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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. The game engine itself is unchanged, it's just eye candy that has been applied. Any mods/missions you add would still work, same as the regular version.
  2. Keep in mind the effect on a rifled barrel that cannister has. Kiss any accuracy goodbye even after a few shots. Apparently the Rusians weren't that bothered about it (what with their infantry killing fixation) but the Brits for example thought AT capability the prime feature of tanks so would think a wonky barrel a bad thing. The US has a more middle of the road approach but since they used cannister for their 37s I assume it wa to make up for it's HE capability. A 75mm would be more capable and not be needing the aditinal boost of cannister for inf. killing. That's what I think, anyway.
  3. This is a very unique situation and one that is better left as is rather than trying to sort out. Basically what has happened is that section 1-2 ended up with 7 active players instead of 6 (too long and complicated to explain how it ended up like that) The game that Michael did not finish was instead finished by a repacement player, but because the Nabla system requires the same name for all 5 scenarios I put in Michael's name for Rearguard action. Again, better to continue with the list you have now. </font>
  4. I might be kicking in the open door, but wouldn't you have, when you install CMBO, a complete list in the scenario/operation selection menus? If you want that list a bit earlier then that you could take it down from the filenames of the scenearios directly from CD. It's so simple I probably missed something in the question.
  5. *possible spoiler for Viller Bocage: Tiger!* I was getting badly trounced playing the Brits, I lost a fair number of tanks already when I managed to sneak a Cromwell to the rear of two tigers shooting the crap out of my poor forces still in the town. I was already full of anticipating joy/bloodlust as my Cromwell moved into view of their rear. Then it backed up. Guess I should have remembered the briefing mentioned there were two gunless HQ tanks in the town, hence two Cromwells equipped with no ammo. Doh!
  6. I believe Tommy Atkins was also the example name given to help fill in a soldiers pay book during The Great War.
  7. What is this anyway? A 'My country is better at being occupied then yours' contest? In wich case those speaking on behalve of the Danes do well to tread carefully.
  8. Hey, so while you lot fight a war of attrition I might just blitz my way through to the playoff? Well, I could if I was any good.
  9. On the whole, if you're driving in a KT and let a T34 (85?)get that close to you, you deserve everything bad that happens.
  10. Errm, just played (and won) my first ROW game as a replacement. And great fun it was. But now what should I do? Should I just wander off to the N00bie corner and wait till I'm poked and proded again or should I get busy writing an AAR to increase points for me or the guy I'm replacing?
  11. this would have ben better placed in the General Discussion forum but what the hades. The van marks you out as almost certainly Dutch or Flemish. The Stone part isn't typically Dutch but that might very well be an Ellis Island bastardisation of something more common.
  12. Better coordination between AI units. Very toughor even impossible to program on a tactical scale. But the AI should be able to decide after suffering losses that today isn't it's day and dig in, hide or run for it. Those squads that keep assaulting through open terrain without any support against whole lines of tanks & stuff is just silly.
  13. I prefer the Brits by far. They have such a wide variety of units. 17pdrs and genuine heavy armor and the 95mm howitser. And the Funnies ofcourse, nothing like nailing a Panther with an AVRE. If only the 25pdr looked and acted like a 25pdr.
  14. What are we talking about, traversing the gun or the gun carriage? As you describe it, it would seem to me to be bloody unlikely to do this, but not impossible.
  15. ... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ...
  16. Well I never call anything less then 5000 points a fight more a skirmish. And until recently I had a very crude campaign CMBB going wich had forces costing 19.000+ a side (I started at 6.000 in 1941 but by 1944 things got better and more expensive) I enjoyed these battles greatly because I could pull out all the stops, tremendous bombardments, large tank formations and multiple infantry waves. The grandiousity was great. I was really getting my jollies. But this was at a price. You get lazy. You tend to rely on firepower and perecentages rather then cunning and carefull planning. And with such massive battles you are prone to loosing track of many a unit. It was very satisfying if not very skillful. But upon reaching june 1944 I switched the German force I was commanding to CMBO and I roughly divided my force by 6 or even less, and chronolgically played all battles and operations with this force (replacing the regular axis force included) I was able to micro manage every little thing, laid my battle plans carefully, eyed the terrain for ages and plotted every move carefully and on playing the turn saw everything wich takes places, not missing a single soldiers death. I found this too very satisfying. I must say for military skill I very much like the small battles best. It's so much better if losing that Firefly means you are all out of Fireflies rather then that you should take more care with those that remain. You just care more for the units you have, much more depends on each individual unit. And tactics go up a notch, too. But I find battles with 500 points a bit restrictive though. 1000 points is pretty much a minimum for me. But every now and then I crave for the big battles. The blunt violence and the sheer scale of fighting is too good to resist. So please by all means create huge battles, I for one will enjoy them greatly. *Blut und Ehre was a real bastard but I did eek out a total victory, not bad for 4 crack Tigers, an elite Jagdpanther and a regular StuH42, a green Sturmkompanie and a 120mm FO. Gloat, gloat.
  17. While you wait for a more knowledgeable person to show up here is my short explanation. Identification is obviously dependent on the quality of the LOS. (is it nigh/day/raining, long way off, obscured by trees and such and quality of the spotting unit and I believe lenght of spotting as well. The spotting itself is a bit more controversial. As it is now say if a AT rifle is hiding 1000 metres away from your tank, that tank is not going to see him. However if another unit of yours is closer to the AT rifle and is in a position to spot it, the tank will immidiatly be aware of it despite it not normally being able to see it. This happens if the spotter and the tank have no radio. Please note, the tank does have LOS to it but it would not realisticly notice it. That's the "Borg Spotting" you've been hearing about. The request is that future engines allow for units radio-ing in the position of spotted units or units responding to firefights with units they don't actually notice. All this with an appropriate delay. That is the short of it.
