tractor. Mace
  14. Really Mace you know you only won because all those other threads got tangled up with each other and fell over.</font>
  15. I have this sudden urge to skip amongst the flowers and burst into song! Mace
  16. I'd like to point out that there is too much bolding of serfs and SSNs names. Even the justiplane has fallen into this terrible practice. Now where's my gold medal and prize for numero uno post? Mace
  17. How did this suck monkey get in here anyhow? Did I step in something unpleasurable on the way and brought it in on my shoes? Mace
  18. Even I have limits to my levels of depravity and debauchery (very small ones, but there you go). Mace
  19. Well, I've never inquired into his private life, but by the look of him I wouldn't be surprised. Mace Ps I know I'll have nightmares for the rest of my life.
  20. Refer to photo, previous page. Mace (that'll scare him off)
  21. XXX) I love Lamb curry, roast lamb and ug-boots 98.5) Australia has more sheep than people, I'm not going to notice a few missing, and I really don't have the time for a head count either $###%) So that's what Pansy-leader looks like? Persephone, please work your graphical charm on that picture. Mace [not edited at all]
  22. Of course, it would be justice if the curry was Lamb, but I doubt that. Mace PS Croda, still haven't done that turn yet! *giggle*
  23. hey cool, I doubled posted 2 hours apart. Neato!!! Mace [ February 23, 2002, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  24. The next person who goes and over-nests their quotes will not only receive my sheep costume but also my attention! Be afraid, be very afraid!!!! Mace
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