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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Necessary? Desirable, yes. But so far I can't recall a game with basements, so I think necessary is streching it just a wee bit.
  2. Your going a bit overboard a wee bit but yeah, flares do need to be included.
  3. Eh, what? Either I missed a memo and it really is a book, or that was a really useless, unfunny reply. I feel like I know the answer. I'm kinda curious now too.
  4. Videoment, It would be be wise if you took greater care reading what is written. The information given previously is correct. For instance your 12th SS Hitlerjugemd spend almost all of their time opposite Canadians, not US forces. Even at Falaise! And that's true for most SS formations. They were mainly opposite Commonwealth forces. Since the initial release covers the US forces in Normandy, it doesn't make much sense to add an enemy the US barely fought against during this time. Modules/expansions will add both Commonwealth, SS forces and other stuff to cover the fighting from Overlord to Market Garden.
  5. The June 26th capture of Cherbourg might be worthy of a bone.
  6. I don't think this was ever possible, was it? Not that this shouldn't be looked in to as it is definitely a problem. USMC and Brits can get along without it as they have dedicated teams that start out with Javelins but US Army infantry risks getting clubbed like baby seals by armour.
  7. What Boche says, though SAMs aren't really a biggie. But overrunning ICBM silos is a little too Iron Eagle 2. However an artillery gun object, yeah, I think that would be a useful addition in any CMx2 game. And of course destroyed vehicles, but now with turrets able to be rotated by the scenario designer for a much better look to it. And triggers would always be nice.
  8. Don't get me started on the swear filter. It doesn't work against people who really wish to bitch and mainly cocks thing up for the ordinary user. Yet BFC persists with the dratted thing.
  9. And he has this cool feature called a PayPal button. If you make use of his site and can spare a few, please consider making use of it. Bandwith costs money and I would hate to see GreenAsJade too much out of pocket for his efforts.
  10. The Night Stalkers crash is definitely a bug of some sort. It's still not entirely clear to me what causes or fixes it. But it's been with us for so long now that you'd think it would have been fixed by now. Can someone from BFC give some word on this issue? Funnily enough I mentioned it just yesterday.
  11. Uhm, are you sure you've got the right month? *edit* Mind you, I wouldn't say no to a screenie or two, showing the ammo pouches not upside down or sumfink.
  12. Probably didn't matter too much considering they still share quite a lot of bits. TBH I could've done without the 2A4s, who have a marginal excuse for being there and aren't all that radically different. The C2 I'm a lot happier with because it's a whole different beast and has a track record of seeing action. Of course, that one is a whole new tank to model entirely. For a tank that would never be allowed anywhere near a conventional war that's arguably not the best use of a modellers time. But perhaps we shouldn't complain about being given too much?
  13. I'm well aware of the CSI effect. And btw that has tended to make it more difficult to get a conviction. Nonetheless, to say DNA evidence is "wildly unreliable" is amazing drivel.
  14. ALT+P It is in fact mentioned in game at the Menu subsection Hotkeys, with assorted other useful keys. Sadly as of yet the showing of targeting lines doesn't have a "show all" function.
  15. Actually, quite a few people, including me, never got past "Nightstalkers" in the original TF Lightning/Thunder.
  16. I'm going disregard the bit where you trot out old cases and go straight for the bit where you disqualified yourself from sensible discussion on the matter. To describe DNA evidence as "wildly unreliable" is just discreditable. It is not. Just because shows like CSI overegg the pudding doesn't mean it's too be discarded like you did. Really, I'm all for respecting opposing viewpoints, but what you said just now is just too stupid.
  17. That's just not true. Someone jailed for years cannot get those years back either. Lock a guy in for life or take his life, it really isn't that great a difference And again, that's discussing dubious convictions in the first place, whereas proponents here have argued for it to be imposed only on those where there is conclusive proof. In these days of CCTV, DNA, mobile phone tracking and numerous other forensic advances we can get reliable convictions. And while the death penalty opponents sit on their self built mountain of morality, society gets to pay for the incarceration, including the smokes, porn magazines and healthcare, of some dude who cannot be allowed back in to that society. How is that more just? And while the deterrence factor is pretty disputed, those who'd chose to commit acts where a death penalty is on the books for can't exactly claim it's unfair. I really don't think there is much of a moral case against the death penalty. It's mostly a case of preference, in that I agree. And most citizens do seem to prefer getting rid the worst of the worst. No, I can only reasonably entertain as valid those objections that are practical. I think most justice systems aren't reliable enough in most cases. And yet, even in those less reliable systems there would be the occasional case where ridding the world of the offender would be the reasonable thing to do. If a judicial system could exercise the utmost restraint in handing down the death penalty, I'd be all in favour. For instance, I think the Dutch judicial system might be up to it. OTOH, the US system is very unreliable in terms of restraint and I personally would not want it on the books, as is. But even that has guys like the Ft Hood shooter, whose continued existence is clearly rather pointless.
  18. Again, the campaigns aren't getting in the way of bugfixes.
  19. I absolutely adored CC2: A bridge Too Far. But even though I played it for a long long time, it's now just too old to truly satisfy. If you get them cheap you should give CC2 and maybe CC3 a try, even if just to say you played them. The others, I'd stay clear off altogether. There have been a few re-releases which I haven't tried, but since they are all remakes of the lesser titles I'd be very wary of them, if I were you.
  20. The campaign isn't a programming intensive effort at all and the making of it would be going on alongside other polishing. One doesn't significantly impact on the other. And you can't get a review on a promised campaign, so releasing one without it will cost BFC dearly. Even though I think the campaigns are pretty weak tea as far as campaigns go (great secnarios but as a campaign it is not very campaign-ey) a release would be very much weakened if they weren't included. A reviewer would be duty bound to comment on the lack of one, costing BFC customers they may not get back when they patch in the campaign. I don't see why BFC should pander to the impatience of some customers. BFC want it out the door as quick as us, but they've got more staked on it going out in a fit shape.
  21. Those who want a finished campaign, fewer bugs in the game and functional Quick Battle system?
  22. I can highly recommend the "Generation Kill" sound mod that replaces that theme with the radio traffic you would hear at the end of an episode of generation Kill. It works really well. Sets the right tone yet is soothing/relaxed.
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