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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I don't have any great problem with how C and C is working. Less satisfied by how it's displayed. I think that is where so much confusion sets in. I liked the command lines of old. It was a nice visual cue that quickly showed who was in and who was out of command. Not too intrusive but still right there in the action part of the screen, not some icon in the UI there where I rarely look at. Yet one more thing where I ask myself why it didn't that make it in when it was working well before. I didn't mind stuff like that too much in CMSF initially because it was a new engine that needed to get out the door. But we are more then three years on, and so many great features haven't made it back. I hope they do so soon.
  2. I thought the US army still used mules to some extend. Pretty sure I read about them being used in Afghanistan by US forces. About as low-tech yet as you can go but unmatched in capability.
  3. I hate to come across as completely unsympathetic towards your plight c3k, but where is your own responsibility? It didn't occur to you that BFC would be saving on shipping by sending just one package? It's pretty much the norm to do so.
  4. Clone force sounds good to me. As would manual map selection. Why did that go the way of the Dodo?
  5. The Germans still don't seem to have gotten their air assets. At leas, not on the new list.
  6. Yeah, had my self a good snigger at this plan when I heard of it a while back. It's idiotic and infeasible on so many levels that I cannot believe anyone green lighted this.
  7. Yes, Steve, tell us more. He mentioned a range of defensive works (foxholes, trenches and other stuff) that were subject to LOS and placeable during setup.
  8. I'm not sure what you would want this for. We are going to get purpose made fortifications. This improvisation, if made possible, doesn't seem to add much value on top of that. Or am I missing something?
  9. Afraid not, theFightingSeabee. The post Night Stalkers crash bug is rather infamous. I'm told it was fixed in 1.20 or 1.21, but I'm pretty sure I had it crash after that too. It is all rather mysterious why some people crash and others don't. I for one never got past that mission and am not particularly inclined to even try any more. Does anyone have: 1) A savegame from the start of the mission after Night Stalkers? 2) A patched up campaign file, with which they managed to proceed past that mission? Please send either or both to elmarby (at) gmail.com and I might take another crack at it.
  10. Forum and website password/login are two different things entirely.
  11. How about map selection, can we finally be trusted to pick our own maps?
  12. The game should prompt you on first run through to accept a resolution. It'll offer the best first, which I think was 1280x1024 but it could have been 1600x1200.
  13. Too bad about the armour data. Even when I had spend quite a lot of time with CMx1 I kept checking it. It was in itself strangely enjoyable, that anticipation, desperation and hope when you compared the cannon to the armour. I hope we at least get some sort of hit and kill probability back on the targeting cursor. I regard that as pretty much a must now. Amen on both kill tracking and experience gain. In these days where much of the gaming world is playing one MMO or another, the latter shouldn't be a tough sell.
  14. This close to CM:N (allegedly) I would have expected there'd be a pistol animation lying around some place. Once you have the animation for Luger or M1911, it would seem no great feat to pass it down to CMSF and CMA.
  15. Strange as it may seem from someone who has been consistently complaining there's not enough campaign to the campaigns but I had hoped for less branches. No slight to the excellent work of the scenario designers but my campaigns, even the Brit and Marine one, are an unbroken string of victories for me. Judging by this overview of the German campaign I'll never see more then half of the battles in a campaign, a number of them unique missions. Seems a bit of a waste. Will we be seeing the individual battles released as scenarios at some point?
  16. Releasing NATO and That Which Cannot Be Named this close to CMA strikes me as rather unfortunate. I cannot but feel Afghanistan will be left holding the short straw when purchasing decisions are made. With one thing and another, I think I might forgo it all together. Only so much CM I'll be likely to play.
  17. What looked most dangerous of all to me were the bits where one section ended and another section started, with different ladders, with very little accommodation to let the climber make the transition between them. I'd be tempted to pack a parachute for a job like that. That or resigning.
  18. One mod for CMSF I rather enjoy is the one that replaces the music with the radio chatter that was at the end of HBO's Generation Kill. Very atmospheric. Might be worth trying to replicate something along those lines.
  19. But the A from APC stands for armoured, which these guys are not. On a ToW battlefield, there does not seem enough room for their safe or indeed useful operation.
  20. So how are helicopters fitting in to this game? Strikes me that the maps are just too small to make any realistic use of helicopters. They would (or at least should) get chewed up by the enemy. Any insight on how they would fit in to a scenario?
  21. Uhm... wait? I'm sure the e-license boys and girls are right on it. The purchase and e-license are two completely separate things, and the going down of it has nothing to do with nor cannot be foreseen by BFC. And offline activation wouldn't work, as it still presumes you are the one offline, not e-license. Basically, the offline option requires you to take a "fingerprint" of the users PC, then transport that "fingerprint" to a PC that has internet and uses that to contact e-license to match license activation to that "fingerprint" which then needs to be transported back to the users PC. IIRC, done it once quite a while ago.
  22. Can't access their ordinary website either.
  23. E-license themselves are off line, can't access their website either. Nothing that BFC can do about that now so asking for your money back straight off the bat is a bit melodramatic. Yes, it's PITA, but calm down.
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