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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Experienced players take the Germans? Guess that qualifies me as the Canadians, wich I'd want to play anyway. I would love to.
  2. I keep hoping for different scales for vehicles and guns then infantry. While the vehicles start getting rediculeously big on +2 or higher, it's hard to keep track of infantry below +2 magnification.
  3. One or both of you don't happen to be low on ammo? If one side is nearly out of ammo, the auto ceasfire kicks in too.
  4. It's looking fantastic, first effort or otherwise. Just one thing. IMHO there is a bit much mud/dirt on the upper part of the hull and gunshield.
  5. Foxholes only appear on the first battle of the day. So after a night battle, you get a dawn battle where you can dig in during setup. I would recommend playing humans aswell but for goodness sake play around with the game and it's units first. And even then, your first game is likely to be a horrendous arse kicking. I know mine was.
  6. The achilles heel of just about every tactical/stategy game is that AI does not attack well. Attacks are seldom imaginative. CM is better then most[1] but still a push over for a defender that knows what he's doing. Try Carentan attacking, I think you'll find it a bit harder, even know you know the enemy's force composition. Wasn't the Carentan operation recommended as best played as Allies? If it is, now you know why. [1] The Total War series is the best attacker I've seen so far and the only one I can remember beating CM in regards to attacking AI.
  7. This is a good solution but there is one problem. This way you need to redraw wich units can be displayed each time you change the selected unit. That would mean near continual load times. Better to have a LOS/targeting tool label saying what the current spotting level is from that unit to the spotted unit. Say: Unit spotted/LOS to unit/no LOS. Or perhaps greying and blacking out units based on how their visibilty status is in relation to the selected unit. Would this need loading time?
  8. Well, since no one else is going to mention it, I guess I'll have to. But that sure looks like dust in that pic you got there. Or is it just me?
  9. Photos Schmotos! Who wants them to be realistic? I have quite a penchant for fully kitted out vehicles. The Germans have all kinds of interesting camo schemes later on but the Russians remain boringly green throughout the war so they really need the dressing up. Even if they were lucky to get a paint job at times! :eek: ***Neswflash*** "The recent string of detonations at TV broadcast towers goes on unabated." Many a mod from you graces my HD, and I like them A LOT. I really like the long slogans because the longer they are, the more the mirror image issue is hidden from me. Hey, it's all Russian to me! But honestly great mods, I hope I didn't come across as indifferent because I found them to be very good (as I have come expect from you). They just don't appeal to my tastes of paraphernalia. But keep up the good work! Yup, and the grey one sits proudly among his Grey German panzer friends on my HD. But I have a camoed mod for late 43 onwards wich I just am to weak to resist. {I will preview posts, I will preview posts, I will preview posts, I will preview posts, I will preview posts, I will preview posts.} [ July 29, 2003, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: Tweety ]
  10. They are great, but I'm waiting for someone to dirty up the suckers, add Red stars, slogans and stowage gear. But they are very well done. Liked the German Grey T-34. {edited to specify that I liked them all, I just liked the German T34 enough to install it. } [ July 29, 2003, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Tweety ]
  11. It does work well in JA2. But CM is 100 times more complex. The Tac AI would need serious reprogramming to deal with this change. But it would be worth keeping in mind for the new engine IMO. Great to se there are more JA2 players out there. The Gold Edition really increased the dificulty level and I'm enjoying my battles now more then I did when it was just out.
  12. Still looks like an M3 to me. But thanks, the Stuart was in great need of some dirt.
  13. But do you buy barbed wire or a barbwired position? I would imagine an area barbwired would be cleared to prevent the enemy sneaking in with wirecutters and provide a clear field of fire. It might not be designed as a feauture but I think it's realistic enough to sidestep the 'bug' label. That's my two Eurocents. No refunds!
  14. I think it's a great mod! I particularly like the square firing slit, it's exactly like one near my home. I think it's very good. A greenish hue would be more accurate but I like the look better now. Whatever you do no camo pattern, I haven't seen an actual camo pattern at any of the bunkers (I live in IJmuiden, a significant part of both the Atlantik Wall and Fort Amsterdam) except the E-Boat bunkers. Not sure why because they stand out regardles, those suckers are BIG! {someday I will make a post without dumb typos, it doesn't look like today is that day} [ July 22, 2003, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Tweety ]
  15. DRJonez: The Flak 88 was designed to reach high flying bombers. Thus it was designed to give the shell a real push. With a gun with high muzzle velocity already built in, the Germans wasted little time in manufacturing armour piercing shells for it. With 88mm AP rounds, you'll be firing rounds into the engine block even through the heaviest frontal armour.
  16. You might want to click on the date of the mod not on the filename. You then get some info and a screenshot. There are loads of mod sites but www.cmmods.com is THE mod site.
  17. You couldn't find the Finns in the game? Ofcourse not, they camouflaged themselves didn't they! Duh!
  18. D'oh! I just tried cover arc as a rotate turret command. Hardly ever used it for armor, and only when I wanted to limit hull and turret rotation to a certain arc. I'll be a lot more dangerous with this knowledge. I can now be as dangerous as a fluffy lil' bunny. Thanks JonS. You live and learn, eh? And sometimes not. :eek:
  19. Allow immobilized vehicles to use the rotate command to rotate the turret. Or better yet a rotate turret command. Very usefull in streetfighting in particular. Picture this: A M10 rotates it's turret 90 degrees to the right and then moves onto a crossroads and takes on the armour located down in the side street. As it is now you need to carefully arc your tank into a sidestreet and hope you strike the perfect balance between minimal turret rotation and maneuvre time and ability to haul ass back to cover.
  20. You couldn't perhaps give us a phoenetic approximation of what was said, could you?
  21. Now try running down that hill with full packing and a weapon. Or better, don't try it, it's kinda a one time deal, you WILL break your neck doing it. Let alone a more rugged hill. {you would think I'd manage such a short message without embarrasing typos} [ July 07, 2003, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Tweety ]
  22. And perhaps it's nice to know tanks don't block LOS. So if you are marching your troops behind your tanks or halftracks, the inf will get mauled.
  23. Hehe, what's the trouble? Bothered with me pouring on with the Maxim as your troops inch their way down? I can see it now, walking down the mountain at half normal MOVE speed, and triple FAST speed for running down, but random casualties due to people breaking their necks. Boggin for inf. so to speak. :eek:
  24. Never heard of grenades (or any other kind of explosive used. However bajonets and (pick)axes were used for such a task for interior walls but, if desperate enough also exterior walls. Nades would be impractical and downright dangeous for this purpose. {edited cause I quoted the wrong message} [ July 06, 2003, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Tweety ]
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