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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I got to admit, some of the pictures are real yummy and go a long way towards assuaging some of my concern about missing features. While in general there's been a shortfall, death animations etc exceed what I was expecting. Kinda nice. Oh gawd, I'm a graphics whore.
  2. And once again people are very interested in the mechanics and disregard the user experience.* It was fun matching armour to gun in CMx1. The excitement of seeing that you juuussst might make it through that Tigers armour. And that's why I play this game, not the mechanics but the experience, the excitement. That fun is lessened with the nebulous info of CMSF. *Sorry, I may have banged this drum before
  3. Ah, forget it. Those I most disagree with are the least worth having a discussion with. Everything is fine and dandy and those that don't agree don't know what they are talking about. Move along, nothing to see here.
  4. IIRC one reason it is done in the current way is that it's tricky for the game to know when to prepare for TOW firing. It doesn't know what you are planning to engage, or when. It's not a mind reader. If it leaves TOW launcher deployment until the moment you assign a fire order against a tank, it is too late. If it deploys automatically prior to a fire order being given, it would often do so when it is unneeded. And a player required toggle is probably too confusing for most players, many of whom would be unaware of the need to do so, or forget to deploy/undeploy at crucial moments. More hassle then it is worth, creating more problems for player along the line.
  5. I hate to see people banned for holding controversial historical viewpoints but I'm also very unappreciative of Steiners consistent line of prattling on about how nice and huggable the Nazi supermen were, happily ignoring the many millions who have died at their murderous hands. The anti-value of his rantings have become to great for me to ignore or tolerate. So I too ask you toss this noxious loon over the side first at the first excuse he gives you. No last warnings for him please.
  6. Yup. While clearly a stop gap measure, it would be something I could get behind. And doesn't seem to be too excessive coding wise. I have the self-restraint not to look at all infantry contacts to see if one of them is, for example, a Shreck team in need of immediate annihilation. But if an AT team rubs their Shreckliness in my face as it does in the current system? Shall I pretend I don't know? That is a lot harder and immersion breaking.
  7. I disagree. The borg spotting was never something I was too worried about. In fact, the new spotting sometimes pisses me off in ways borg spotting never did. But that is another thread altogether. What I dislike about instant ID however, is that it makes the game far too clinical. No fear/hope of what that contact may be or how you must deal with it. An immediate "oh, it's X, I'll deal with that with Y." I'm talking about the emotional hook more then gameplay device. The instant ID is much like watching a horror movie with the sound off.
  8. It's not my experience that the lightly wounded slow down their healthy buddies. Wounded soldiers tend to catch up sooner or later. I'd rather they straggle a bit then that they get taken away altogether.
  9. I don't see why implementing that would be beneficial to the game, to be honest.
  10. Unless BFC have just made the quickest backtrack ever and included flamethowing Sherman Zippos. In which case: Hooray! Probably not though.
  11. Pretty ambivalent about delays now. I like them well enough then, but I'm not sure I could get used to them now. I think in real time play I might not actually be too fond of them. And as mentioned, in some situations it didn't feel right. Such as blindingly obvious acts of immediate action to further self preservation. Driving along a winding road was frustratingly prone to massive order delays.
  12. More importantly, will I be able to see what is going on at all? Night time scenarios are completely unplayable for me during the daylight hours (if you think of making a joke, don't) and even when it gets darker I still find it an unpleasant strain to see what is going on.
  13. Score! What did I win, other then Jagdpanthers in the Brit module?
  14. Pretty sure the Brits faced Jagdpanthers and I would very disappointed to find this very lovely TD missing from the Brit module.
  15. Ah, but ordinance falling on something you haven't spotted will still hit it. So to the engine there already is a difference between what is shown and what is there to be interacted with. One would think that ability can be expanded upon.
  16. I don't think it's entirely fair of you to say that. Considering how often we are told that old features are not on the menu now but are on the mythical 'to do' list (that must now be large enough to cause a slight wobble in the earth's rotation) I don't it is entirely irrational. It's not wildly optimistic to expect features that were in the series 10 years back to be included. Especially not given the spectacular delays that inevitable do raise expectations. Also, Kubelwagens mistaken for Tigers, it's hard not to laugh at that charaterization of the ID system of CMx1. It was nowhere that bad. Roses tinted glasses is preferring the current instant identification of a squads type and organization immediately at any distance over the minor quibbles that plagued the CMx1 system. I do agree with you on the pudding. But until we get to the pudding can we get through the rest of the meal without us sniping at each other?
  17. Are you trying to get us whingers banned? Blaming us for the continued excistence of the MBT... low blow, man, low blow. Curiously, whatever mis-behaviour I get up to around here I justify it with at least not stooping to the level of the Miserable Bastiche Thread.
  18. But can't we have a stop gap measure for the infantry until *cough* you cook up something more sophisticated for everything else? At the moment we are just about told name, rank and serial number of whomever we spot, the second we spot them. From a mile away. CMx1 ID-ing might have had it's flaws, but the current system ain't exactly wowing me.
  19. Go ask MikeyD, who felt the need to drag the conversation down to that level.
  20. health crystals hidden under waterfalls =/= movable waypoints, fires, mis-indentification, random maps etc, etc.
  21. I'm not the only one hoping they are not telling us all the added features then? Does seem too long a wait for what we are said to get. Oh well, QB Cherry Picking will appease me a bit. But so much stuff not going to be included is not really adding to my happiness. So much stuff that I assumed to have only missed inclusion in CMSF because of the pressure to release is not even going to make CM:N three years on. I hope Phillip Culliton can start making his presence felt soon because Combat Mission is starting to fall behind my expectations.
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