  18. Redwolf, as Moon stated in the post it features eye and sound candy plus extra scenarios but it's still v1.12 so no, repeat no gameplay changes. Not even the weenie pop-gun MGs. Wouldn't mind receiving the list of mods that were used, though I probably stick to my own set, I got my Commonwealth force looking mighty fine. Really should start finishing the D/L-ing of the Jerry mods. Sod the yanks though, only use them to shoot at! But I especially would like to know the scenarios that are included, because that's what really adds gameplay and man are there some excellent ones out there. Wouldn't want to miss out on any scenarios BFC think worthy of being included.
  19. For shame JasonC! A knowlegable man like you reviewing the Brits and not mentioning the 95mm armed Cromwell or Churchill. A bit inaccurate at long range but deadly versus the heaviest armor closer in. And eats infantry for breakfast. Agree with you tough. The Yanks come of worst in the game, the Brits make it a close run thing for the top spot, but as you point out this depends on you properly assembling your force.
  20. So what are the scenarios you would want to see in CMAK? Aside from the more obvious ones I would like to see the following make it. The fighting for Hunt's Gap in Tunesia, it's scale and balance are just right for CM. The fighting for Fort Capuzzo, not just because I would like to see the Beau Geste type fort. And one unlikely to make it with the release and I'm amazed no-one has mentioned it yet: Dieppe. How great would that be? It's so overlooked because it doesn't fit in with other campaigns/battles but I would so dig hitting the beaches with the Canadians. {edited because I checked the text, not the header} [ April 18, 2003, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Tweety ]
  21. And Rommel wasn't the only one. North Africa is famous for having the other sides stuff in your inventory. Many of the trucks the Commonwealth used were Italian, the Australians tended to fix up any M13s they found and used them (till they broke down again!) This is only natural offcourse because both sides had great difficulty supplying the troops. Espcially vehicles, the Brits had to ship their tanks either around Cape of Good Hope or risk running them down the Mediterrean. For good reason, they chose the long way round. The Germans had to ship their tanks past Malta or fly them in with those big ass Gigant planes. So if you find a fixer-upper you'll get the paint out! The only thing I've noticed is a surprising lack of captured arty being used by the opponent. Is this just a gap in my knowledge or is there another reason?
  22. Well first you better make sure you really need the 1.01 patch by checking the version number of your game in the main menu. I seem to recall (wrongly perhaps) I had 1.01 from the start. Your download rate is very poor, considering your in Sweden and the CDV site is German. Normally Kazaa it slower then a straight download. but have you checked Kazaa for a patch? Atleast the download can be continued at a latr date. Saves a lot on hassle (and money?)with ordering a CDROM from CDV. I'll have 1.02 up, and I'll get 1.01 up on kazaa if you need it. If another Swede or fellow Scandinavian can try putting their patches up as well, you'll even get a better DL rate. Good luck.
  23. I too support a campaign game, because it would slighly increase enjoyment but very much increase longevity of the game. What happens to a game now. even in a long campaign I don't really care about my units. If my Firefly knocks out Tiger after Tiger, so what? I'll finish the game and never see it again. A unit get's toasted, I don't care I'll just have to fight on without it. This doesn't have to be this way. Take X-COm Ufo Defence/Enemy Unknown. Great game and in 1999 when the game took place (made in 1991 I think) I started a game with the rule that gametime progressed no further then real time. With my soldiers fighting, in 2001 I long since could have destroyed the Alien homebase but didn't, just didn't because I wanted to play on. Make my soldiers even better. And in March 2002, my last soldier of the orignal 14 you get at the start got killed. I can tell you I felt sad all week after that. I knew his name, I cared for him, he meant something for me. I was involved with the troops that fought for me. Now THAT's involvement with a game, and I still play it mainly for that reason. I recently stopped playing SP:WAW, and that while I never really liked the game, it was the long campaign that had me hooked. I only need to have BCR-like rules applied to a random map generator and a random opposing force chosen for me, and an engine wich takes experience gained over timer into account. Not for this engine but easy enough to do for CMX2, I would think. Nothing fancy, I don't to win any wars, just be taken through them at vaguely historical settings. Kinda like Talonsofts Westfront allowed you to take a regiment through the war, gaining and loosing experience. And over time, I will care for that tanker that was with my force since the time of Sedan, El Alamein and any fictional skirmish in between. That will not just increase my enjoyment of the game. Realism will be served aswell. Will you needlessly risk the life of that tanker you have known for such a long time, no you won't, because you don't want him to die. Just like a commander in RL. As it is now, I'll send the unit in without even the slightest prospect of survival if it suits my purpose. That's not what I call realistic. So no fancy campaign structure/game, just a sense of continuation from one battle to the next. I'm curious to hear from BFC, what do they think? Ar we preaching to the converted or fighting a lost cause?
  24. I so, so disagree. I like it better then late war. Late war the battlefield is so damn lethal. Everyone can just about kill everyone else. With CMAK I hope to see less lethality, making coordinating your forces even more mandatory. Early war, things can kill tanks or chuck HE, they rarely do both. And vehicles that chuck HE are rare, so you will be integrating fields guns into your forces as an effective unit at last. In 1940, you better choose the right tool for the job or you will have no chance of succes, whereas in (late)1944 just about any unit can make a half-decent stab at any objective. The only thing that has me worried a bit is that the 88s (both Brit and German) may be a bit "uber" but then again, that is when they earned their reputations.
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