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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I suggest you do. CAS, the support of troops engaged in combat, pretty much didn't happen. Not even by that awesome wunderwaffe, the Ju 87.
  2. How is Pterry these days, do you happen to know? The man has so many great quotes to his name, but I've always liked this one:
  3. Seems like I only have "Operation Perch I, Hill 213". Need that one?
  4. Except that even Rainbow Six doesn't have an AI that pulls that off comvincingly. So expecting detailws room clearing drills in a combat game is not a very realistic expectation to have. For a game where the focus isn't room to to room sweeps I get adequate results from either Hunt or Assault.
  5. With the order delays no longer part of CM (*boo* *hiss*) moveable waypoints are no longer critical. But still highly desirable for fine tuning the mass movement of troops. As such I am not sure why Kyle is getting this type of unhelpful response.
  6. Wiki disagrees with you. I have a mild fear of spiders to begin with, meaning I'll be sure to whack any spider inside the home anyway but with the added bonus of being potentially lethal, I would go out of my way to bring crunchy death upon them. The tiny risk of death is in no way offset by them feeding of other critters IMHO. To boot, Wiki mentions healthy adults. I would assume that children and pets would be at greater risk. I really don't see any upside of sharing living space with them. You know, I've just looked up what kind of spiders we've got over here in The Netherlands as I've got the occasional huge spider visitor. Turns out they can be fairly venomous too. Great. Didn't know that. Would not have minded to have gone on not knowing that. I always figured poisonous critters happened to other places.
  7. Did I? Certainly something I'm likely to have brought up. I searched, could it be this? Of course, that calender had a year added to it so who knows what got added. Probably not though. Interesting stuff in that thread. Well worth the re-read. Still not entirely convinced by Steve. Three years seems time in which features that are not going towards the simulation but are cool to have might make it in. I've been slowly de-hyping on the future of CM. Just doesn't seem to be keeping up with my expectations. Seems being the operative word as there has been such a shocking lack of bones that CM:N could be everything I could want it to be and I wouldn't know it. We will see.
  8. Steve on this very subject: Nearly two years on, I hope BFC have managed to squeeze it in somewhere.
  9. That was a 37mm PAK 36 with a Stielgranate, a riflegrenade writ large.
  10. I think come the Commonwealth the 25 pounder is absolutely guaranteed a spot. The M3 US 37mm ATG will be interesting. Completely irrelevant as a weapons system at this time, it seems to have made it to Normandy.
  11. I believe this is still the most current official word: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1199819#post1199819 Clearly, Moon has remained very unlike Zaphod Beeblebrox. What with the NATO release imminent, it might be a little while yet.
  12. Is it really that simple? Then I suppose I should look up the vehicle sounds. Especially the stationary vehicle sounds are driving me up the wall.
  13. It is a potentially lethal spider. Does it keep the Chupacabra population down or what?
  14. That was never in, was it? It told you where the hit landed and that was it. And nothing more. That's why I'm a big advocate of hull decals. Theatre of War used it to great effect for years now, and World of Tanks has it too. Just so enjoyable seeing a a tank with a great big hit marker on it. Or one peppered with smaller ones. You can inspect a tank and match hits with internals that are destroyed.
  15. Did it license okay? Because it sure sounds like a licensing problem. Probably DEP is stopping e-license from doing it's thing. http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=62&nav=0,2
  16. Ignore some of the grumpier contributors, Matias. I like the quick overview. Some neat stuff, in particular the armoured cars. MGS crews, eat your heart out! Only yesterday I was looking at an overview of the Belgian gear. Those guys need to make up their mind as to whether they want to keep their army or give up on that hobby. On the FAMAS, yeah, can't really love the look either. A bit too plain simple and cheap looking. Whereas I like the look of the British L85 a lot. It looks industrial, like it means business.
  17. Many feel that CMSF has gotten better over time, and I certainly agree with that. However, and it's a big however, it hasn't kept pace with my expectations of progress. My net appreciation for the game has actually declined. It hasn't had three years worth of improvements, I feel. It's a brilliant 2007 wargame now. For a 2010 wargame, it really should be a bit better. Some stuff hasn't been improved as much as I had expected or hoped for in the mean time, most notably QBs, kill stats and moveable waypoints. I can only hope that is because most of the focus went in to improving CM:N. I was shocked at the "water" in CM:A. Stuff like that isn't acceptable any more, and I would regard it as a real let down if we are to see that in CM:N. CMSF is now fairly good, but if CM:N were to be CMSF but set in WW2 and with QBs, I'm going to be parting company sooner rather then later.
  18. The wait on CM:N was started in 2005 (TWO THOUSAND AND FIVE) That's so long ago that even the original forum announcement lost interest and left. By now the Johnnie-come-latelies have out waited the old guard, I reckon. Of course, some who have waited on CMBO are now also waiting on The Game That May Not Be Named. Poor suffering wretches.
  19. Funnily enough, that was what I had in mind when I posted the above. The lawyerly crap would be a whole lot less large and lawyerly if it needn't mention stuff people should know/figure out by using common sense. Absolutely not meant to be a dig at you, this or the previous post, just an observation that we are our worst enemies sometimes.
  20. It does seem very likely that guy is your great grandfather you are looking for. Wouldn't the regimental museum have more on him?
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